Once again I had the privilege of working on New Year's Eve. I do it every year because my wife and I think NYE is kind of a lame excuse for a 'holiday', the parties are always lame, it's risky to be out and about with the drunks on the road, and it's generally a great night to make a buck in the bar from those who celebrate.
It's also a great night for loony tune customers- the entertainment is usually second to none.
I started out waiting tables at 3:00. By 5:30 we were already on a long wait (40 - 60 minutes). A party of three came in (we do NOT take reservations) and when it was their turn to sit they didn't like the table we put them at. They wanted a booth.
It was explained to them that they could give up the table, but if they did they'd have to wait longer- probably at least 20 minutes. It was a busy night with numerous hosts, bussers, and front of house managers cleaning and seating tables as quickly and efficiently as possible. Therefore, it wasn't axiomatic that this couple would get the "next available" table because while this party is screwing around making decisions about where they'd like to sit - we have to operate to the needs (handicapped, etc), comfort, and convenience of more sensible and cooperative guests.
They ended up waiting 30 more minutes and they were none-too-happy about it. The host got the manager, and the manager explained that they'd already been seated and that the additional wait was 100% voluntary and there was nothing we could or would do for them. They would simply be seated in turn like everyone else.
After being seated they recounted the tale to the server and proceeded to grumble and complain about every little thing. You can guess who their server was. I said simply that I was sorry that they had to wait longer, but that it did sound to me as though it was voluntary, sometimes that happens, and on busy nights in particular because of the varying needs of so many guests we can't always accommodate requests to change tables easily.
They flipped out. They complained about all the food, how long their drinks took (it was a little longer getting drinks from the bar due to the New Year's eve crowd- but not too long).
In the end they left the check presenter on the table with some bills hanging out- and a note. The note read:
"Here's your tip. We are not paying the bill after all that's happened, and we're not going to wait and debate it with your manager this evening. We have to be somewhere."
Upon cleaning up the table the bus boy found one of the people's purse at the table...and here's where you will all appreciate having a quality manager on duty...
About 20 minutes later one of the women comes back in. By this time the manager has seen the note, shown me the I.D. from the purse and asked if this was one of them (it was). She says she thinks she may have left her purse here. My manager says, "It's possible- we lock up any lost and found in the office. It's pretty busy right now, and it's impossible for me to check right now. You'll have to wait." About an hour after that (she's still there, it's 11:00 p.m. on New Year's Eve) she starts ranting about how long she's been here and demands to see the manager again. 10 minutes later my manager comes up and says he's sorry, it must have slipped his mind he's very sorry and he'll check in a few minutes. 20 minutes later mgr comes back (and by now the rest of her party has the audacity to come back in) and they're all grumbling and complaining. Mgr calls me up to the front and asks me if these are the people that left the note. I say they are.
Manager is standing there with the purse and she says she'll just pay and they can go. Mgr says not a chance. She says, "excuse me?" He says that, "Since your refusal to pay was so blatant, and in writing- we intend to prosecute. Happy New Year." In the mean time, the police were called and by now they're walking in the door. The police collected the complaint, and the note as evidence (after we made a copy of it), and the dine-n-dashers. They spent New Year's eve at the precinct. Great way to start 2009- on the police blotter today btw...
It's also a great night for loony tune customers- the entertainment is usually second to none.
I started out waiting tables at 3:00. By 5:30 we were already on a long wait (40 - 60 minutes). A party of three came in (we do NOT take reservations) and when it was their turn to sit they didn't like the table we put them at. They wanted a booth.
It was explained to them that they could give up the table, but if they did they'd have to wait longer- probably at least 20 minutes. It was a busy night with numerous hosts, bussers, and front of house managers cleaning and seating tables as quickly and efficiently as possible. Therefore, it wasn't axiomatic that this couple would get the "next available" table because while this party is screwing around making decisions about where they'd like to sit - we have to operate to the needs (handicapped, etc), comfort, and convenience of more sensible and cooperative guests.
They ended up waiting 30 more minutes and they were none-too-happy about it. The host got the manager, and the manager explained that they'd already been seated and that the additional wait was 100% voluntary and there was nothing we could or would do for them. They would simply be seated in turn like everyone else.
After being seated they recounted the tale to the server and proceeded to grumble and complain about every little thing. You can guess who their server was. I said simply that I was sorry that they had to wait longer, but that it did sound to me as though it was voluntary, sometimes that happens, and on busy nights in particular because of the varying needs of so many guests we can't always accommodate requests to change tables easily.
They flipped out. They complained about all the food, how long their drinks took (it was a little longer getting drinks from the bar due to the New Year's eve crowd- but not too long).
In the end they left the check presenter on the table with some bills hanging out- and a note. The note read:
"Here's your tip. We are not paying the bill after all that's happened, and we're not going to wait and debate it with your manager this evening. We have to be somewhere."
Upon cleaning up the table the bus boy found one of the people's purse at the table...and here's where you will all appreciate having a quality manager on duty...
About 20 minutes later one of the women comes back in. By this time the manager has seen the note, shown me the I.D. from the purse and asked if this was one of them (it was). She says she thinks she may have left her purse here. My manager says, "It's possible- we lock up any lost and found in the office. It's pretty busy right now, and it's impossible for me to check right now. You'll have to wait." About an hour after that (she's still there, it's 11:00 p.m. on New Year's Eve) she starts ranting about how long she's been here and demands to see the manager again. 10 minutes later my manager comes up and says he's sorry, it must have slipped his mind he's very sorry and he'll check in a few minutes. 20 minutes later mgr comes back (and by now the rest of her party has the audacity to come back in) and they're all grumbling and complaining. Mgr calls me up to the front and asks me if these are the people that left the note. I say they are.
Manager is standing there with the purse and she says she'll just pay and they can go. Mgr says not a chance. She says, "excuse me?" He says that, "Since your refusal to pay was so blatant, and in writing- we intend to prosecute. Happy New Year." In the mean time, the police were called and by now they're walking in the door. The police collected the complaint, and the note as evidence (after we made a copy of it), and the dine-n-dashers. They spent New Year's eve at the precinct. Great way to start 2009- on the police blotter today btw...