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You're so stupid, 'cause your from the U.S.

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  • #16
    Crow, as (yet another) Canuck on these board, I'd also like to apologize for that overbearing, abusive twatwaffle.

    Good to know she got her ass kicked out of the Store, sad to know it took two escalations to get her vulgar rotundity removed before you snapped and beat her to Death with a Frozen Husky. (I'm sad to admit, I would Pay to see someone do that, though.)


    • #17
      Hoooo-lee crap! I'm really really sorry about this lady! She obviously grew up in some part of Nova Scotia, more that likely with a few kids with names like Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles...I am just kidding of course.

      But what is this lady's problem? One thing that I have learned while travelling is that you have to be even more polite and courteous than you are at home, and you also have to be more patient. Not hard to do.
      "Otherwise you are free to keep putting your hope in leprechauns, horseshoes and unicorn farts."-Gravekeeper


      • #18
        As another Canadian, I'd have gladly opened a can of whoop-ass on her, given the chance. What a worthless piece of excrement, and giving us Canucks a bad name, to boot.
        The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.


        • #19
          What a piece of shit that SC was. I'm glad to hear her ass got kicked outta the store for how she insulted you and your manager.
          I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
          Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
          Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


          • #20
            Damn, just damn.

            I was taught not to even mention I was from Canada when visiting a store in the US, it's better to just blend and get treated like everyone else. As my dad said, they don't need to know.

            And I have been in both Large-Town Ontario and Pizzant-Town Ontario, the education system is different everywhere.

            She's just a Canuckinstai-Toorist, not an example of our people. The best tourists/visitors are the ones you never notice.
            "If you find yourself fantasizing about throwing actual users into a blender, please get help... they're heavy." - Tom Dickson


            • #21
              Quoth Crow The Robot View Post
              SCC: Well, look you jack-ss. I'm from Canada. Now, i know you're brain-dead because you live in this country, but try and follow my ordsers. I am superior to you. I am smarter, my kids are smarter and we'll be more succesful than your pathetic American ass. Your whole country's a bunch of losers, and it should be bombed to oblivion, because we canadians are superior.

              I can point out two areas where Americans are superior to Canadians from that SC's rant. Firstly, in the area of manners (I know, not all Canadians have bad manners, but just imagine the SC's face if you made the claim). Secondly, in the area of firepower -- Last I checked, the US had nukes and Canada did not (so if one of the two countries were to be bombed to oblivion by the other, I rather suspect it won't be the US).


              • #22
                Had I been in line behind this bitch, I would've simply pointed out that she, the Superior Canadian can apparently not count OR read ... since she had a ton of items in the Express Lane. That, and she clearly had no manners.

                I also would've demanded that a manager come over long before the CSM did. Because I'd be fuming mad about this raving bitch and her giant cartload of goods in the 10 items or less lane.
                "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                • #23
                  I know we don't condone violence, but wouldn't have it been awesome if someone threw something at her and said "der sorry, I'm a dumb American hick, and I don't know any better"?


                  • #24
                    Quoth draftermatt View Post
                    I know we don't condone violence, but wouldn't have it been awesome if someone threw something at her and said "der sorry, I'm a dumb American hick, and I don't know any better"?
                    Dude if I were the cashier, I would've adopted a horrible fake over slackjawed alabama accent and gone "Durr wutcha talkin bout? I dun know count change how I do?" and just stalled her to piss her off. and I wonder why I can only last 2 weeks per retail job anymore, I'm just plain mean back.


                    • #25
                      Thanks for the kind words, all. I was gonna suggest she be dumped in the bay of Fundy, but that would be water pollution.


                      • #26
                        Quoth Difdi View Post
                        I can point out two areas where Americans are superior to Canadians from that SC's rant. Firstly, in the area of manners (I know, not all Canadians have bad manners, but just imagine the SC's face if you made the claim). Secondly, in the area of firepower -- Last I checked, the US had nukes and Canada did not (so if one of the two countries were to be bombed to oblivion by the other, I rather suspect it won't be the US).
                        oh c'mon, you know it didnt work the last time. we're like cockroaches.

                        Hobby Twitter.


                        • #27
                          I can't imagine why anyone would want to be this rude, especially in a Wal-Mart. It's not like she's shopping at Neiman Marcus or some other high dollar place that can take her money and try to make her feel like she has the right to be 'high falutty". Geeeeezz! When we traveled to Canada, we stayed in a hotel as a group, and we all pretty much wore the same clothes, with the exception of moms or dads not competing. Everyone pretty much knew we were from the U.S. We met some of the absolutely nicest folks while there. Our waitress in the hotel restaurant went out of her way to take care of our coffee needs (Canada coffee rocks ) and then at another pancake house type of restaurant, we met another kind gentleman who noticed how nervous our son was. He left his breakfast to get cold and took time to talk with our son 'privately' (but still within earshot of us) to let him know nerves were ok and how to work through them. He'd been a competitor in his younger days and could see what the kiddo was going through. He even wished our boy good luck and told him he hoped he won that gold medal, knowing we were competing against other kids/adults from his country. Just good, plain ol niceness. We were made to feel so welcome there.

                          I just can't fathom why someone can come across with that holier than though attitude and feel justified when there's been no wrongdoing on the employee's part at all. I mean, come on--did their parents really teach them that this is how you behave as an adult???? (Then I just come to realize that, yes, their folks probably did. Such a shame.) Some people just make me want to hurl.


                          • #28
                            Holy biscuit.

                            That woman needs some love from the chipper.
                            Unseen but seeing
                            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                            3rd shift needs love, too
                            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                            • #29
                              People with little self worth will ALWAYS compensate by hating and maligning others. Hatred can destroy a person, and it sounds like it's worked it's course on that one. The first impulse is to respond in kind, and up the ante to physical violence. It wouldn't have helped. The manager helped by being calm, collected, and smart. You can't reason with idiocy. You CAN outmanuever it.



                              • #30
                                She forgot her meds at home, I see. Also, 63 items in an express lane? obviously she's too superior to use math.
                                Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                                Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                                I wish porn had subtitles.

