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Customer got maced at another customer

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  • #16
    Quoth Pedersen View Post
    Normally, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones. This time, I'd have pressed charges for everything the state prosecutor could help me think up.

    And after I'd gotten those charges filed, I'd be speaking with a lawyer about a civil suit.

    I'd put her so far into debt to me that her great-grandchildren would still be my indentured servants for that crap.
    My sense too. Nothing about the situation indicates she was right to mace the guy. He may have been mixed up or lost but that means you just redirect him to where he's supposed to go.

    Although a smart lawyer will find a way to work Walmart into the suit -- much much deeper pockets.


    • #17
      Quoth Kogo Shuko View Post
      What is the world coming to? Seriously?
      I don't know what it's coming to, but I can tell you where it's going to.

      Right towards a large, thick concrete wall. At very high speed. We should be able to determine the outcome of the ages old conundrum : unstoppable force (the world) vs. unmovable object (human stupidity) any time soon. And I don't think we'll like the result.
      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


      • #18
        I was thinking that unless the woman had been, or known of someone, that had been raped recently -- she just needs counseling for her trigger happy finger.... but really.... even if she had been, if you're still that paranoid that a man being around you in a public place still causes problems.... counseling is definitely needed ---- unless of course it's the guy who did it, but that's something else altogether.

        I fear for any man who parks next to her, works at her workplace, a customer at her workplace, or anything else for that matter.


        • #19
          Quoth Samaliel View Post
          I don't know what it's coming to, but I can tell you where it's going to.

          Right towards a large, thick concrete wall. At very high speed. We should be able to determine the outcome of the ages old conundrum : unstoppable force (the world) vs. unmovable object (human stupidity) any time soon. And I don't think we'll like the result.
          I guess I better get my helmet on then. *sighs*
          "You're not gone five minutes, Agent Scully, and I'm already starting to feel like a stranger in my own office-"
          -Agent Doggett


          • #20
            Uh guys.. It might be a SERIOUS over-reaction.. but sometimes there are reasons why things like that happen. The woman might just be a rape survivor. Now I'm not ruling out paranoia or crack use... She was WRONG to assault the guy over being too close/creepy etc etc She'll probably have to AT LEAST undergo a psyche eval. Which might just be a good thing..


            • #21
              Quoth Crazeyal View Post
              Uh guys.. It might be a SERIOUS over-reaction.. but sometimes there are reasons why things like that happen.
              There's no such thing as somebody doing something without a reason. They might not understand it themselves, but there is always a reason.

              Despite that, I would bury this woman in court. What she did was wrong, no matter what her reason was. She assaulted an innocent man. She used mace. Emptied an entire can into his face (from the original post). What's the effects of this level of exposure? For how long was he incapacitated? How long after that did his eyesight return to normal? Did it return to normal?

              Nope. Can't accept a defense for her actions. She was wrong. Her reasons for being wrong don't matter.

              Personally, I hope she does jail time for assault. At a minimum.


              • #22
                Quoth Crazeyal View Post
                She was WRONG to assault the guy over being too close
                Video says he was only too close because she passed him. I'm going with the easy answer of "She's a dumbass." If she really was a rape survivor, she probably wouldn't have gotten close enough to pass him.
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #23
                  Isn't mace illegal in many states?


                  • #24
                    I think she over-reacted. It is possible that the man was transgendered or something. Sounds like he just wanted to pee. What's the big deal?
                    I kinda like the Ally McBeal idea of coed bathrooms, as long as everyone is civilized and stuff, you know.


                    • #25
                      Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                      Too bad for the store, though. I can see him suing and winning a suit against the store.

                      Actually I see him suing the store and then settling out of court with them to avoid long court costs. But winning? I don't see that as likely against the store.

                      Against the woman definitely


                      • #26
                        Assulting that guy with mace must have been planned. It's one thing a guy runs into me and I react by hitting him with my purse. But unless the woman walks everywhere all the time with a can of mace in her hand, she must of planned to use it right away, for any reason, and the poor guy got picked on. Heck, I can't imagine anyone just walking around any store with a can of mace, so there is no reason for her to have it in her hand.
                        Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                        Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                        I wish porn had subtitles.


                        • #27
                          Quoth Auto View Post
                          My sense too. Nothing about the situation indicates she was right to mace the guy. He may have been mixed up or lost but that means you just redirect him to where he's supposed to go.
                          Quoth Cordiform View Post
                          I think she over-reacted. It is possible that the man was transgendered or something. Sounds like he just wanted to pee. What's the big deal?
                          Am I the only one who noticed that the poor sod was headed to the *MENS* room. Which is right next to the ladies room?

                          Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                          Judging by the amount of urine on the floor under the poor man however, I'm guessing he was ALSO going to the bathroom (after all they are next to each other and are only separated by 24 inches of wall). The other kicker is they were still far enough away from the bathroom entrances that his position would have been consistent with a normal approach to the can.
                          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                          • #28
                            Quoth Pagan View Post
                            Am I the only one who noticed that the poor sod was headed to the *MENS* room. Which is right next to the ladies room?
                            I think most noticed it -- some might have just overlooked it or given the in-need-of-psyc-help woman some benefit of doubt as to think a woman would intentionally mace a man for the hell of it to be a sad, sad thing. (And I say needing help no matter what the reason as my last post said).


                            • #29
                              Kind of reminds me of that guy that tried to use pepperspray on my dog,
                              for sniffing the butt of his dog.
                              Half of it landed on my shirt, as i stepped infront of my dog as soon as the guy pulled out the mace, the other half on the back of my dog, who just found a bush of grass he needed to inspect and walked away.
                              I went home to wash it out but still cried the rest of the day and felt horribly sick.
                              "Your people don't use simulations for this kind of work?" "We used to, but the trouble with simulations is that the put up with far too much shit." -Revelation Space


                              • #30
                                If I'd been the guy I'd be thankful it was mace and not something more deadly. I've been maced, pepper-sprayed, gassed and shot, I take the first three over the last one.
                                I'd also been more embaressed about whizzing on myself than the rest.
                                Bow down before me for I am ROOT

                                Preserving precious bodily fluids sine 1952

