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Why I Hate 'The Bandwagon'

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  • #16
    Quoth Nurian View Post
    It's almost required in Kansas. I hear the Chiefs open their next season against Boy Scout Troop Number 8374 . That'll be a tough one for them!
    Next year, when playing the Leavenworth KS school for the blind, they won't be allowed to hide the football under their jerseys. That'll be a tough one.

    Quoth Nurian
    I'm a Cowboy fan and have been for years. So say the 5 t-shirts, 5 hats, 2 jerseys and one watch.
    My condolences.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #17
      Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
      When I was a kid, I remember thinking that football was a game in which two teams of big guys lined up facing each other, then, when somebody yelled the right word, they all leaped forward and tried to push each other to the opposite end of the field. Sort of like a the opposite of a tug-of-war.
      ....that sounds like a whole lotta of fun.
      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


      • #18
        Quoth persephone View Post
        What I hate is that I AM a fan of one of the teams. As in I've been a fan on the team for as long as I can remember and my Daddy had me saying "Go Steelers!" before I was 2.

        But because I do not and never have lived in Pennsylvania, everyone assumes I must be just "on the bandwagon". Cause there's NO WAY you could be a fan of a team in a state you do not live in.
        To paraphrase Stephen Colbert: "My Local Team is the greatest team in the world and always will be... until I move"

        /not a football fan much
        //doesn't cheer for the local team who bandwagon everyone's brains to mush and who every corporation supports
        ///even when they're doing well
        ////even when they win the Grey Cup
        Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart!


        • #19
          Quoth persephone View Post
          What I hate is that I AM a fan of one of the teams. As in I've been a fan on the team for as long as I can remember and my Daddy had me saying "Go Steelers!" before I was 2.

          But because I do not and never have lived in Pennsylvania, everyone assumes I must be just "on the bandwagon". Cause there's NO WAY you could be a fan of a team in a state you do not live in.
          Try being a fan of a team in a COUNTRY you don't live in. I'm a Canadian now living in the U.S. and I STILL like my hometown Hockey team. I can imagine the weirdo looks I'd get if I was out and about in my jersey.
          "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


          • #20
            Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
            When I was a kid, I remember thinking that football was a game in which two teams of big guys lined up facing each other, then, when somebody yelled the right word, they all leaped forward and tried to push each other to the opposite end of the field. Sort of like a the opposite of a tug-of-war.
            Actually, not that far from the truth.

            Quoth Nurian View Post
            I hear the Chiefs open their next season against Boy Scout Troop Number 8374.
            Yeah, heard about that. Also heard that the Boy Scout Troop is already getting flack for scheduling so lightly.

            Quoth Nurian View Post
            I'm a Cowboy fan and have been for years. So say the 5 t-shirts, 5 hats, 2 jerseys and one watch.
            Is that all? I have no idea how many Raider t-shirts and jerseys I have. T-shirts I won't even try to count. Jerseys, lesse, we got two Tim Browns, one Jack Tatum, one Howie Long, one Fred Biletnikoff...I think that's it. Then there's the two pairs of socks, the two windbreakers, the medium jacket, the poncho, the winter parka, the numerous hats, the pair of boxers....yeah, I've had a few Raider fans tell me I have too much damn Raider stuff. And I was impressed with myself.....

            ....that is, until I met Doug, the guy who hosted me when I was out in Oakland for the season opener. He built a second HOUSE down the hill from his house (he lives in the boonies), which is just a rec room and a place to house all his Raiders stuff.

            I have never in my life seen so much Raiders stuff. INCLUDING in stores, gift shops, the Raider store in the Coliseum.....anywhere. I won't get into it here (my fingers would fall off from typing), but suffice it to say that walking into that rec room for the first time, no matter WHO you're a friend of, is awe-inspiring, intimidating, and amazing, all rolled together.

            I'm sorry....what were we talking about again?

            Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
            Try being a fan of a team in a COUNTRY you don't live in. I'm a Canadian now living in the U.S. and I STILL like my hometown Hockey team. I can imagine the weirdo looks I'd get if I was out and about in my jersey.
            Screw people who give you weird looks. Where your jersey. Anyone who knows hockey will get it, and anyone who doesn't....well, they may give you weird looks, but only if they don't recognize the team at all. I say go for it!

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #21
              Quoth Nurian View Post
              It's almost required in Kansas. I hear the Chiefs open their next season against Boy Scout Troop Number 8374 . That'll be a tough one for them!
              What are the Vegas odds right now that the Cheifs wish they didn't trade Jared Allen away?
              New England Patirots... FIVE TIME SUPER BOWL CHAMPS!
              New England Revolution... Will win MLS Cup one day.


              • #22
                Down here in FL, either people are Dolphin fans, or Giants fans (Me!) or Jets fans.


                • #23
                  Oh i loved those kind of calls. I remember working for <insert cellphone company here> and i get the following call.

