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I will not be served by a WOMAN!

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  • I will not be served by a WOMAN!

    Yesterday this Muslim guy came in, and when he got to the register, he informed the cashier, "I will not be served by a WOMAN!" Then he ranted about how she, the "infidel," shouldn't touch his clothes because she would "defile" them.

    You know what the new girl does? Put her hands all over the clothes out of spite. He screamed a bunch of curse words, and then security threw him out of the store. Mwa ha ha!

    I swear I should make a movie about what goes on in the mall.

  • #2
    That guy was an SC, not because of his religion or religious beliefs, but purely due to his innate suckitude.

    I am sorry, but if you live in a society whose majority do not share your religious views of the world, you should not expect that shopping in said society will conform with said religious views. If you want to shop at a place where women will not be handling your clothes because that violates Islamic law*, then I am sure your local mosque can direct you to such a shop, probably run by Moslems of similar though processes.

    I know that myself, were I to live in a strongly Moslem country, I would not get all bent out of shape when I could not find a nearby liquor store to cater to my own particular drunken needs and wants. But I do NOT live in such a society, and I do not do so by choice. And I’ll drink to that!

    *I do not personally know if such a view is mainstream Moslem or strictly fundamentalist Moslem. I am guessing that it is only the latter, as I have known some Moslems who would frankly find the SC’s behavior in the above post utterly repulsive, disgusting, and out of line. But again, being a pagan raised by atheists of Jewish descent, I frankly don’t know.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      I'm surprised he didn't ask for a discount on the "ruined" clothes.

      Olive juice you too.


      • #4
        There's a guy that rings up my work every week to find out what new dvds have come in and always asks for "The guy that works there" and if I say he's not in, then the guy says that's ok..when will he be and he'll ring back! All he wants to know is what comes in but he refuses to speak to either of the females that work there.


        • #5
          Quoth Cosmic Cat View Post
          Yesterday this Muslim guy came in, and when he got to the register, he informed the cashier, "I will not be served by a WOMAN!" Then he ranted about how she, the "infidel," shouldn't touch his clothes because she would "defile" them.
          Coooooool. A man who washes his own clothes.


          • #6
            We had a guy do the same thing in our pharmacy. He demanded to see the manager and I took great pleasure in getting our muslim LADY manager for him.
            Double whammy >_<.


            • #7
              Quoth Cosmic Cat View Post
              You know what the new girl does? Put her hands all over the clothes out of spite. He screamed a bunch of curse words, and then security threw him out of the store. Mwa ha ha!
              That's hilarious . . . I'm sorry if that offended anyone (especially him!!) but still, that's awfully brave of her to do something like that. I, personally, wouldn't even touch a customer (let alone a pissed off SC), and she put her hands all over him out of spite!?! That's awesome.

              Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
              Coooooool. A man who washes his own clothes.
              You make a good point.
              This area is left blank for a reason.


              • #8
                I think it was clothes he was buying, not wearing.

                Heaven help him should he ever come to our Wal-Mart (or most that I've seen). We have exactly one male cashier, and one male CSM. Everyone else on the front end is female. True, a bunch of the salesfloor guys and a couple managers actually know how to run a register (especially the guys in Sporting Goods and Electronics, since they have registers too), but still.
                "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                • #9
                  Religion aside, this guy sounds like a neandrethal (and that may be an insult to neandrethals.)

                  Sad that in this day and age that these types of sexist attitudes still remain.

                  BTW, let's keep this confined to the sucky behavior and leave the religion out of it, mmkhay?
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Cosmic Cat View Post
                    Yesterday this Muslim guy came in, and when he got to the register, he informed the cashier, "I will not be served by a WOMAN!" Then he ranted about how she, the "infidel," shouldn't touch his clothes because she would "defile" them.

                    You know what the new girl does? Put her hands all over the clothes out of spite. He screamed a bunch of curse words, and then security threw him out of the store. Mwa ha ha!

                    I swear I should make a movie about what goes on in the mall.
                    GO NEW GIRL!!!! I'd have very likely done the same thing to the creep.

                    Don't know enough about Islam to know if this really does have anything to do with that faith as practiced by sane people.
                    "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                    "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                    • #11
                      Quoth heather124 View Post
                      There's a guy that rings up my work every week to find out what new dvds have come in and always asks for "The guy that works there" and if I say he's not in, then the guy says that's ok..when will he be and he'll ring back! All he wants to know is what comes in but he refuses to speak to either of the females that work there.
                      He probably wants to ask about porn.
                      Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                      • #12
                        //Feel free to remove my post admins.

                        EDITENOTE Too damned right I will. R
                        Last edited by Rapscallion; 11-06-2006, 09:29 AM.
                        "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


                        • #13
                          one day I was getting buried with calls and something came up for a keys locked in vehicle. The owners wife is who I was communicating with at the time for this station and she's been known to jump in and help when it gets thick, so she said she would take care of it herself, I called the customer back to advise him of response time and the name of the company

                          me: Hi Mr Doe, this is dispatch with *company*
                          SC: hello
                          me: I was just calling to advise you that **** towing will be coming out to open your vehicle for you
                          SC: how long is this gonna take, I'm in a hurry! (then why did you lock your keys in your car?)
                          me: she said she'd be there in about 15 minutes
                          SC: are you telling me that it's going to be a FEMALE driver?
                          me: it's entirely possible sir
                          SC: I didn't ask if it was possible, I asked if it was going to be
                          me: well there is a female at that facility that does unlocks, and that's who I spoke to, so yes, it probably will be
                          SC: Isn't there anyone ELSE you could send out?
                          me: it will be at lease another hour before I have another available driver
                          SC: *HUFF* okay, then

                          unlock calls with SCs piss me off the most because this was purely an act of their stupidity that they're getting mad at us over, when they really start ragging on me over response times I'm tempted to say "I'm sorry sir, but the idiots are out in force today, it's going to be at least 3 hours before we get to you"
                          "Ride the spiral to the end, it may just go where no one's been. Spiral out, keep going..." -Lateralus


                          • #14
                            Me being the evil bitch I sometimes I can be, I would of done the same exact thing just like this awesome chick did!


                            • #15
                              Some jerkoff tried to pull something similar at my husband's store. He almost got his ass beat by the customers behind him, not to mention the blue and yellow shirts that were around the front end at the time of the incident.

