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"I've been stealing cable for 15 years!" "I'm sorry, let's credit you..."

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  • "I've been stealing cable for 15 years!" "I'm sorry, let's credit you..."

    Oh my heck.

    So I wasn't here for this one but my coworkers just filled me in.

    A woman called in screaming that her cable had gone out and she wanted someone out immediately to fix it. Looking up her account, a coworker noticed she had not yet been installed with our services. Below is a rough account of the exchange.

    CoW: Well, ma'am, I see you don't have our services but you are scheduled to be installed next week.

    EW: I've been recieving your services for the last 15 years!

    CoW: Well, if that's the case ma'am you have not been paying for it-"

    EW: I KNOW THAT! I want someone out here right now to turn it back on!

    CoW: Ma'am, it was shut off because you were receiving our cable illegally. You have an install scheduled-

    EW: I KNOW THAT! I want it back on right now!

    Ensue much screaming and cursing. CoW told her there was nothing we could do and terminated the call.

    Turns out customer called in to the call center and screamed and cussed out about four people before recieving a supervisor. Apparently, the EW's favorite KIND of supervisor...the one with a spine of jello.

    So fully aware the customer had a pending install, had been getting free cable illegally for 15 years and had been legitamately cut off from her illegal hook-up, the supe:

    Gave her four months free service...

    CREDITED her an additional two months service...

    Moved her install up to priority same day...

    And gave her free premium channels.

    I frickin' hate spineless supes. If it had been up to me, as soon as she admitted to stealing cable, I would have cancelled her install pending her paying us the full amount of the past fifteen years. And if she refused...given the cops a recording of the phone call and had them go and have a little 'chat' with her.
    My dollhouse blog.

    Blog about life

  • #2
    This is a new low in management.

    A little bit of me has died today.
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      Quoth LewisLegion View Post
      So fully aware the customer had a pending install, had been getting free cable illegally for 15 years and had been legitamately cut off from her illegal hook-up, the supe:

      Gave her four months free service...

      CREDITED her an additional two months service...

      Moved her install up to priority same day...

      And gave her free premium channels.

      You know, I know the spineless need jobs too and a lot of the time they are very nice people. But this borders on incompetence. Personally, if it were me, I would have sent a report on that above his head. That kind of shit loses a company money. If he were working under me I would def NOT be happy with that.


      • #4
        Oh wow, what the hell? I know there's a lack of spines in management but that kind of crap usually gets the manager's dragged out into the street and shot by the boss/ceo. Its one thing to bend over and spread your cheeks for actual customers but for someone that's never paid you a dime?

        My boss would kill you. With her bare hands. While she had QA film it. Then email it around the office to the rest of us as a warning.

        But my boss has a spine. <3


        • #5
          Yeah. Send a report up higher about it. That is ridiculous right there.

          Seriously... She should be getting fined and arrested, not given free stuff.
          "Everyone in the world should have to wait tables for one year of their life so they can understand that your ranch dressing is NOT fucking important!" Daniel Tosh


          • #6
            That manager can't be spineless -- that's an insult to the spineless.


            • #7
              Sounds like a crooked supervisor not a spineless one. She probably paid him for it. Report his useless ass.


              • #8
                Spineless managers should be killed with FIYAA!
                PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                • #9
                  Quoth LewisLegion
                  So fully aware the customer had a pending install, had been getting free cable illegally for 15 years and had been legitamately cut off from her illegal hook-up, the supe:

                  Gave her four months free service...

                  CREDITED her an additional two months service...

                  Moved her install up to priority same day...

                  And gave her free premium channels.
                  I would love to see my cable company do a commercial about that caller.

                  They spend tons of money and add time either telling their subscribers to not steal cable, that their internet is faster than other internets, and that they are superior to satilite.
                  The messages are annoying after a while... "Steal cable and it hurts others picture quality", "If you steal cable, then it raises the rates for others", "Steal cable and we kill this baby seal", "Stealing cable causes global warming", "Steal cable and we send the ninjas after you". ect ect adnausium.

                  More on the subject darn, how stupid do you have to be to call the cable company and tell them you were stealing cable for 15 years and demand it for free again.

                  That lady either has alot of nerve, or the iq of my imbread puppy mill dog.
                  "Wow, that has to be the best genital analogy EVER. "


                  • #10
                    More on the subject darn, how stupid do you have to be to call the cable company and tell them you were stealing cable for 15 years and demand it for free again.

                    That lady either has alot of nerve, or the iq of my imbread puppy mill dog.
                    More likely, she unfortunately has had much success probably with yelling and screaming and getting her way for free from companies like mine in the past.

                    As for it going to a higher up, my coworker who handled it and subsequently noticed someone down the line had bent over and taken it dry, sent in a report. Whether or not something is done about it remains to be seen.

                    You'd be surprised the amount of customers who admit to stealing cable, who tell us they will just 'hook it right back up' after we have disconnected their illegal connection (and yes, we will check back and re-disconnect it and send them a police warning if they do so) and who call us to scream when their illegal connection has shut off.

                    What I find the most amusing is the ones that call in after they've been stealing our cable for so long they FORGET they're stealing it...they have an interruption and call us about it, and when we point out they don't have a paying account with us, hang up quickly. And we then happily send the security department out to their address to take care of their illegal hookup.
                    My dollhouse blog.

                    Blog about life


                    • #11
                      It's a sick sad world we live in when people like that are allowed to become supervisors.

                      I have many words to describe that particular sup, but this post would be deleted if I used them.

                      I would've sent the recording of the conversation along to the police ASAP. This stuff doesn't just walk in the door, and you have the person admitting to stealing cable.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #12
                        What the hell!?

                        Isn't stealing cable a crime? Shouldn't she be prosecuted...not rewarded?
                        "What size can I get you, ma'am?"
                        "Okay...I'll check the red for you, but what size do you need?"


                        • #13
                          Wow, just simply wow.

                          IMHO that supervisor is the biggest corrupt tool to ever walk the face of this planet.


                          • #14
                            Once again, an EW proves that if you bitch/whine/yell long enough and loud enough, some wimpy manager will give you what you want. Then the cycles starts all over again (where's that headdesk icon when you need it?).


                            • #15
                              Holy hell, so if I scream, bitch and whine enough about me... err... borrowed internet when the connections aren't strong you mean I could get it all for FREE, WITH special bells and whistles?
                              Well damn, I've been going about this thing all wrong.

