Jesus, this happened a few hours ago and I'm still feeling pretty damn riled about it.
JUST been to the hospital to visit my grandmother, I'm not feeling particularly fantastic, so I go to the pub (my local - I know the owners, and I know the bar staff. We're all pretty good friends). I'm having a few games of pool with my girlfriend, and there's this old drunk guy sitting near the pool table being abusive to her, just foul language, while I grab my cue from the bar. Annoying, and grounds to have him kicked out, but we figured we'd ignore him, and he'd get bored and wander off like most drunks do.
Next thing I know, I'm hearing him (in between his chronic bouts of foul language) muttering under his breath about 'cross dressing' and 'is that a fscking guy or a girl?' I've been used to this kind of thing for years, ever since I grew my hair long, (oh, and I've recently taken to wearing skirts) so again, it's beneath me. I just think, yeah, guy in a skirt, it's called change. Get used to it and stop wearing yourself as a hat.
Anyway, I'm about to take my shot when my girlfriend, looking past me yells at the guy. I look up (I'd seen him move from the corner of my eye) and he's standing behind me, muttering again. I look at my girlfriend, and she tells me the guy went to kick me.

Seriously? Is this guy so insecure in his world that his masculinity is threatened by the fact that I'm comfortable wearing a skirt?
So we get the barman (M) to throw him out (he was counting his till at the time and didn't see it happen). Turns out the guy's been warned three times already for talking shit at other customers, but every time before he's calmed down after a talking to. M's had enough. Tells the guy to drink up and get out. Guy starts mumbling, saying he hasn't done anything, so M tells him forget the drink, just get out. As I'm taking my next shot, I'm keeping an eye on the guy, and lo and behold, as he walks by while being escorted out, he jumps on me. M dragged him off almost before I could react (not that the guy would have been capable of anything anyway, he was old, barely came up to my shoulder, and off his face) but I'm still grateful to M for having my back and for just doing his job properly.
Needless to say that guy won't be coming back for a long time.
JUST been to the hospital to visit my grandmother, I'm not feeling particularly fantastic, so I go to the pub (my local - I know the owners, and I know the bar staff. We're all pretty good friends). I'm having a few games of pool with my girlfriend, and there's this old drunk guy sitting near the pool table being abusive to her, just foul language, while I grab my cue from the bar. Annoying, and grounds to have him kicked out, but we figured we'd ignore him, and he'd get bored and wander off like most drunks do.
Next thing I know, I'm hearing him (in between his chronic bouts of foul language) muttering under his breath about 'cross dressing' and 'is that a fscking guy or a girl?' I've been used to this kind of thing for years, ever since I grew my hair long, (oh, and I've recently taken to wearing skirts) so again, it's beneath me. I just think, yeah, guy in a skirt, it's called change. Get used to it and stop wearing yourself as a hat.
Anyway, I'm about to take my shot when my girlfriend, looking past me yells at the guy. I look up (I'd seen him move from the corner of my eye) and he's standing behind me, muttering again. I look at my girlfriend, and she tells me the guy went to kick me.

Seriously? Is this guy so insecure in his world that his masculinity is threatened by the fact that I'm comfortable wearing a skirt?
So we get the barman (M) to throw him out (he was counting his till at the time and didn't see it happen). Turns out the guy's been warned three times already for talking shit at other customers, but every time before he's calmed down after a talking to. M's had enough. Tells the guy to drink up and get out. Guy starts mumbling, saying he hasn't done anything, so M tells him forget the drink, just get out. As I'm taking my next shot, I'm keeping an eye on the guy, and lo and behold, as he walks by while being escorted out, he jumps on me. M dragged him off almost before I could react (not that the guy would have been capable of anything anyway, he was old, barely came up to my shoulder, and off his face) but I'm still grateful to M for having my back and for just doing his job properly.
Needless to say that guy won't be coming back for a long time.