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More fun with racist SCs!

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  • #16
    Quoth symposes View Post
    Ive heard, if the USA economy were to collapse anytime soon, then the world economy would go to hell. I guess because we owe so many people so much money that if we cant pay it back, they would be SoL and it would seriously hurt them.
    Well, sorta.

    Imports would become quite expensive for us, since our dollar value would drop like a rock, and there would be no strong incentive for other nations to buy stuff from us other than basic agricultrual commodities, which usually have a reasonable demand. And there's enough US money in circulation to last them quite a while. We'ld have a tougher time selling bonds, so our politicians would really be SoL, since most of them don't really know how to balance a budget-- when it happens, it's usually the result of political gridlock, not good planning.

    Other nations would hurt short-term, but would end up realizing that they can sell to each other. They don't have to depend on us to be the consumers.

    On the plus side, there's enough US money in world circulation that people would realize they could afford stuff from here, so even though we'ld be caught in a nasty inflation cycle, employment would be unlikely to suffer badly.

    And a few of those manufacturing jobs would return. Of course, what a lot of people don't realize is that some of those jobs didn't leave; they're got taken over by machines, and are never coming back-- not here, and not in China, either. But pointing this out to people losing their job means risking a new generation of Luddites...


    • #17
      Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
      And a few of those manufacturing jobs would return. Of course, what a lot of people don't realize is that some of those jobs didn't leave; they're got taken over by machines, and are never coming back-- not here, and not in China, either.
      After Pittsburgh's steel industry collapsed, it took a huge chunk out of our economy, not to mention tens of thousands of jobs.

      What happened during the 1970s and '80s, was that American steel simply got too expensive, and couldn't compete with foreign-made stuff. Labor costs, and a lack of investment by the steel companies eventually drove many out of business.

      Since so much of the area was built on steel...many former mill towns are nearly abandoned. Some of the mills have been torn down and the land converted to other uses...but several large mills still remain--rusting and falling apart. Take Braddock, PA. During the mill's glory days, the town was bustling. Now, it's deserted--block after block of crumbling real estate. It's rather depressing to drive through that.

      The area has rebounded somewhat, but what's been happening, is many people have moved outside of Pittsburgh for the 'burbs to escape the taxes, and lack of jobs. There was recent talk of consolidating many of the river towns into one large city to save costs. However, because state taxes are so high, very little outside investment is coming in. I have a feeling that many towns will *never* recover
      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


      • #18
        Quoth Petronella View Post
        I want to tell them "Well, if you want something made by white people you gotta pay for it!!" That's what they're actually saying when they complain about China, right?
        That's what some people are saying. But what most people complain about is that Chinese made products have come to be known as not very well made, shoddy, crappy, or otherwise suck.

        My wife is mexican and I'm a white american(comes into play). Once we went into a small store(I don't remember which one.) to buy some basic stuff. My wife was holding our daughter while waiting for me to pay. I got to the register to pay and I struck up a friendly conversation with the cashier. I don't remember what we talked about but finally the cashier looked at my wife and said, "damn those wetbacks are reproducing here now, too." Without looking up at him I said in a casual voice, "that's my wife and daughter." I then looked up, straight at his eyes, and just gave him "THE" look . I asked to talk with the manager. After lodging the complaint I left the store and have never been back.


        • #19
          Quoth Boulder_Bear View Post
          That's what some people are saying. But what most people complain about is that Chinese made products have come to be known as not very well made, shoddy, crappy, or otherwise suck.
          The same comments were made about Japan in the 1950s. At the time, Japan had a reputation for making "cheap crap." Everything made there was seen as a joke. Nobody started taking their products seriously until the 1970s...when they started eating into our market share.

          Apparently, people don't learn from their mistakes...the same thing happened with Korea in the 1980s and early 1990s. Hyundai, for example, had a well-deserved reputation for selling crap then. Now they're a force to be reckoned with.

          With that said, I have a feeling that the same will happen with China, and whoever is next.
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #20
            Wow...just wow...
            I'll be a happy man when racism (or any -ism) finally vanishes from society. It has no place in today's world, and we're all human, right?
            Gun control is hitting your target; recycling is reloading your brass.
            "It's not our fault the Business School makes you buy those crappy Gateways!"
            "The queue is..."


            • #21
              Quoth Depot Denizen View Post
              we're all human, right?
              Well.........maybe not. There has to be a reason for the level of stupidity in customers.
              I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


              • #22
                Quoth LostMyMind View Post
                Well.........maybe not. There has to be a reason for the level of stupidity in customers.
                Mebbe the Neanderthals were hiding for all this time.
                Gun control is hitting your target; recycling is reloading your brass.
                "It's not our fault the Business School makes you buy those crappy Gateways!"
                "The queue is..."


                • #23
                  Quoth LostMyMind View Post
                  Well.........maybe not. There has to be a reason for the level of stupidity in customers.
                  You're right. I think SC's are a breed of their own.


                  • #24
                    Quoth Boulder_Bear View Post
                    You're right. I think SC's are a breed of their own.
                    I was always told that there's a place where elephants go to die. I think there's also a place where SCs go to breed. Anyone want to help me find that we can nuke the hell out of it?
                    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                    • #25
                      YEAH!!!! I'm seriously fed up with stupidity in all forms. After we nuke the SC breeding grounds, can we hunt down the stupid corporate drone spawning pool and drain it?
                      Arsenic is 'natural'. Hemlock is 'organic'.


                      • #26
                        I think i heard it first here.

                        Evolution is regressing with the human species. Most smart people use condoms, or dont have more then 1 child, unless they really want 2 or 3.
                        Whereas the stupid people breed like rabbits. They get all the help they need to survive, while the smart people do it with their own capabilities.

                        In essence, stupidity is being bred INTO the human genome, instead of OUT of it.
                        Cyberpunk mayhem!


                        • #27
                          I think I espoused a theory along those lines a while ago on here. I've developed that somewhat and suspect that we'll end up with an intelligent elite, which - though small - is able to control and manipulate others. For the sake of argument, we'll call them advertisers.

                          The majority of the rest of the population will be on the dozy side, and for the sake of argument I'll call them customers.

                          Then there's us poor bloody lot stuck in the middle, as always...


