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Heh, I got bad news for you...

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  • Heh, I got bad news for you...

    It's been a fun week! Been sick all week, so that'll factor in a bit since it hasn't worn off yet Let's go ahead and start off with the topic...

    Bad News

    I'm a fairly worldly fellow...despite my hatred for most of humanity, I'm also well versed in a lot of different things. That said, things that offend some people simply do not offend me. This includes the usual suspects (race, religion, sexuality, etc) and some of the...less usual. That said, I do occasionally snicker when a piece of information comes my way that speaks to my evil, black heart. One such thing happened for a bachelor party on Tuesday.

    Guys #1 and 2 have been pissing me off all night. They've been caught trying to sneak in CASES of alcohol all night (and not subtly either...they would just walk in with the cases in plain sight). You can't do that in Colorado, so we kick them out. They do this about 3 times before I get in, and try it 4 more after I get there (though I'm only there for the last 2 while other people dealt with the first two). I'm not feeling good, so I'm quite a bit less happy than usual, and they finally quit when I gave them the ultimatum: knock it off, or leave the hotel. This unleashes a torrent of curse words and homophobic slants issued at me, which suddenly cuts short when I pretend to say "We're going to need to clear out <room number> now, get ready to call police to help out." Funny, they realized I wasn't playing around somehow!

    So later on, I see Guy #1 and #2 again, and this is where I start laughing, because with them is a stripper that I know very well, since we went to high school and college together. The stripper's name is unimportant, since we all know that they use stage names anyway. However, most of us have seen strippers (and probably even hookers) at some point in our lives, and it's not that big of a deal, right? So why would I be laughing so hard when I see this?

    Simple: When I went to school with that particular stripper, her name was Dave. Not to make fun of her (we're actually quite good friends, and she laughs about the same thing every time), but there's a part of me that just giggles at the guys having no idea since they were both quite prolific in homophobic comments earlier in the night.

    Really, guys?

    It's rare when I actually feel bad for someone who gets arrested here, but I thought that this was a bit over the top for once...right before I walked in, someone was caught using "Spray Chalk" to spray a giant, red "?" on the sidewalk outside the hotel, and got arrested for a graffiti violation. While the cops investigated, they stored him in my office, so I got in and immediately got to sit and chat with the 20 year old kid for a while before they took him. Personally, I wasn't too upset, the stuff he used was water-soluable (easy to clean with a power washer), and he did at least have the common courtesy not to spray my building. He was also honest about it, admitting that he had done it as part of a "Question your candidate" thing right before the US Election Day.

    Still, the cops took the poor kid with them...he was a nice guy too

    Fire code, assholes!

    It never fails...I can bring something up 1000 times, but there always has to be some asshole that doesn't remember until the 1001st time. The local fire marshal showed up tonight for a surprise inspection, and one of our banquet people stored a giant (and heavy) stack of chairs right in front of a fire extinguisher cabinet.

    So thank you, faceless employee, for costing the hotel $5000 and getting me a brand new asshole torn by the fire department. I hope you burn in hell.

    What ugly hookers? Oh...never mind.

    Random Co-Worker: Khiras, why is it that, on the only night I work graves, only the ugly hookers keep walking by?
    Khiras: Karma. What ugly hookers?
    RCW: They keep coming by here...

    <moments later, walking through the lobby>

    Khiras: Oh...those ugly hookers.

    There ain't enough make-up and nice clothes in the world to make up for what slimed its way through the lobby at that moment. Consider, if you would, a cross between Slurmz MacKenzie, Dr. Phil, Shamu the Killer Whale, and the Slimer from Ghostbusters. Then picture a 2nd person much like it.

    Then dress them up in clothes 20 sizes too small with visible thongs.

    Thank you for that! That's exactly what I wanted to see before I died...or maybe it's what I needed to see to convince me to die? I don't know, but every time I get close to a roof level, my soul begs me for the inevitable end to come sooner rather than later.

    The moral of this story: Some people never...EVER...need a thong.


    CW: Khiras, someone just peed on the valet stand.
    Khiras: Really? That doesn't sound like one of our guests.
    CW: Then he went walking through the lobby with his dick hanging out. The cops are dragging him over now.
    Khiras: Ah, that sounds better...until that last part, I had thought something was missing.
    CW: Can we call him Floppy?

    Thus goes the introduction towards the man who, by the end of the night, was referred to as "Floppy the Indomitable Conquerer of Valet." As I understand it, he was rather surprised that the police noticed him... *sigh*

    New Years?

