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You're welcome, b@#$% (Long)

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  • You're welcome, b@#$% (Long)

    So yesterday I was in the department when the phone rang. I picked up, it was another Wal-Mart from a few miles away. It was the store manager from a few miles away. They had a customer who wanted a particular treadmill that they were out of and and apparantly so was every other store in the area. We had three of them as it turned out. After going into painstaking detail to make sure it was what she wanted ( model #, UPC, price), they ask me to hold one. I say sure, planning on just leraving it in the dept as I doubt we would sell all three by the time the customer got there. The SM says no good, I have to put it up front at Customer Service so that no one buys it, because apparantly that had happened at their store. The customer talks to me and also insists that I do that too. So I agree. The customer says she is on her way.

    Because we were short-handed I ended up taking the treadmill up front an hour later, and no one had shown up yet. After convincing the girls up there to let me keep it up there, despite the fact that people could trip on the damn thing, they let me do it. 2:00 pm, TWO hours later, one calls me up and says that no one has come yet, and I need to move it. I agree, go up front, and take it back to Layaway. TEN minutes after I do this the phone rings again the conversation goes like this:
    ME: me
    SC: sucky customer

    SC: Hello is this Rocko?
    ME: yes
    SC: This is ***** from earlier, I am on my way to pick up my treadmill. Is it still up front?
    ME:No it's in the back by layaway, but it's still here

    Oops, wrong thing to say

    SC: Why did you move it?
    ME: Huh?
    SC: Why did you move it? I want to speak to a manager. The other store manager told you to leave it up front why did you move it Rocko?
    ME: It was up there for two hours and people were almost tripping over it.
    SC: Look I have a driver charging me by the hour. I want that treadmill up front when I get there. I'll be there in 10 minutes

    Now at this point I was pissed. Getting yelled at for doing my job never gets me in a happy mood. So I take the damn thing back up front and wait... and wait... and wait... 10 minutes away my ass. Finally she comes in twelve minutes before my fifth hour (I have to take my lunch by my fifth hour on the clock or I get written up), she thanks me, tells me that she's been all over looking for the damn thing, and buys it. We go outside, there is no car in the loading zone. She calls someone, I hear her say, "Oh so it'll be awhile before you get to X Road" I ask the other guy if he can handle it, he says yeah, and I go clock out 2 minutes before I get written up. Her ride apparantly came later, but I never saw it.

    Sorry if it was long, but it really pissed me off getting yelled at.

  • #2
    What a self centered twat!

    You handled yourself well. I would have been furious. WTF does it matter if it's in the front or back when she gets there?!? It'll be at her house at the end of the day, so who cares!

    And I can't STAND when they start calling me by my name, as if I'm going to be intimidated or cry or something. So obnoxious!
    "This is the first time I've seen you look ugly, and that makes me happy!"


    • #3
      Actually, I was furious. I wasn't yelling, per se, but I was far from quiet. Good thing I actually had put it in the back room because it was a few profanity-laden minutes before I took the thing up front. And the whole reason for her obsessive trek for it? It was discontinued, so it was clearanced out for about $100 less than it usually is. Now, I can understand wanting the discount, would probably have done something similar myself if it was something I really wanted, but the people who are willing to move heaven and earth to get a discount like that always get to me.


      • #4
        (*BOOM* Damn it!)

        Explain this to me:

        So bitch gets her treadmill at the discounted, discontinued price but is paying a driver BY THE HOUR to come and pick up said discounted treadmill?!?!?!!?!?!?

        After tax and driver pay - how much of a discount did she really get??!?!?!

        I had this b/f who had this CRAZY mother (same one that fell off the roof in another post regarding hospitals on here somewhere)

        The woman would buy 10 of one item because if she bought 10 of said item it made it cheaper. BUT SHE DIDN'T NEED 10 OF THAT ITEM.

        Example - the time she bought 10 flashlights. One flashlight was X amt of dollars but 10 flashlights made each flashlight a few dimes cheaper than one flashlight by itself! BUT SHE DIDN'T NEED 10 FLASHLIGHTS.

        I am running out of things to clean up the mess from my head continually exploding today. Plus, all the brain bits are getting harder to clean from deep inside the keyboard!
        Last edited by friendofjimmyk; 09-18-2006, 07:20 PM.
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
          After tax and driver pay - how much of a discount did she really get??!?!?!
          It's the same thing with buying some things online, with E-bay being the worst for this. You want an item that costs 10.00 everywhere in your town, but you can buy it online for 8.50. Great deal! You buy said item, pay 5.00 for shipping, and then you get to brag about how you paid less than everybody else. No, you actually paid 3.50 more than everybody else. It's sad when you think about it.

          My little theory is that people laser-beam focus on how much money they're "saving" by purchasing in bulk (even if lots of it gets thrown away or never used), buying online (even though frequently the shipping more than wipes out anything you're saving), or driving across town (even though the gas burned wipes out any savings) so they can brag to their friends/family/strangers how much they saved and what a savvy consumer they are.

