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More fun with racist SCs!

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  • More fun with racist SCs!

    Today, I had a customer return a metal bunk bed frame. The box was really beat up but the guy doing the carryout told him it was okay (and no, I wasn't the guy doing the carryout...for once!)

    I hauled it out of the guy's truck and he happened to see "made in China" on the box.

    "Figures," he said. "Them f****** slant-eyed (racial slur for Asians starting with 'g') bastards can't build anything decent" he grumbled.

    I don't think it's a good thing all our manuractured goods are coming from China these days, but were the racial and ethnic slurs really necessary? I think not.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    Um, well, considering those 'slant-eyed bastards' typically make things like that on assembly lines constructed by American designs or even by Americans themselves, it's a little stupid to blame the Chinese. They're only doing the labor, not designing things.
    I hate prejudiced SCs.


    • #3
      And even so, it's not their fault the bunk bed got scratched.

      Knowing how the DC loads our trucks, they probably roughed up the box good while unloading it or putting it on the truck. Or maybe the truck unloaders banged it around while putting it away.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        I don't care much for racial sc's either....we get a few of em' at work and I am gonna LAUGH MY ASS off once they get the smackdown from someone they are being racial against.
        NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer


        • #5
          "You can have it cheap or you can have it from a country of which you approve. Make your choice."



          • #6
            Quoth Rapscallion View Post
            "You can have it cheap or you can have it from a country of which you approve. Make your choice."

            That's a nice quote, but a lot of the time you can't make the choice. What say I want to buy a CD or DVD, there's no extra expensive version made in america. It's gonna be made in Mexico, or China, or somewhere like that. What say I want a new pair of shoes? The vast majority of shoes are made in China, and getting an american made pair will not only set you back more, but cut down your selection by about 80 - 90%


            • #7
              Heh - I never said I'd help by making it easy for them to make the choice...



              • #8
                Boy, do we get that complaint a lot at my store! They walk in proclaiming that they don't want anything made in China; then blanch at the prices of our German-made knives. I want to tell them "Well, if you want something made by white people you gotta pay for it!!" That's what they're actually saying when they complain about China, right?


                • #9
                  [QUOTE=Irving Patrick Freleigh;42975]
                  "Figures," he said. "Them f****** slant-eyed (racial slur for Asians starting with 'g') bastards can't build anything decent" he grumbled.QUOTE]

                  Heh, yanno, there's a wall that's been standing since the time of Jeebus.... I think it's been that long. So they did something right .... That guy was an asshole.


                  • #10
                    Quoth tonydanza View Post
                    That's a nice quote, but a lot of the time you can't make the choice. What say I want to buy a CD or DVD, there's no extra expensive version made in america. It's gonna be made in Mexico, or China, or somewhere like that. What say I want a new pair of shoes? The vast majority of shoes are made in China, and getting an american made pair will not only set you back more, but cut down your selection by about 80 - 90%
                    My grandmother (not the one who previously had my kittycat) is like that. To her, if you buy anything made in China (Japan, or other non-American locale), you're "taking away American jobs." I hate to say it, but many things made here are simply too expensive, simply because our labor rates are much higher. Because of that, it's no wonder foreign companies are able to sell things for much less. To me, I don't care where something is long as it does what it's supposed to. Not all foreign-built stuff is good, and not all American-built stuff is crap.
                    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                    • #11
                      Sadly, my dad's a bit like that, although we've all beaten him down to the point where he won't use the slurs outside his own home. (Not that it makes it better, just easier to go out in public with.)

                      Anyway, I was putting together a Spongebob aquarium for my daughter (age 3 at the time), and I stopped to check the directions. She looks at me, then the paper, and says, "This is all Chinese crap anyway!"

                      Grandpa's not allowed to babysit anymore.


                      • #12
                        I have a DVD player made in Germany, and a television made in Belgium, without any input or name calling on my behalf. They're Philips sets.

                        Honestly, that sort of racist crap has no place in today's society. I've had some good stuff with a "Made In China" sticker on it. If anything, I buy by brand.
                        I think, therefore I am. But I am micromanaged, therefore I am not.


                        • #13
                          the only legitimate part of that complain is how much we import from china
                          our trade deficit with them is astonishing, if i remember right its around 600 billion dollars!!!
                          but racist remarks have no standing ever and nullify complaining, he probably didnt even know of the deficit


                          • #14
                            I had to deal with one of these last week.

                            The room rents last weekend were the highest I've ever seen them, because the entire world decided to come to Western North Carolina and stay the night. We've hired a new employee, and when a guy came in to ask about room rates, our new employee told the guy what they were. The guy did not approve, and asked if we could give a discount. New Employee called the boss. Boss spoke to Guy, and said that if he took three nights, we could drop the rate by $10 a night. If he only took one or two, the rate would be what it was. Guy agreed.

                            Guy took a room for two nights, and New Employee misunderstood the deal, and gave Guy the discounted rate. When the boss found out later, she called Guy, explained the situation and politely demanded the $20 extra that Guy had agreed to pay.

                            Guy did not approve of this, and insinuated that the boss was a greedy money-grubber. Boss politely reminded Guy that we had agreed to accept a lengthy fax for him at no charge, but if he wanted to see money-grubbing, she would be happy to charge for that fax.

                            Later, Guy came to the front desk to get the boss' name, which I pointed out to him on a plaque we have up here. He began to write, and said this:

                            "Now let me see if I can't get that camel-rider's name right."

                            And because I'm such a little tattle-tale, I passed this tidbit along to the boss, who bided her time until the next morning, when she threw the guest out, with the suggestion -- and this was the truth -- that if he wanted to find a room to stay that night, he's better hit the road, because it's a long haul to the first place in South Carolina that wasn't filled with race fans from Charlotte, or to Tennessee.
                            Last edited by Antisocial_Worker; 10-26-2006, 10:53 AM.
                            Drive it like it's a county car.


                            • #15
                              Its funny how things work out.
                              Companies pay less money, to save money.
                              People become poor. cannot afford anything.
                              Company outsource as much as they can to another country where they can pay 1/10th or less to have the same thing made and then shipped to the local stores.
                              People can finally afford to have nice things.
                              Company takes it as a sign that people perfer the stuff made from other countries.
                              So MORE companies do this.
                              And eventually noone has any manufactoring jobs anymore, because its so much cheaper to outsource them.

                              But then people complain because the stuff they can finally afford, is crap. But it doesnt change the mind of the company. Because they are now making even more money.

                              Ive heard, if the USA economy were to collapse anytime soon, then the world economy would go to hell. I guess because we owe so many people so much money that if we cant pay it back, they would be SoL and it would seriously hurt them.
                              Welcome to the USA, The Bold, The Proud. The Debtor.
                              Cyberpunk mayhem!