    Just a quick side note, how many other business start planning for New Years Eve almost 2 months in advance? I can only think of one other possibility, bars, anyone else? I hate New Years No matter how long I live, I will never get to celebrate it until I'm out of the hotel business

    Khiras' Bitchrant

    Just a quick one this time...yesterday, I stayed home (on Friday, one of our busiest nights of the week on average, although thankfully they were ok). I stayed home because I had a 104º fever, was throwing up all day, and was too weak to stand for more than a minute or two at a time. I came in today with a 101º fever and a very upset stomach, as well as the same type of weakness (I'm a bit stronger today) because I heard that someone in another department got upset that there was no graveyard manager on duty for Security. I'm probably going to get bitched at in the morning by this person as well, and I can't even choke them since I don't have the energy to pet a puppy, much less anything else.

    I'm having a bad week.

    Pranks gone bad

    We had a group of people being idiots in the hotel tonight, and one of them finally got what was coming to him. He decide to knock-and-run on someone's door at 3am, with the intention of running back into his room (across the hallway).

    Problem: People are being woken up at 3am.
    Hilarious solution: The prankster's roommate is drunk off his ass, and thinks it'll be funny to slam the door in his friend's face. Doing so, he slams the door into his friend's face, right as the person who they woke up opens the door...knocking him out cold.


    Ended up sending him to the hospital since he wasn't coherent when we got him to wake up a bit, and the person who got woken up had this huge grin at the sudden karma that had been invoked upon them. Didn't even complain

    The prankster's new nickname, by the way, is "Whump." This is the exact word that the drunk roommate used to describe the sound of his friend's cranium attempting to knock a hole in the door.

    Why did I pick up the phone?

    Khiras: Good morning, <hotel>, how can I help you?
    Idiot: Do you have any rooms tonight?
    K: Unfortunately no, we're full tonight.
    I: You're full?
    K: Yes, we are.
    I: So you have no rooms left?
    K: ...No, no rooms left.
    I: If I came down there in an hour, would you have any?
    K: ('s 2am, dumbass) No...we won't have any rooms available until sometime after noon or 1pm, our check-in time is 3pm.
    I: Oh... (Oh please oh please, let the gears all click together or we'll be here all week!) there's no way I can get a room? (FUCK!)
    K: No, we're still all sold out.
    I: What about now?
    K: Now?
    I: Do you have any rooms now?
    K: (I hate you, I will kill you if you come in my hotel) ...No...we will not have any rooms until tomorrow night, but you can call back after 3:00 PM to see if we have cancellations.
    I: Ok, I'll stop by in an hour to see if you come up with any rooms. *click*

    That was almost 3 hours ago, still hasn't shown up. If he does, I may have to put him out of my misery for the good of the planet.


    K: Good morning, <hotel>, how can I help you?
    Buh: Do you..mumble...night time...join?
    K: Uhm...I'm sorry, I can't hear what you're saying.
    Buh: Mumble...garble mumble...join...night time.
    K: Sir...can you repeat youself?
    Buh: Mumble...BUH!
    K: Buh?
    Buh: Buh.
    K: I've missed you so much Buh, but I thought you were in prison again! (side note, 3 people at the front desk are now staring at me, wide eyed)
    Buh: Wuhbuh! Heh, you.
    K: I like you too, Buh.
    Buh: *Click*
    K: *Shrug*

    All in all, a fairly good week. I don't think that was the real Buh though, he didn't sound quite as forlorn.
    "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
    "What IS fun to fight through?"
    "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."

  • #2
    Khiras, a few things, first your descriptions of the ugly hooker competes directly with Gravekeeper.

    Also, drunk naked people... let me say I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who gets those.

    and to your caller... please say that was a prank call... please say he didn't really think that rooms would just magically appear... please oh God please
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      Quoth KhirasHY View Post
      Not to make fun of her (we're actually quite good friends, and she laughs about the same thing every time), but there's a part of me that just giggles at the guys having no idea since they were both quite prolific in homophobic comments earlier in the night.
      Two things: 1) It's entirely possible they knew she had gone through gender reassignment... You have no idea how many tranny chasers have IMed/emailed/whatevered me, and I'm not even close to transitioning yet.
      2) Just desserts for those comments? I've managed to (unintentionally, I swear...) turn a few friends bi.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Quoth KhirasHY View Post

        Fire code, assholes!

        It never fails...I can bring something up 1000 times, but there always has to be some asshole that doesn't remember until the 1001st time. The local fire marshal showed up tonight for a surprise inspection, and one of our banquet people stored a giant (and heavy) stack of chairs right in front of a fire extinguisher cabinet.

