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Okay, I suck?

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  • Okay, I suck?

    So get this.

    I order three pairs of shoes from Awesome toddler shoes. They do not ship immediately. I knew this from the get go, but they have a 14 day delivery guarantee. Not 14 business days, 14 days. At least, that's what it said. I read very carefully.

    Okay, 107 bucks to a company I've never done business with. So, I'm a little antsy. They have a thing where you supposedly can track your shipment.

    Day thirteen somes, no shoes. Actually, it was far longer than that, but I have them the benefit of the doubt and counted only weekdays. So we're talking a bit of time here. So I call and find out the order is to ship "in a couple days or so." I'm like...uh...well, how are they going to get here in 14 days if you are going to ship them in a couple days or so, and you aren't even sure on what day? They say they're sorry, but they've been really busy.

    Okay, fine. I'll wait. I'm not going to be a jerk, I just want to have a ballpark as to when they're going to be delivered. I don't want 107 dollars worth of stuff lying in the rain on my porch, you know?

    In the meantime, I get an email from them soliciting the email addresses of my friends and family so they can direct market them. As many of you know, I am not much up on direct marketing, giving contact info out, or anything like this and I replied as such. I also said, and I was being quite honest, that so far, the only thing I really knew for sure about their company was that they were extremely slow to ship. It's the truth. I said I was eager to get their product, as it looked awesome, but so far I hadn't and was still waiting, so the jury was still in as to whether I'd be able to recommend them.

    So anyway, I got them the other day. 17 business days. The shoes are really, really nice and I would and will recommend them. They sent an email asking if I'd gotten them and I said I had, and that I loved them and would pass on the good word for them.

    They refunded every penny of my bill as they didn't get them to me in 14 days. I also see that they took down that policy off their web site.

    Now, the question here is, should I feel bad about that? I am not expecting free fact, I feel a little like a thief. I didn't ask for a refund. I'm not like one of those people who think they are entitled to a handout for every inconvenience. It wasn't really an big deal, I just wanted to know if and when I'd get my stuff.

    They DID offer that on their site, 14 days or your money back! But they weren't all THAT late. I got 3 pairs for free. That's nice, but I don't feel that great about it.

    If they hadn't refunded my money, would I feel like they made a false promise? I dunno. Maybe. Not sure if I would have pushed the issue, but maybe.

    Should I refuse the refund?

    Maybe I'm just neurotic.

  • #2
    Hell no. It's great that they're willing to take enough responsibility to take that initiative for themselves. They had a policy, they stuck to it, you benefit. Don't think for a second someone who HAD screamed and complained would feel bad about accepting the refund!

    If you really feel bad about it, though, why not use the refund to order something else from their company? They might be slow as Christmas and I might not agree with their direct marketing thing, but at least they're honest...quite frankly, that means a lot to me in a business these days.
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


    • #3
      I don't think you were sucky, and you should keep the refund. It was a posted policy at the time you placed the order, and you didn't ask for a refund, you simply told them you were not ready to recommend the company to your family & friends. This company obviously understands rewarding the good customers! You can now re-respond to the e-mail and express your delight and satisfaction.
      The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


      • #4
        No, you shouldn't feel bad. You never ranted or screamed at them, or demanded anything for the delay in shipping. When they asked for names, you told them no and also what your experience has been with that company. Whoever you spoke to to the initiative to insure that your payment was refunded since it wasn't in accordance with their statement, and also had the statement removed since it wasn't something that they could deliver on.

        Now, you have the shoes, they have a happy and satisfied customer that will recommend them to others. Win/Win.


        • #5
          Oh, I did. I thanked them and told them I loved the product and was planning on buying from them in the future. I also told them I was planning on telling my sister about how pleased I was, as she wanted to know how this particular transaction turned out (she is interested in this brand of shoe, also.).

          Yes, I did think of spending the money I got back with them again. At the rate kids outgrow shoes, probably that money will be a drop in the bucket compared to what they will eventually get out of me. Maybe that's what they are counting on.

          I can't complain about the service or the quality, that's for sure. Even if they were a little late.


          • #6
            I have to agree with everyone else. It was their policy (at the time, anyway), and they should stand by it 100%.
            And you shouldn't feel bad for their error!
            I wouldn't sweat it.
            Not your fault!

            "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


            • #7
              I agree with Mysty about using the refund to order more product, if you feel guilty about it. Perhaps the friends/family you would refer could use a few items? Reccomendation is the quickest way to build a reputation for a store like that up. You're accepting the refund and also expressing your desire to do business with them in the future, and I'm sure they will appreciate that.

              I think it's amazing that they did offer the refund. I'm also glad they changed their policy because imagine the type of hell that SCs could rain down because of it.
              "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


              • #8
                I wouldn't feel bad about keeping the refund. I just spent $200 there (had to check it out after seeing the link), so I think they'll be well able to afford it.

                Besides, it's nice to know I'm dealing with an honest, straightforward company.


                • #9
                  I agree... since it is their policy to give you the refund, that's not sucky.

                  If it wasn't their policy, and it was only one day late, and you screamed at Phonejockey for an hour, and then wrote several letters on PFB with poor spelling and no punctuation, that would be sucky.
                  free from the evil clutches of crappy tire


                  • #10
                    Just by your attitude through post you seem like a geniune person and I honestly believe that you were not a sucky customer but actually a good one. I would accept the refund but that's your choice..if they were backed up then an email or phone call should have been place...this company seems fair and reasonable by giving you the merchandise and a refund...kudos to ya both!!!


                    • #11
                      If you feel really guilty about it, use that money to buy my daughter some of those awesome shoes.

                      PM me for my mailing address
                      Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

                      "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


                      • #12
                        No, you weren't sucky. In fact, you were quite a bit nicer than most people would have been.

                        I just went to their site and that guarantee is still there.


                        I'm still naturally hesitant to order shoes online, since each brand varies in sizing, but I may consider it in the future. Thanks for telling about your experience!


                        • #13
                          No you were not sucky. Any company that stands by their money back policy is OK in my book.

                          They said 14 days they missed the 14 day window, they refunded. ACtually a company that cares about it's promises to the customers. Kudos you and the company.


                          • #14
                            Quoth IhateCrappyTire View Post
                            I agree... since it is their policy to give you the refund, that's not sucky.

                            If it wasn't their policy, and it was only one day late, and you screamed at Phonejockey for an hour, and then wrote several letters on PFB with poor spelling and no punctuation, that would be sucky.
                            That is exactly what I was going to say.

                            I'm impressed that they handled the problem so graciously. And also that you were so gracious in letting them know about the problem. Definitely NOT sucky!
                            Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.


                            • #15
                              Oh, come on - it was their policy that caused you to get the refund. Presumably you didn't cry, scream and threaten to burn their building down if they didn't refund every penny you spent? Then you were not sucky.

                              This isn't directed at you, RK, but do people actually think that they are sucky if they are assertive in dealing with a company, or if they get compensated by a company? Because there are increasing numbers of posts that ask exactly this question. I'm not sure if its that hanging around here makes one super-sensitive to suckiness, or if people just want a bit of ego-stroking from their peers, but either way, there are a lot of posts from people who've behaved perfectly reasonably and yet come here asking if they were sucky, when its quite obvious that they weren't.

                              By the way, those shoes are BEAUTIFUL. My daughter would kill for those Unique Pony ones.
                              A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                              - Dave Barry

