Bah, I've seen this before. You can actually watch the process as these wasted sperm work their way up into hostility.
Basically, he sees something he doesn't like, be it a gay couple, punker, race different than his, or... in your case, guy in a skirt.
Now, right off the bat, their highly developed redneck morality informs them that this is wrong, but initially he's not offended enough to take action (Unless he's truly extreme, which generally just means he's done all the workup beforehand).
However, as redneck wisdom goes, if you aren't offended enough by something to take action (Basically, kicking the ass of the person who offended you), then you aren't really offended. And if you're not really offended, then you must actually like something. Which would make him gay (Oddly enough, even RACIAL offense seems to boil down to this, with what passes for his morality sitting on his shoulder telling him 'Well, if you like <Insert race here> so much, why don't you MARRY the guy!')
So, he starts talking himself up. Usually, because inner monologues are difficult, he mutters out loud. If he's with buddies, it goes faster, as well as if he's drunk. First he convinces himself he could kick the individual's ass. Then he convinces himself he SHOULD. Finally, he convinces himself that everyone else feels the same way, and will come to his aid should things go sour.
At which point, he gets up, and generally does something stupid.
As for wearing a skirt... whatever you find comfortable. I'd never wear one, because I have horrible, horrible legs... I don't even wear shorts
People take way too much interest and offense in things that don't impact them and are none of their business.
Basically, he sees something he doesn't like, be it a gay couple, punker, race different than his, or... in your case, guy in a skirt.
Now, right off the bat, their highly developed redneck morality informs them that this is wrong, but initially he's not offended enough to take action (Unless he's truly extreme, which generally just means he's done all the workup beforehand).
However, as redneck wisdom goes, if you aren't offended enough by something to take action (Basically, kicking the ass of the person who offended you), then you aren't really offended. And if you're not really offended, then you must actually like something. Which would make him gay (Oddly enough, even RACIAL offense seems to boil down to this, with what passes for his morality sitting on his shoulder telling him 'Well, if you like <Insert race here> so much, why don't you MARRY the guy!')
So, he starts talking himself up. Usually, because inner monologues are difficult, he mutters out loud. If he's with buddies, it goes faster, as well as if he's drunk. First he convinces himself he could kick the individual's ass. Then he convinces himself he SHOULD. Finally, he convinces himself that everyone else feels the same way, and will come to his aid should things go sour.
At which point, he gets up, and generally does something stupid.
As for wearing a skirt... whatever you find comfortable. I'd never wear one, because I have horrible, horrible legs... I don't even wear shorts
