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Phony Raincheck

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  • #16
    Our raincheques only last for 2 weeks, which apparently no customer knows. Then they proceed to bitch and moan because they didn't realize that it would expire. Hello people, it's printed in bright blue on the freaking thing!


    • #17
      I have never worked in a store with rainchecks

      we did however had dated catalogues that customers conviently cut out the individual item on

      to studpid to consider the possibility that we would have the current catalogue on display at about 100 different places around the checkouts!!

      didnt stop a man arguing with me and 3 other managers about the fact that dated catalogues are just that... good only for the DATES stated on them.
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #18
        Quoth Cygnata View Post
        El Barto, we have a simaler scammer. Someone stole a pad of rainchecks a year ago, and tried using them. Didn't work, but we never got the pad back.

        Last week, someone tried using one of the forged rainchecks to buy an $8 carton of ciggarettes. However, they made three mistakes.

        * The price was rediculously low,
        * The raincheck was dated for a year ago, with the cashier's initials misspelled,
        * And they presented it to one of my managers, who KNOWS rainchecks on cigarettes are illegal.

        They argued for a while and left. We couldn't do more than keep the raincheck, since we had no proof that they were the theives. If I remember correctly, El Barto, you're not THAT far away.

        Maybe we got hit by the same scammer, and they went to your store in hopes that the word hadn't spread until the heat was off in ours?
        Our guy isn't that stupid. He writes in prices and quantities that seem reasonable. I think he has a few real rainchecks too, he's gotten pretty good at forging the signatures of a couple of our employees. I think his pad ran out though, I haven't seen him use a raincheck in a while.

        OT: BTW, how long did it take your store to run out of the Bounty Basic that was on sale? We went through a whole pallet Sunday and I had to deal with a load of pissed off customers today, and a lot of them left with rainchecks, which means I have to deal with them again.
        Last edited by El Barto; 01-02-2007, 04:32 AM.
        "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." - Anonymous

        "I thought I'd get your theories, mock them, then embrace my own. The usual." - Dr. House


        • #19
          We used to have rainchecks that the customer service folks filled out, with carbon copies to keep on record. Now they enter the info into a computer and get a print out. Snazzy. I can't wait to use mine for soda.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #20
            Fortunately, I haven't worked in stores that issue rainchecks. But I have dealt with people who steal frequent shopper cards- you know, the ones that get a punch out, or a stamp, or a sticker. We had one lady who stole (or knew a dirt-bag employee at another location) an entire stack of frequent shopper cards, plus the puncher. She punched the cards full and brought like 15 of them into the store. She bought a whole ton of merchandise with the card coupons and then tried to return it for cash. (she cut off the part of the receipt that shows what method of payment was used). Thankfully, the managers were smart- they pulled up her transactions in the computer and caught on to what she was doing. The company wouldn't ban her from shopping there, but at least she only got store credit- no cash back. This woman did this multiple times- I would think she would have been smart enough to leave the first time she got caught...but scammers have no shame I suppose. Since then, the company has gone electronic, so hopefully that'll put a damper on that crap.
            I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

