For the longest time the phone number my grandparents number was 1 digit off from unemployment. And the last 2 numbers were reversed for the local planned parenthood. LOT of wrong numbers.
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Wrong Number
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lets see - my phone number gems . . . .
A fast food resturant's number was almost the same as ours while I was growing up . . . 123 4567 vs 132 4567
We would get calls for people placing orders and looking for staff. I enjoyed the people who would use redial instead of trying to dial again.
Or they would insist that _____ was working and if I knew what was good for me I would but that idiot on the phone. They honestly didn't believe that they were not calling the correct number.
When we switched to area code plus seven the calls stopped.
Now we have a number similar to a Pharmacy that specializes in speaking another language. (I think Polish) Of course it is the Senior Citizens that moved here late in life and know little to no English (I have no issues with those of a certain age not learning English when the family moves them here) I don't know what they are speaking . . . and they don't understand me . . .I feel bad and want to help them . . .but have a communication barrier.
Then we have my sister whose number also ended in 911. On more than one occassion Mom and I called (at different times) and the phone ignored the first 7 digits (3 for area code and first 4 of number) and called 911.
911 helped us get the phone company to change her number.
m: Hello (my company).
lk: How do you get red crayon out of a couch?
m: I'm sorry?
lk: I crushed crayon into my mom's white couch, and she's gonna kill me!
m: I'm sorry you have the wrong number.
lk: She's coming home in half an hour!
m: This is (my company).
lk: What am I gonna do?
m: I don't know. Good luck.I was not hired to respond to those voices.
Wrong number
Our number is similar to the local taxi firms number, you can just guess who gets woken up in the middle of the night by drunks wanting a taxi, sometimes I swear at them and sometimes I say sure its on its way - depending on how awake I am at the time
Quoth wagegoth View PostWD-40 is good for getting crayon out of fabric. But it could discolor a white couch. Poor kid. Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
"Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
Hoc spatio locantur.
Quoth rae6684 View PostOur number is similar to the local taxi firms number, you can just guess who gets woken up in the middle of the night by drunks wanting a taxi, sometimes I swear at them and sometimes I say sure its on its way - depending on how awake I am at the time
Someone must have written down my number on business cards or something. It never happened again after that night, but it was damned irritating.
Speaking of spilling things on furniture... Shortly after my parents had their family room redone (new paint, new shelving, TV cabinet, carpet, etc.) my mother said she'd kick my ass if I spilled any model-related stuff on the floor. So needless to say, I did most of my model-building in the basement, or at Grandma's. Imagine my surprise as we're watching TV one night, and my mother is doing her nails, and had the polish bottle sitting on the floor. You all can guess what happened, and yes, I did give her a hard time about itThat was a few years ago, and there's still a red spot on the floor. After that she didn't say a thing when I spent all of that New Year's working on various projects while watching TV in there
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari
I get that a lot at home! it would seem that my home number is very similar to the local car wash phone number because we are always getting calls for people asking us if we are open..
I am always tempted to say, "We sure are! Come on down and tell them Jim sent you, they'll give you 50% off"
mostly though my boyfriend and I just tell them sorry wrong number...."You're perfect yes it's true, but without meeeee you're only you!"
Our number at work used to (long time ago) belong to a window company, who gave lifetime warranty on their product and then went out of business.
Every time it rains............
Me: "XXX locksmiths, can I help you?
SC: My windows are leaking!
Me: You have the wrong number.
Sc: They have a lifetime waranty!
Me: Mam/sir this is a locksmiths Co!
SC: This is the number I have for Acme windows
Me: I believe they went out of business
SC: So can you warranty my windows?
Me: NO! *click*
A few have actually called back whining: "But what about my windows?.... How do I get a hold of them? Where are they now? .... etc.....
I just tell them to call the local BBB
"Gimme their number"
I got this gem last week:
Her: Hey, this is XXXX at the hospital.
Me: I'm sorry...
Her: At the (my town) hospital!
Me: Ummm...
Her: I got someone tha you need to come get.
Me: (Thinking maybe someone got sent to the hospital... I dunno) Okay, let me see what I can find out...
Her: Wait, who is this?
Me: This is blankity blank blank company.
Her: Ohhhhh! I thought I was calling the ambulance!
She had a laugh about it. I almost wonder if someone didn't give her our number as a joke.
Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View PostWhose blood is that?
How did it happen?
How bad is *insert name* hurt?
How long ago did this happen?
and How many times do I have to tell you NOT to play with knives in the house?
...we were swinging the golf clubs trying to get the to spark off rocks....
He/she/IT stopped bleeding, at least. I gave him/her/IT a band-aid.
....................................about 5 years ago.................
Last count? I dunno, but you told me yesterday, too!Last edited by Ree; 04-26-2008, 06:42 PM.Now a member of that alien race called Management.
Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.
This family has a similar ph. number to mine (ie, my ends with 55, their's end with 56). We get people calling asking for Five, Eight, Ten, and we tell them they are calling the wrong number. There is usually a disapointed "oh". One time this lawyer calls, telling me he his calling back. Since he has the same accent as the other family, I imagine he was calling them (not just a random wrong number).
He says: Well, you left this message on my machine and I'm calling back.
I tell him: I didn't call you. I know I havn't called anyone but relatives today."
He says: I'm returning your call!
I tell him: you call the wrong number.
Also, does my accent sound the same as the people of the other family? Did you not notice my accent is diff. from whose ever voice on the machine?
I never bother telling the right number, since they will still argue, like it's my fault they ring the wrong number.Last edited by depechemodefan; 04-26-2008, 10:27 PM.Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.
Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.
I wish porn had subtitles.
Quoth cinema guy View PostIsn't the amulance 911? (or 999?)Sometimes life is altered.
Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
Uneasy with confrontation.
Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right