          Meanwhile, the person they bought it from on the internet is all the way to the bank...
          ...don't you know the first law of physics? "Anything that's fun costs at least $8.00."
          - Cartman


          • #6
            Buying in bulk to save money is a great idea. For things like toilet paper. You'll use it eventually. Torches? Not so much.

            The woman was a hag. Where TF was her "paid by the hour" driver when you wanted to load the thing up? She was not paying for a driver at all.

            Bet you dollars to dimes you still had both of the other ones in store the entire time, too.


            • #7
              You just reminded me of an Ebay auction a friend pointed out to me. A guy had some Sharpe DVD collections for sale. You could buy them instantly from him at £19.95, or bid on some he started at £15.

              The bids went up and the winner paid £35.

              Just think about the 'buy me now' price...



              • #8
                Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                I am running out of things to clean up the mess from my head continually exploding today. Plus, all the brain bits are getting harder to clean from deep inside the keyboard!
                Good thing keyboards are only $5 at Fry's.
                (Actually, I should probably replace mine sometime soon. I have keys with no visible letter remaining.)
                "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                • #9
                  So. . . did she look like she needed the treadmill? Was it too hard for her to walk across the store to layaway to pick it up . .?
                  This area is left blank for a reason.


                  • #10
                    And now we know why some stores don't hold ANYTHING for ANYONE for any amount of time, unless it's in layaway (where applicable).
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #11
                      Quoth phillippbo View Post
                      It's the same thing with buying some things online, with E-bay being the worst for this. You want an item that costs 10.00 everywhere in your town, but you can buy it online for 8.50. Great deal! You buy said item, pay 5.00 for shipping, and then you get to brag about how you paid less than everybody else. No, you actually paid 3.50 more than everybody else. It's sad when you think about it.
                      That's because people simply look at the product costs. They're too stupid to factor in the shipping What bugs me are the people who put up brand-new model kits as "rare" and then start the bidding at the price they paid for it. As a result, many of those kits go for nearly *twice* what they would have cost in the store! That reason alone is why I never buy plastic models from Ebay...unless it's an older (that is, no longer in production) kit, or I get a helluva deal.

                      For example, the last kit I bought (an AC Cobra 427) was dirt cheap. It had been built (badly!) and was missing some parts. However, I just wanted it for the bodyshell, some engine bits, and the Hallibrand wheels. The kit wheels are pretty nice, and are considered to be worth more than the kit. I think I only paid about $8 total...not too bad considering that included shipping, and a new kit was about $16.00

                      Quite a few people don't think like that though. All they see is something like "AC Cobra 427 kit, opening bid $8" and don't think it through. They forget about the shipping--which can be as high as $10 depending on the kit. Sometimes, they'll turn around and chew out the seller about how he's "ripping them off" over shipping. Right after that, negative feedback is usually left.
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #12
                        Actually, I am an avid internet shopper. I bought ALL my Christmas shopping from Amazon. I spent 200 dollars in shipping.

                        You read that right. 200 bucks in shipping.

                        That was the best 200 bucks I ever spent.

                        If anyone had come up to me and said "I will do all your shopping for you. No crowds, no driving in crazy holiday traffic, no breathing other people's flu germs, no standing in lines, no relentless, unceasing, RINGING and RINGING and RINGING, oh, please stop with the RINGING of the Salvation Army bells EVERY DAMN PLACE YOU FREAKING GO. You can sit around in your jammies with a drink in your hand while I do all this for you. It will cost you 200 bucks."

                        I would pay 200 bucks just to not have to listen to the damn same Christmas carols played over and over and over in every store starting....well, probably starting NOW.

                        I know it's costing me more money to have all that stuff delivered. I don't care. My time is worth more to me at this point. All I had to do last year was open the boxes that Santa brought every day and start wrapping (I nicknamed my very nice UPS driver "Santa."). I enjoyed a stress-free holiday for the first time in my adult life.

                        I'm going to do it again this year. I've allready started.


                        • #13
                          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                          I'm going to do it again this year. I've allready started.
                          I don't know if you have people spread all over the world like I do, but might I also recommend having amazon do the gift wrap as well and shipping direct to recipient. And you save a ton since Amazon has big corporate contract with all the couriers. I shipped my bff her Festivus present in Austrailia, and it cost me less than half of shipping it myself.
                          The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


                          • #14
                            Oh, I know. It's awesome. But now you're talking some REAL expense, and I had to draw the line somewhere. But I did consider it.

                            So I only did that for the out of towners, which I had a few.

                            MAN, I love Amazon.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Seanette View Post
                              (Actually, I should probably replace mine sometime soon. I have keys with no visible letter remaining.)
                              Same here. I'm thinking of painting them on with a tipex pen, actually.
                              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                              My DeviantArt.

