Today I was supposed to be working in the paint department all day, so I was happy when I got to work. I love working over there. An hour after starting I get pulled to the front to ring on a register. Great, there goes my good day. So I'm already now in a not-so-great mood, and here is a conversation that I had with one of the customers I cashed out.
SC1- really not a sucky customer, he was actually kinda nice
SC2- evil....pure evil
I swipe the cars that SC1 gives me and I notice the back of the card isn't signed.
Me: "I just need an ID to verify your signature."
SC1: -leans in closely like he's going to tell me a secret....kinda creepy when you don't know the person- "I have to tell you that it isn't my card, so the names aren't going to match. It's his (points to SC2) card. Do you want his ID?"
Me: "Yep I'll need his ID then."
SC2 gives me his ID and I verify and we move on. I give them their receipt and bag and tell them to have a nice day. Before walking away, SC2 leans into me, very much like the other guy did....
SC2: "Can I ask you a question?"
Me: "um....sure"
SC2: "How much do you weigh?" (note: I'm on the large side as weight goes)
Me: -stares at him for a second thinking that he couldn't POSSIBLY have just asked me that- "That's a personal question, don't you think?"
SC2: " can I get a personal answer?"
Me: "No you can't, have a nice day."
SC1 must have seen the look on my face or something because he comes back in and asks me what SC2 just asked me, at which point SC2 says "NO! Don't tell him what I asked you, he'll yell at me for it!"
Me: -starting to get very red and almost to the verge of tears from embarassment- "Have a good day sir."
SC2: "So can I get a personal answer?
Me: "NO SIR. HAVE A GOOD DAY." -now making a kind of hand motion to let him know he needs to get the hell away from me before I start having a hissy fit at the register.-
SC1: "Ma'am, I don't know what he asked you, but I'd like to apologize for him."
SC2: "OK OK, sorry."
And FINALLY he leaves. For the rest of the afternoon I had to continue cashing out customers trying not to think about it because when I did I felt like I was going to burst into tears. I didn't tell anyone what he said, except for my wife on my dinner break, when I could finally cry.
Talk about public humiliation.
SC1- really not a sucky customer, he was actually kinda nice
SC2- evil....pure evil
I swipe the cars that SC1 gives me and I notice the back of the card isn't signed.
Me: "I just need an ID to verify your signature."
SC1: -leans in closely like he's going to tell me a secret....kinda creepy when you don't know the person- "I have to tell you that it isn't my card, so the names aren't going to match. It's his (points to SC2) card. Do you want his ID?"
Me: "Yep I'll need his ID then."
SC2 gives me his ID and I verify and we move on. I give them their receipt and bag and tell them to have a nice day. Before walking away, SC2 leans into me, very much like the other guy did....
SC2: "Can I ask you a question?"
Me: "um....sure"
SC2: "How much do you weigh?" (note: I'm on the large side as weight goes)
Me: -stares at him for a second thinking that he couldn't POSSIBLY have just asked me that- "That's a personal question, don't you think?"
SC2: " can I get a personal answer?"
Me: "No you can't, have a nice day."
SC1 must have seen the look on my face or something because he comes back in and asks me what SC2 just asked me, at which point SC2 says "NO! Don't tell him what I asked you, he'll yell at me for it!"
Me: -starting to get very red and almost to the verge of tears from embarassment- "Have a good day sir."
SC2: "So can I get a personal answer?
Me: "NO SIR. HAVE A GOOD DAY." -now making a kind of hand motion to let him know he needs to get the hell away from me before I start having a hissy fit at the register.-
SC1: "Ma'am, I don't know what he asked you, but I'd like to apologize for him."
SC2: "OK OK, sorry."
And FINALLY he leaves. For the rest of the afternoon I had to continue cashing out customers trying not to think about it because when I did I felt like I was going to burst into tears. I didn't tell anyone what he said, except for my wife on my dinner break, when I could finally cry.
Talk about public humiliation.