I have no control over the price of gas. Why do SC's think that complaining to me the whole time I am pumping their gas and sometimes even after they are done will change anything?
Some of these SC's come in EVERY day, sometimes more than once a day, just to buy a pack of cigarettes. They stand their and b*tch and moan to me about gas prices. When you try to tell them if they buy a CARTON of cigarettes they wouldn't need to drive here to get another pack for a few days they always say they can't afford a carton. But here they are an hour or two later buying a pack of cigarettes and $5 in gas.... an hour or two later another pack and another $5 in gas....
I just don't get it.....I have no control, they do, yet they have to complain to me...
BTW, We went from $3.179 a gallon tuesday to $3.339 wednesday. Major b*tching and moaning. My reply? Sorry only YOU have control, one way is to start cutting back on your gas usage.
Some of these SC's come in EVERY day, sometimes more than once a day, just to buy a pack of cigarettes. They stand their and b*tch and moan to me about gas prices. When you try to tell them if they buy a CARTON of cigarettes they wouldn't need to drive here to get another pack for a few days they always say they can't afford a carton. But here they are an hour or two later buying a pack of cigarettes and $5 in gas.... an hour or two later another pack and another $5 in gas....
I just don't get it.....I have no control, they do, yet they have to complain to me...
BTW, We went from $3.179 a gallon tuesday to $3.339 wednesday. Major b*tching and moaning. My reply? Sorry only YOU have control, one way is to start cutting back on your gas usage.