        So thank you, faceless employee, for costing the hotel $5000 and getting me a brand new asshole torn by the fire department. I hope you burn in hell.
        And people wonder why I am so anal about moving carts away from the electrical boxes and unstacking things that are too close to sprinkler heads...
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Some Most people never...EVER...need a thong.
          Even though I had a feeling it was coming, this line

          When I went to school with that particular stripper, her name was Dave.
          made me (and my roommate)

          I: Do you have any rooms now?
          So what about now?
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth Juwl View Post
            I've managed to (unintentionally, I swear...) turn a few friends bi.
            So I'm not the only one with that gift/curse then?

            I swear. With maybe two exceptions, everyone I've ever dated has ended up coming out as gay/bi/trans. Quite a few of my friends as well. One of my female friends says I need a warning label tattooed on my forehead that says "Keep Back 100', Not Liable For Contagious Bisexuality."

            Even the guy who tried to rape me in high school is now gay. I mean, WTF? Did my adrenaline-fueled rage cause me to beat the hetero right out of him or something?

            *le sigh* Ladies, if you want your male friends to smooch one another, just send them to stay with Auntie Saydrah for a while...

            Khiras: So THAT'S what all that graffiti downtown was about!

            Also, I have a question: Did you work election night? I was downtown partying at the Sheraton (yes, I know, I was a little surprised at the choice too) and considered walking over to see you, but I decided you probably either were wisely taking the night off or had your hands full already.

            Although, I could have made them a little fuller for you if you needed a punching bag, because this jackass I danced with for a little bit would NOT leave me alone. He seemed nice enough at first, I was happy and slightly buzzed and by myself so I danced with him some, and then he would just not let me go! Luckily a cool girl that apparently knew and did NOT like him rescued me before I had to do anything that would have ruined everybody else's party mood and caused icky slippery blood on the dance floor to get him off me.

            Hmmmm maybe he was related to Mr. Floppy. Or Buh.
            My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

            Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


            • #7
              Even the guy who tried to rape me in high school is now gay. I mean, WTF? Did my adrenaline-fueled rage cause me to beat the hetero right out of him or something?
              Methinks he was waaaay overcompensating back then...
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                Quoth KhirasHY View Post
                No people ...EVER...need a public thong.
                Further edited. I have a rule- if I want to see what color underwear you have, I'll do your laundry.

                Quoth KhirasHY View Post
                and I can't even choke them since I don't have the energy to pet a puppy, much less anything else.
                You could puke on them.


                • #9
                  Quoth Saydrah View Post
                  *le sigh* Ladies, if you want your male friends to smooch one another, just send them to stay with Auntie Saydrah for a while...
                  *crosses Saydrah off "Must meet in real life" list*


                  • #10
                    Quoth Saydrah View Post
                    *le sigh* Ladies, if you want your male friends to smooch one another, just send them to stay with Auntie Saydrah for a while...
                    *Makes a list of people to send Saydrah's way*
                    How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


                    • #11
                      Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                      *Makes a list of people to send Saydrah's way*
                      I've got about 3 or 4 ex's to add to that list myself . . .especially that last one.

                      It's the least I can do for him . . .
                      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                      • #12
                        Quoth Juwl View Post
                        Two things: 1) It's entirely possible they knew she had gone through gender reassignment... You have no idea how many tranny chasers have IMed/emailed/whatevered me, and I'm not even close to transitioning yet.
                        2) Just desserts for those comments? I've managed to (unintentionally, I swear...) turn a few friends bi.
                        I talked to her afterwards (she knew I was working, so she stopped by), they were unaware

                        Saydrah, I was working, but it wasn't too bad that night...I'm sure the Sheraton had much more fun than I did But hey, at least you don't have to worry about converting me if you drop by!
                        "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
                        "What IS fun to fight through?"
                        "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


                        • #13
                          Quoth Saydrah View Post
                          So I'm not the only one with that gift/curse then?
                          Though, I'm extremely touchy feely online if not in person... though I get there eventually, after I've known you a long time, and so long as your energy doesn't tweak me oddly.

                          Quoth KhirasHY View Post
                          I talked to her afterwards (she knew I was working, so she stopped by), they were unaware
                          Cool, makes the whole situation even hotter in my fantasy.
                          *closes eyes, giggles*
                          "I call murder on that!"


                          • #14
                            For some reason when I was reading your "do you have any rooms now?" story, I was imagining the person you were speaking with had the voice of the Verizon guy.
                            "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                            • #15
                              Quoth Saydrah View Post
                              *le sigh* Ladies, if you want your male friends to smooch one another, just send them to stay with Auntie Saydrah for a while...
                              so many things I could respond to that with... so many things... which to use, which to use...

                              how about

                              "does that come with a money back guarantee"
                              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

