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Really All This Over ONIONS??

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  • Really All This Over ONIONS??

    Sundays are our major cleaning day. We are usually slow. I said usually cause I don't know who in the hell sent all those people to Subway yesterday but it was a madhouse. Course upon the nightshift coming at 3pm we had NO prep and NO bread. So in the mist of 50 million people crashing in our door I am trying to make bread and do what prep I could. We had enough onions to least carry us until later on that night until onion man blessed us with his presence. I was down in set ups and he was already complaining that another Subway wasnt putting enough meat at that location. Ok thats nice get your double meat BMT and ride on down to toppings so I can take care of the masses behind you. Next thing I know I hear yelling to my right. My coworker is losing her mind on this man and he is yelling back. He wanted more onions and as I looked down I noticed his sandwich already had enough onions to make about 5 people cry. My coworker flat out tells onion man he isnt getting anymore and that only 6 onions are really suppose to go on the sub. Man is red in the face and screaming "what the fuck you do? count each onion you put on every sandwich?" At one point he threatened to jump over the counter and do something with the onions. I did not hear that part cause I and half the damn lobby was in an uproar. I felt bad for his daughter who was about 18 or 19 years old, who kept telling her dad to stop and pulling him away from the counter. At this point I had enough and told him to get the hell out of our store. The man flips all our cups on the ground and stomps on them, then storms out. Cue silence cause everyone was in a state of shock. I am still recovering from all that.

  • #2
    Even though I think six onions is a paltry amount, I wouldn't have a fit about it.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Did you get a license number? Those cups aren't free. I would expect my 4 year old to act like this. (But he would only do it ONCE. Guaranteed.)
      If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.
      --Woodrow Willson


      • #4
        Quoth Little Redhead
        "what the fuck you do? count each onion you put on every sandwich?"
        um, yeah. it's called controlling food cost. food does cost money, that's part of the reason you're paying for it.
        To err is human, to blame someone else shows good management skills.

        my blog -->
        my brother's blog -->


        • #5
          Yep, of course you count food items on a sandwich! Asking for a little extra will probably get you more, but not THAT much more.
          I seldom ask for more than I think I am entitled to, so I don't really run into that problem....but I can imagine that you get it a lot at Subway, where it's pretty much 'build your own' when it comes to toppings.
          And going off that way...geeze, it sounds like that guy had some serious anger issues....
          I no longer fear HELL.
          I work in RETAIL.


          • #6
            Every time I go into subway and order a footlong with turkey and cheese on herb n' cheese bread.....

            They always ask if that's REALLY all I wanted

            Oh well, I hope that guy busted a tail light or something on his way home. If nothing else, let him lose some money

            Why is it people who are in 'such a hurry' to get what they want, always completely fine wasting everyone's time including their own?

            If you need to get out all that fast, fork up the cash and leave!
            I like things that go *bang!*


            • #7
              Quoth Wingates_Hellsing View Post
              Every time I go into subway and order a footlong with turkey and cheese on herb n' cheese bread.....

              They always ask if that's REALLY all I wanted
              I get the same thing at Publix with their deli subs.

              Only things I get are one of two things:

              Ham & Turkey, Cheese, Mayo lettuce, green pepper, salt & pepper.

              Only part of that sandwich that's a pain is the meat, sometimes they have to cut extra =\

              Or I get a chicken tender with cheese, mayo, onion, and salt & Pepper.

              Also simple.

              I always get weird looks though, especially when the person in front of me just ordered a salad bar on a piece of bread, like my sister...
              <Insert clever signature here>


              • #8
                Quoth Lingering Grin View Post
                I get the same thing at Publix with their deli subs.

                Only things I get are one of two things:

                Ham & Turkey, Cheese, Mayo lettuce, green pepper, salt & pepper.

                Only part of that sandwich that's a pain is the meat, sometimes they have to cut extra =\

                Or I get a chicken tender with cheese, mayo, onion, and salt & Pepper.

                Also simple.

                I always get weird looks though, especially when the person in front of me just ordered a salad bar on a piece of bread, like my sister...
                That's a good one, may I use it like... all day every day?

                Pretty please ?
                I like things that go *bang!*


                • #9
                  Quoth Wingates_Hellsing View Post
                  That's a good one, may I use it like... all day every day?

                  Pretty please ?
                  Sure, I'm pretty sure I ripped it off from someone else on this site
                  <Insert clever signature here>


                  • #10
                    Quoth Lingering Grin View Post
                    I get the same thing at Publix with their deli subs.
                    Mmmmm. Would it be wrong of me to be already dreaming of Publix Subs and I don't leave for FL till a week from today?
                    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                    • #11
                      Yeah, because as charismatic as that guy is, and as lovely as his personality is, he can certainly afford to have a few more onions on his breath.


                      • #12
                        Maybe he's keeping away the vampires...although they usually back off from garlic. Either way, that guy best be packing a truckload of tic-tacs. I would hate to be anywhere within 30 feet of that guy.
                        "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


                        • #13
                          Every subway I have been in a to have a "exact" amount of the main ingredient say meatballs in a meatball sub and a approximate amount of the extra topping with the standard amount and a few more or less than standard based on preferences. Wanting that much onion deserves a extra charge or no food.


                          • #14
                            what a prick
                            at least we know his offspring didn't inherit the asshole-gene from him


                            • #15
                              Am I the only one who dreams of the cops showing up at his house and arresting him for distroying property.AHHHH we can only dream.

