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Tenants and their stupid Sense of Entitlement

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  • Tenants and their stupid Sense of Entitlement

    Ok, can I just gripe for a moment about this generation of stupid ass, bratty kids and their sense of entitlement?? We own seven buildings along the same street and the parking is behind it for all of the tenants. There is very limited parking, so if there are two girls living in a one bedroom, they only get one hang tag, and thus one parking spot in that back lot. We make them sign and initial to that effect on their lease, stating that they understand that if they are parked in the lot without a hang tag, they will be towed without notification. With me so far? So this morning one of the tenants comes in and says he is blocked in by someone who doesn't have a hang tag and he is going to be late for work because of it. So my boss X goes back there to see if he can figure out whose vehicle it is. Now because 1. she doesn't have a hang tag and 2. she's actually blocking someone else's vehicle in, X has every right to tow that vehicle without telling her. But he hates doing that so he figured out whose car it was and went up to her apartment and knocked on the door to ask her to move it and tell her she can't park back there at all without a hang tag. Is she gracious that he warned her instead of having the vehicle towed and costing her money? Of course not! Instead she starts screaming at him in the hallway about what a dick he is and that X company sucks and she is never renting from us again! Her reasons why she is parked back there- She works 14 hours a day (and that is our problem how?? and how does that make it ok to block in the guy who only works 9 hours a day?) Her roommate couldn't find a parking spot back there (Yeah because you probably took it!) Everybody else parks back there without a hangtag (oh please jump off that proverbial bridge....) And on and on. Long story short, he tells her she has five minutes to move it or else he's going to tow it and this will be her only warning about parking back there. He walks away listening to her screaming about how she going to hear from her mother and that she'll be down to our office later to tell us how it's going to be! WHAT?!?!?!?! So we are expecting a phone call from her mom about what a$$holes we are and how badly we treated her precious daughter. We shall see. What a b*tch.
    Last edited by shenzee; 09-08-2006, 01:56 PM. Reason: Mispelled word
    Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.

  • #2
    At least you didn't do something like simply breaking the window, throwing the car into neutral and pushing it out of the way... I've seen people do that if the car owner refuses to move the POS...
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


    • #3
      Too bad she can't park back there anymore... Well, since we all know she'll try parking there again, maybe someone else who lives there, and actually HAS a hang tag, could block HER car in and see how SHE likes it.

      I'm not nice.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        I second Becky's idea


        • #5
          Unfortunately, psycho girl will probably perform protege's idea upon the vehicle.


          • #6
            The Boss and I once pushed a car that was parked inconsiderately into the middle of a usually busy parking area. They'd decided to park directly in the middle of the entrance to the rear-of-shops parking area - the only entrance to that. Of course, there were plenty of parking spaces everywhere around. We were surprised the handbrake was so loose.



            • #7
              Any update about psychos mommy? Was the car actually towed, or did she get her lazy *** down there to move it?


              • #8
                That drives me nuts, in our last apartment we lived in also had very limited parking, one per apartment (and no, not vehicle!) The spaces were even marked, we lived in #5, so there was a big yellow 5 in our spot. We only had one vehicle, so this wasn't a biggy for us. We even told our guests to park out on the street, which they did.

                The people above us? Oh, they were too good for a single parking spot, including their guests. I've had to go up there a few times and ask them to move their stupid vehicle (which they did, usually it was a guests car). Then other tenants would simply park in whatever empty spot (of empty apartment) there would be - which, again, I think is rude, because I don't think one apartment should be entitled for two spots just because their neighboring apt. is empty, everyone else (mostly) uses one spot.

                We got out of the apartments though, mostly because the people above us and next to us (and I think diagonally as well) were all friends and often partied, stomping up and down the stairs and bouncing off the walls...

                We've got a house, so now we've got plenty of parking.
                This area is left blank for a reason.


                • #9
                  I had this one car who parked in my spot while his spot was one to the left of mine! I told the apartment management and they did nothing for like three days. Finally one day it was moved but it made me mad that I had to park a mile away because some idiot parked in my spot.

                  And to that girl-- I wouldn't have given any warning, I'd just tow the damn car. I have low tolerance for rude and ignorant people. "My mommy is gonna be mad!" That's disgusting. That sounds like a little whiny five year old. She needs to grow up.


                  • #10
                    Anyone familiar with Bill Cosby's stand up years ago??!?!? "I'm going to tell mmmoooooommmmm on yyyyoooouuuuu!!"

