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Gas prices....

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  • Gas prices....

    I have no control over the price of gas. Why do SC's think that complaining to me the whole time I am pumping their gas and sometimes even after they are done will change anything?

    Some of these SC's come in EVERY day, sometimes more than once a day, just to buy a pack of cigarettes. They stand their and b*tch and moan to me about gas prices. When you try to tell them if they buy a CARTON of cigarettes they wouldn't need to drive here to get another pack for a few days they always say they can't afford a carton. But here they are an hour or two later buying a pack of cigarettes and $5 in gas.... an hour or two later another pack and another $5 in gas....

    I just don't get it.....I have no control, they do, yet they have to complain to me...

    BTW, We went from $3.179 a gallon tuesday to $3.339 wednesday. Major b*tching and moaning. My reply? Sorry only YOU have control, one way is to start cutting back on your gas usage.

  • #2
    One day my local paper had a lead story about high fuel prices. My first customer of the day was an old guy who always buys the paper and an iced coffee. His comment "That's bullshit, how come they don't complain about prices of everything else going up? Why single out petrol?"


    • #3
      It was $2.99 last time I got gas...
      "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


      • #4
        Actually, to boil it all down, its Americans gouging Americans. Blame OPEC. Did you know that the billilons Exxon has to pay for the Valdez spill is equal to two weeks of their PROFITS???? And they're bitching about having to pay and trying to get it lowered STILL....... do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

        Chickens are Asexual!


        • #5
          While I am on the topic of gas prices...

          About a year ago when gas kept going up and up the local paper and TV news would show up now and then to try and interview my boss, us, and the customers. I was told to always tell them we were not interested but they could do what they wished BUT had to stay off our lot since its VERY small.

          One day a Pittsburgh TV station came to the station and asked for the owner/my boss. I told him we were not interested and to please leave. He said but... I said hey man the owner said he wasnt interested in chatting with the news please leave.

          He left but an half hour later someone came in and said the TV station was at the gas station down the street selling the gas for $0.999 a gallon. I felt bad but also remembered there was only TWO of us working that day. The guy outside would have been screwed royally. I told the owner/boss the next day and he didnt seem to upset.

          Yes it would have been a major mess, 2 pumps(4 nozzles/can do 4 cars at the same time), one gas pumper pumping the gas and collecting the money, and a very small lot. We would have shut down a major street with cars looking to buy gas...


          • #6
            The thing I think is insane about gas is that it goes up 30 cents in one shot, but it goes down in 2 or 3 cent intervals.

            When I started driving (1998): 12 gallon tank = about 15 dollars to fill up from almost empty.
            Tuesday night: 16 gallon tank = 30 dollars to fill from 1/2 full.
            This past weekend: 19 gallon tank = 20 dollars to fill from 3/4 full.

            Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


            • #7
              I feel old. When I started driving, 12 gallons would have cost around $10.


              • #8
                The secret to saving at the pump

                Whenever I go to the gas station to get gas I rarely pay more than $25.00. How you may ask? It's simple. I wait until my gas indicator is at the halfway point before filling up. I NEVER let it go all the way to empty.
                So that lasts me a good 2 weeks before it gets at the halfway point again before filling up.
                PLUS it helps that where I live most of the places that I need to get to are within walking distance.
                I don't bitch about gas prices. Why bother when the government doesn't give a shit if you pay 56 cents a gallon or $5.00 a gallon?
                Seems to me if they keep raising prices that sooner or later people will stop driving & when they do that's when the oil companies will raise holy hell cause it'll affect their profit margins. & that's when the price will have to come down-whether they like it or not.
                I see gas prices topping out at $5.00 a gallon before they start to drop back to more sensible levels.


                • #9
                  I used to be upset whenever I got gas, until I did profit and loss statements for a chain of gas stations. Gas stations are lucky if they make 1% profit on gas. If people are going to be upset, they should be upset about the 70% profit margin that gas stations makes off of novelty items.


                  • #10
                    Gas price increases affect the prices of everything. My store has held off on increasing the price on items up until a couple of weeks ago when the distributor basically forced them to and most items have increased at least $.10, some almost $.60. Some customers have been bitching about the increase in prices like it's our fault, when there's nothing we can do about.

                    Probably the worse price increases have been on bread and baked goods because of the increased price of wheat due to ethanol. Eggs and milk have also gone up too. Blame election year politics and the need to increase farm subsidies. I'm a sincere believe that if there weren't farm subsidies, milk would be $.50 to $.75 cheaper and eggs would be at least $.50 cheaper.


                    • #11
                      Whats wrong with these people? Not only are they wasting gas and gripping about it but dont they know that a carton is cheaper then a single pack (unless you have a two for one promotion.)


                      • #12
                        Right now, the lowest I have found in Palm Beach County is $3.269 per gallon at the local Hess. However, the Chevron nearby is at $3.359 and the BP at $3.339, so I am sure Hess will follow suit very soon.

                        What gets me in this story is the part about getting $5 worth of gas. Last time I looked, that barely gets you anywhere these days. Maybe if people like who you mentioned in your story would have more gas money if they weren't so into their smokes. Or, buy two packs of smokes instead of one at a time, and they wouldn't be burning so much gas.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Dorath View Post
                          I feel old. When I started driving, 12 gallons would have cost around $10.
                          I feel really old. I remember gas starting at 19 or 20 cents a gallon
                          I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                          -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                          "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                          • #14
                            Quoth greensinestro View Post
                            What gets me in this story is the part about getting $5 worth of gas. Last time I looked, that barely gets you anywhere these days.
                            We have people that come in all day and night getting $1 to $5 each time.. ALL NIGHT LONG!#@!$#!@ Pisses us off..


                            • #15
                              One of the reasons I don't have my own car. Gas prices. Now, I don't complain about them, much, and never to the employees because I used to work at a gas station.

                              Quoth iviles View Post
                              dont they know that a carton is cheaper then a single pack (unless you have a two for one promotion.)
                              Not everywhere. I have yet to find a place in Essex/Passaic/Bergen County that sells cartons at a reduced price per pack. vs. single packs.
                              Unseen but seeing
                              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                              3rd shift needs love, too
                              RIP, mo bhrionglóid

