A story from my WM days.BTW: I know not all canadians are like this . Hell some of the coolest people in my store were from the great white north.
I was cashiering and this lady into my line, now my line is an express line, but I , being a timid worker drone, I scan and bag all of her sixty-three items. Now soon I run out of bags on my bag-rack thingie, and the following exchange ensues.
SCC:Sucky Canadian Customer
Me: Ma'am do you mind if I put some bags in your cart, I'm out of room.
SCC: YES!!! Do YOUR F-Ucking Job, you stupid hick, I can't trust you to put my bags away the way I want them.
Me: Well, I m out of room ma'am, I have to put the full bags somewhere, so I can continue bagging.(Maybe this was sucky, but, i thought she may not have understood the situation)
SCC: EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!! Do not talk to me like that I am your superior. Bag my items you stupid worthless hick.
So I grab a big bag, and continue bagging.
SCC: What the F-ck are you doing , you worthless hick.
Bagging your i...
SCC: Well, look you jack-ss. I'm from Canada. Now, i know you're brain-dead because you live in this country, but try and follow my ordsers. I am superior to you. I am smarter, my kids are smarter and we'll be more succesful than your pathetic American ass. Your whole country's a bunch of losers, and it should be bombed to oblivion, because we canadians are superior.
<At this point I am shaking, and on the verge of tears, a CSM noticesand takes over for me>
CSM: Please don't talk to my cashiers like that. They are just trying to do their job.
SCC: You F-cking Americans are all the same. Just because you homo hick idiot is oversensative and can't face facts, he gets a free pass, well, he's a goddamn--
CSM: Ma'am i told you not to use that language, do it again and I will call a manager and have them throw you out.
SCC: Go Right ahead you worthless piece of American sh-t.
CSM calls M
M: What's up?
SCC: Your oversensitve babies can't do their f-cking jobs, I am Canadian so i am superior to all of you , they just can't handle facts.
CSM: This woman cursed at me and crow and has been very insulting.
M (to SCC) Is this true?
SCC: So what if it is? I am just telling the truth you F-cking Americans are so touchy.
M: Leave now.
SCC: Why just because you stupid Amer..
M: Ma'am I'm Canadian.
exeunt scc
I was cashiering and this lady into my line, now my line is an express line, but I , being a timid worker drone, I scan and bag all of her sixty-three items. Now soon I run out of bags on my bag-rack thingie, and the following exchange ensues.

SCC:Sucky Canadian Customer
Me: Ma'am do you mind if I put some bags in your cart, I'm out of room.
SCC: YES!!! Do YOUR F-Ucking Job, you stupid hick, I can't trust you to put my bags away the way I want them.
Me: Well, I m out of room ma'am, I have to put the full bags somewhere, so I can continue bagging.(Maybe this was sucky, but, i thought she may not have understood the situation)
SCC: EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!! Do not talk to me like that I am your superior. Bag my items you stupid worthless hick.
So I grab a big bag, and continue bagging.
SCC: What the F-ck are you doing , you worthless hick.

SCC: Well, look you jack-ss. I'm from Canada. Now, i know you're brain-dead because you live in this country, but try and follow my ordsers. I am superior to you. I am smarter, my kids are smarter and we'll be more succesful than your pathetic American ass. Your whole country's a bunch of losers, and it should be bombed to oblivion, because we canadians are superior.
<At this point I am shaking, and on the verge of tears, a CSM noticesand takes over for me>
CSM: Please don't talk to my cashiers like that. They are just trying to do their job.
SCC: You F-cking Americans are all the same. Just because you homo hick idiot is oversensative and can't face facts, he gets a free pass, well, he's a goddamn--
CSM: Ma'am i told you not to use that language, do it again and I will call a manager and have them throw you out.
SCC: Go Right ahead you worthless piece of American sh-t.
CSM calls M
M: What's up?
SCC: Your oversensitve babies can't do their f-cking jobs, I am Canadian so i am superior to all of you , they just can't handle facts.
CSM: This woman cursed at me and crow and has been very insulting.
M (to SCC) Is this true?
SCC: So what if it is? I am just telling the truth you F-cking Americans are so touchy.
M: Leave now.
SCC: Why just because you stupid Amer..
M: Ma'am I'm Canadian.
exeunt scc