                    What a little bitch! The company I work for has one service provider that does tow aways and we get apartment complexes calling every so often for us to tow the vehicle cost nearly 100 bucks to get your vehicle back! I bet mommy would've paid for it though.
                    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                    • #11
                      Quoth Anakah View Post
                      And to that girl-- I wouldn't have given any warning, I'd just tow the damn car. I have low tolerance for rude and ignorant people. "My mommy is gonna be mad!" That's disgusting. That sounds like a little whiny five year old. She needs to grow up.
                      That sounds like what I'd do to people if given the chance. Where I'm living now, there's a school about 2 blocks away. Several of the neighbors have told me that whenever the school has a function, good luck in being able to get out of the driveway--I've heard horror stories of idiots actually parking in residents' driveways, or simply blocking them. And yes, I do plan on having the cars towed--in my borough not only do you get a traffic ticket, but you have to pay to get your car back.
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #12
                        Quoth protege View Post
                        That sounds like what I'd do to people if given the chance. Where I'm living now, there's a school about 2 blocks away. Several of the neighbors have told me that whenever the school has a function, good luck in being able to get out of the driveway--I've heard horror stories of idiots actually parking in residents' driveways, or simply blocking them.
                        My dad lives in one of those small "If you blink, you'll miss it" towns. Unfortunately, he also lives right across the street from the church, and he used to have the same problem on Sunday mornings. I don't think anyone ever actually parked in or across our driveway, but I do remember him complaining that they parked so close to it, that it was almost impossible to get out without hitting the other car.

                        I did see a story in one of the columns in the paper awhile back about someone who solved the problem of people parking in front of his driveway once and for all.

                        Apparently, it was the same guy, who always did it at around the same time on the same day of every week. So the homeowner left his car out of the driveway that day, and waited for the other guy to park in front of his driveway. When he did, he parked his car right in front of the other one, and then parked another car, which he had borrowed from his mother, right behind the other car, so the guy wouldn't be able to get out.

                        At some point, the guy came knocking and asked him to move his car so he could get out, and he said, "Sure, no problem! I'll be out in a minute." Well, a "minute" turned into a couple hours while he took care of a few chores. When he finally moved the car, the other guy took off like a bat out of hell, and never parked there again.

                        I would have loved to see that.
                        Sometimes life is altered.
                        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                        Uneasy with confrontation.
                        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                        • #13
                          wow that must be nice
                          i live right across from a high school when im not in college
                          they used to park all along our road leaving almost no room to get in or not, dunno if they blocked drive ways, but nothing could be done except getting the county to post no parking during school hours signs which only results in a ticket if the cops are called


                          • #14
                            Quoth MadMike View Post
                            I did see a story in one of the columns in the paper awhile back about someone who solved the problem of people parking in front of his driveway once and for all. <snip>
                            I live on a narrow dirt road with not-so-ample parking and we did something similar to a car parking IN our driveway. It was always guests of neighbors who though it was OK to use our driveway if we weren't home. They figured if we came home, we could just ask them to move.

                            Problem is that asking people to move so that we could use our own property is a waste of our time. If it happens now and then, eh. But, with these people it was a daily occurance. Not to mention having to make a trip over to knock on their door in bad weather got us wetter or colder than we needed to be.

                            So one very cold and rainy night we blocked the neighbor's guest in and went inside. I believe he had to wait a few hours and make about four trips to our door in the pouring rain before he finally was able to leave.

                            It never happened again, but that neighbor did stop speaking to us. We were so crushed.
                            Last edited by Dips; 09-13-2006, 07:34 PM.
                            The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                            The stupid is strong with this one.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Dips View Post
                              Problem is that asking people to move so that we could use our own property is a waste of our time. If it happens now and then, eh. But, with these people it was a daily occurance. Not to mention having to make a trip over to knock on their door in bad weather got us wetter or colder than we needed to be.
                              I know *exactly* where you're coming from. Up until this past summer, my grandmother had a problem like that. Directly across the highway from her house, is a large field. Nearly every evening, some stupid redneck (or group of rednecks) would park their car in her driveway...and sit there watching the deer grazing in the field. Now, my grandmother is nearly 90, and it kinda frightens her, and would annoy the hell out of her if she wanted to get out.

                              Rather than deal with those idiots, she would just call the neighbor. Now, her neighbor is a pretty nice guy, but he's not someone you want to piss off...especially when there's plenty of pasture to hide bodies Usually, he'd ask the people to leave, and they would. However, if they wouldn't, we'd simply call the police.

                              Of course if Grandpa was still alive, he wouldn't have tolerated that. He probably would have simply grabbed his shotgun, and fired a few "warning shots."
                              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

