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Gotta bring it up again....

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  • Gotta bring it up again....

    Dontcha love the customers that drop their money on the counter and then expect their change put in their hand?

    I got one today that finally made me have a mini snap attack. He kept avoiding my hand as he counted out his change!

    He would drop a quarter on the counter, and then I picked it up, put it in my hand and held my hand right where he dropped it.

    Then he dropped a dime RIGHT NEXT TO MY HAND. Again, I picked it up and held my hand exactly where he put the last coin.

    The next dime went... you guessed it... RIGHT NEXT TO WHERE MY HAND WAS! And this is after I made it quite obvious to him that the MONEY GOES IN MY HAND!

    When he finally tried to drop his bill, I had to snatch it out of his hand. But you can guess where he was aiming.

    Naturally, his receipt ended up on the counter.

    I used to justify customer behavior by assuring myself that some customers are just in a hurry, and they're not always paying attention to what they're doing. But this guy was just being an ass.


    Ok, vent over. I wonder what's on TV....
    "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
    -- The Meteor Principle

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  • #2
    When I worked at McD's (the drive-thru faced north) I used to get the total asshats who would take their paper money (usually a large bill like a $20) and they'd bypass my hand and they'd slap the money on the windowsill/countertop and they'd push really really hard to make sure it would stay, and then let go. (usually on a windy day)

    I have pretty good reflexes...I saved a few $20s from being sucked back out the window, but there were a few that I missed.

    damnit if those asshats didnt try to blame me for losing their money. I refused to chase after it. (sorry sir, I'm not allowed to leave my register/window, and the back door is locked and alarmed. I cant exit thru it without permission and a key)

    I also hate people who hand you change and the paper money all at once. If they hand you the paper money and then try to stuff the change on top of that, you end up losing some of the change because you were more worried about losing the $20 bill rather than the 47 cents they were giving you just so they could get exact change back.

    I'm not a cashier anymore, but when I go shopping, and the cashier tries to hand me the change and paper money all at once, I'll take whatever she's handing me, transfer it to my other hand/coin holder, and then reach out to take the rest. Pisses them off, but at least I wont be losing money.


    • #3
      Quoth Erin View Post

      I also hate people who hand you change and the paper money all at once. If they hand you the paper money and then try to stuff the change on top of that, you end up losing some of the change because you were more worried about losing the $20 bill rather than the 47 cents they were giving you just so they could get exact change back.

      I'm not a cashier anymore, but when I go shopping, and the cashier tries to hand me the change and paper money all at once, I'll take whatever she's handing me, transfer it to my other hand/coin holder, and then reach out to take the rest. Pisses them off, but at least I wont be losing money.
      I can not STAND IT when I'm paying for something and my change gets handed back to me on top of my bills. Who on earth taught them to do it that way?

      On a side note- I always seemed to get the jerks who would whip out a money clip and count out all their money just to show what big shots they were. Idiots.


      • #4
        I had a few customers who would pull out the big wad of money.

        They'd count thru all the smaller bills, till they got to the $50's and $100's...and then hand me a $100 to pay for their large coffee and Egg McMuffin. (at 6:35am!) This was long before most fast food places quit taking large bills. So, I'd grudingly take the bill...I'd make a big show of checking to make sure it was not counterfeit, and then I'd count up his change...quickly going thru the fives, and the singles...and then I'd call the manager for change.

        The customers would get pissed because we had to wait for change. (manager was usually the only other person besides me in the store at the time, she had to stop cooking food and go open the safe)

        The manager, already annoyed that she had to bring me change for the rich asshole, also knew that the guy just wiped out my drawer, so she'd have to bring me an advance so that I would have change for the next car.

        Eventually, after a bunch of saturdays having to deal with the rich show-offs, we started a policy of not taking anything larger than a $20 unless I knew I had enough to handle it.

        I used to also beg customers for smaller bills if my drawer was low on the small bills. Used to have to do that some mornings when the closing manager had decided the night before to put ALL the paper money in the safe in the night deposit. (he was supposed to hold back some of the smaller bills so we would have something to work with the next day) If a customer wanted to pay with anything bigger than a $5, I'd ask them nicely if they had anything smaller. Most customers were very accomodating.


        • #5
          I'm apparently a magnet for people who decide to pay for their small coffee with a hundred dollar bill early in the mornings. I swear, I've had days where every ten minutes, I'm handing off a large bill to a manager to check it. I might just start promoing off small coffees if I'm given large bills.
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            Quoth Mighty Girl View Post
            I can not STAND IT when I'm paying for something and my change gets handed back to me on top of my bills. Who on earth taught them to do it that way?

            On a side note- I always seemed to get the jerks who would whip out a money clip and count out all their money just to show what big shots they were. Idiots.