                  Id10T: yes my phone isnt syncing my computer.

                  me: I will be more than happy to help you with that today, do you have the syncing program <lets get this phone working 4.0>?

                  Id10t: no....why do i need it?

                  me: to sync with your computer, you need that software, you can get it from <the interweb> site.

                  Id10t: Can't you just download it for me and do it on your end?

                  me: im afraid not, it requires your computer to work, it has to be installed on yours and i'm afraid i cant access your system.

                  Id10t: Thanks for nothing. i pay <$$$> each month for this peace of crap and this is the support i get, screw this im going to cancel. *click*

                  Me (thinking): Those who are that lazy or that thick to not realize it requires your did you even call me? WTF?
                  I see there is an epidemic of stupid going around....


                  • #24
                    Quoth Jester View Post
                    I've been accused of bandwagoning by my coworkers for rooting for the Cardinals.

                    Look, everyone knows I am a Raiders fan. I am still a Raiders fan. But I AM from Arizona....why in the bloody hell would I root for the Steelers over a team from my home state that has had nothing but a history of failure and futility up to this point?
                    I was rooting for them, too, because they're from Arizona, right next door. However, I have a bad habit of still calling them the St. Louis Cardinals.

                    Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
                    Big Game: I'll probably be reading a book while my friends scream at the TV. The last time somebody asked me who I was cheering for in the Superbowl, I said, "Pepsi."
                    I wasn't even watching the game. I was watching the "Puppy Bowl". Much cuter players!

                    Quoth Nurian View Post
                    It's almost required in Kansas. I hear the Chiefs open their next season against Boy Scout Troop Number 8374 . That'll be a tough one for them!
                    Kind of like the jokes about NMSU not being able to beat Carrie Tingley. It's actually a local hospital for handicapped kids, so you get the idea how bad our football team is!

                    Honestly, I think my high school's team could have beaten them this year. NMSU had a 4-9 record, Las Cruces High won the state championship and was undefeated.

                    Quoth Nurian View Post
                    I'm a Cowboy fan and have been for years. So say the 5 t-shirts, 5 hats, 2 jerseys and one watch.
                    I won't hold that against you.

                    Everyone here assumes that you're either a Cowboys or Broncos fan and I can't stand either team!

                    Quoth Jester View Post
                    Screw people who give you weird looks. Where your jersey. Anyone who knows hockey will get it, and anyone who doesn't....well, they may give you weird looks, but only if they don't recognize the team at all. I say go for it!
                    Oh, you ought to see the dirty looks I get sometimes when I wear NMSU stuff in Albuquerque, which is home to UNM. And that is a blood rivalry there. We hate each other. But I wear it anyway. They're actually just jealous 'cause we have way cooler colors.
                    Last edited by Pagan; 02-03-2009, 07:21 PM.
                    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                    • #25
                      What, you're not able to look in up online or something?
                      There a reason you can't do that yourself there, sparky? Oh right you're lazy!


                      • #26
                        My dad grew up in MN, so I was raised as a Vikings/Twins fan. Since I'm an Army brat, it was interesting to listen to people talking at his work when it came to sports, because no two people would cheer for the same team.

                        Mom, on the other hand, cheers for whatever team is local. She was banned from Super Bowl pools at one of her jobs because she randomly picked a really odd score combo, completely forgot about it, and got confused when she won a big pot and everyone wanted to know how she knew. "What are you talking about?" "The game last night?" "What game?"

                        Around here, everyone's either for the Giants/Patriots (with some Jets mixed in for fun...I cheer for the Jets to piss people off), or Yankees/Mets/Red Sox. It's fun be determinedly anti-those teams just to annoy people.
                        It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


                        • #27
                          Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                          Me: (WTF??) No, I'm afraid I don't have their number.
                          Asshat: (sarcastically) What, you're not able to look in up online or something?
                          "I'm not the one who dialed the wrong number, sir."

                          Good times.
                          I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

                          -- Steven Wright


                          • #28
                            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                            My condolences.
                            It could be worse...he could be a Detroit Lions fan

                            Seriously, I am a Steelers fan. Always have been, but have been following it a bit more closely in recent years. Still, I get the "you're not a fan because you don't memorize the stats" crap from some people. Sorry, but I have better things to do with my time than memorize a bunch of useless numbers

                            Oh, and as for the Patriots? All I can say is... 6 Super Bowls, No Cheating
                            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                            • #29
                              Quoth sarasquirrel View Post
                              i like the denver broncos, talk about a team thats not near your state
                              When I was living in NJ, I was the only Brewers fan to be found for hundreds of miles.

                              The man of the household, now being in WI with me, is one of the few (if any) Mets fans for miles.
                              Unseen but seeing
                              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                              3rd shift needs love, too
                              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                              • #30
                                When people ask who I'm rooting for I always have the same answer.
                                "I'm a heretic. I don't believe in football."
                                Someday I'm going to wind up burnt at the goal post...