            Sorta on the same note, if I have a total that comes to like: $5.56 and I hand the cashier $10.06, I ALWAYS give them the 6 cents first saying: "here's six cents" and then I hand them the 10 dollar bill saying "here's a ten dollar bill". (I usually get strange looks from cashiers because I actually tell them the denominations I'm giving them). So, let's go over this again: I give the CHANGE first and then I give the PAPER MONEY second. So why is it that when I get my $4.50 back, they hand the change on top of the money! WHY!!!!!?????


            • #7
              This is why I bring a pocketful of change to work with me. I work alone, can't go get more small bills. If I broke every $50-100 that came in, I'd have to lock the door an hour after I came in. They NEVER EVER spend enough to justify the big bill and when you tell them you can't break it they whine that they need change. I tell them sorry, then take 30c out of my pocket to pay for the pack of gum they tried to buy with a $100. Then I tell them that they can tell the bank/Check-N-Go that they don't want large bills. Wow, what a concept!
              USN Retired


              • #8
                Quoth Erin View Post
                I also hate people who hand you change and the paper money all at once. If they hand you the paper money and then try to stuff the change on top of that, you end up losing some of the change because you were more worried about losing the $20 bill rather than the 47 cents they were giving you just so they could get exact change back.
                I admit to doing that, but with reason. Bear with me.

                I have found that if I hand some cashiers the bill first, then the change, they'll enter only the bill into the register, and hand me bills and a mess of change. Uhhh, the reason I'm giving you the change, too, is because I have too much of it and I want to use it...

                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  on the large bill prob i had a fun start last saturday. my first TWO customers paid fo their $20 worth of stuff in would think after the first guy cleaned me out and i called for change the second would clue in and not pay with another hundred. He eventually gave me dead on change or ese he woulda been waiting a good 5-10 min
                  Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


                  • #10
                    And am i the only one who loves it when you ask if they have anything smaller than a £20
                    they say no
                    you start counting out maybe 14-19 pound coins
                    theyre face falls
                    and then they 'find' the exact change for they're purcahase

                    If they slap the money on the desk, thats where i place the change (not brave enough to slap it yet, and i feel kinda guilty about putting the money on the desk instead of the waiting hand even if thats what they did to me)
                    Slightly related, what about when you give back the change and the receipt and get the recipt crumpled up and thrown on the desk and told
                    a) I don't want that (er niether do I)* I have said this one out loud ooops*
                    b) just put that in your bin for me (grr, but slightly better that it being thrown on the floor)
                    c) you can keep that (Oh may I? Really and truly? I must get it framed!!)*after making sure the store was empty,I acted this out as its so hard not to actually do*

                    I think the worst is the combination, where you are handing the change into the customers hand and they are trying NOT to touch the receipt, like its contaminated, but they want the change put in their hand (I give out coins first and the receipt with any notes, or alone, last)
                    "...and you've got people. Billions of people walking about like happy meals with legs...." Spike


                    • #11
                      Quoth pbmods View Post
                      Dontcha love the customers that drop their money on the counter and then expect their change put in their hand?
                      I think I've posted this before. If it is more than one piece I prefer it on the counter. This protects me against quick changers. I leave the money on the counter, ring it through give them their change and then pick it up and put it into the till. It also makes it easier to put into the till because I can scoop each denomination and put it into the slot with out having to sort them in my hand.

                      The way I (and everybody else in the world should) give change is to pull the notes from the drawer and hand them to the customer then while he is puting them in his wallet I am counting the coins
                      which I then hand to him. Minimal down time for each party.
                      Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                      • #12
                        I once got forty quids worth of pound coins for a guy who loved to bring out the £50 notes. His face was a picture.



                        • #13
                          I don't know about other stores, but the grocery store I worked in training me (a deli clerk) to run register so they could call me when it got busy (so the line in the deli could get longer!). During register training I was taught to had the bills back with the coins on top, because if you give the coins first, the customer will hold up the line putting the coins away (especially little ol' ladies) then will hold out thier hands for the bills. After observing transactions in the grocery store and other retail stores, I came to realize that this is true, and it does slow things down a bit having to wait while they put the coins away.


                          • #14
                            I hate having large bill's handed to me. The register at work is, only packed with ones, and this one jerk aways buys a bottle ofwater and pays with a $100. I am going to have stop accepting it, because well, all we have in the register is $1's, and is when we do have a $5 or a $10 then the owner takes it out for store use. Oh we usually have about $7 in $1's
                            Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                            San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                            • #15
                              I have never had that happen before. I would've been pretty annoyed by it. I have problems with people getting ticked off over something and throwing their money at me. Usually when this happens, they receive their receipt in the same manner I received their cash.

                              My first customer ever at walmart was a jackass. I was having problems scanning something with the scan gun. The stupid barcode would not read. When it finally came time to pay he tossed his cash at me in a ticked off manner. His wife yelled at him.

                              Then there was the woman who had to run out to her car to get some money because her wic checks had expired and I refused to take them. She tossed her money at me and they fell just barely out of my reach. Instead of picking it up for me (the money dropped over by her), I had to reach pretty far to get the cash.

