....But she's foiled by talking about too loudly.
So today in the gift shop, I was working the ticket register when two teenage girls ask me if they can use a credit card in the gift shop. I say yes, and the two walk away giggling. Then I actually overheard them say this:
Girl 2: So are you really going to use it?
Girl 1: Yea, momma don't know I took it. She'll just sue for fraudulent card use or something anyway. It ain't no thing.
Girl 2: Cool, let's go stock up!
I ran behind merchandise desk and told CW that if anyone came through her line with a credit card who looked underage, she had to check ID. Sure enough, as I'm standing there, the two girls come through with their merchandise. We ring it up and girl whips out a credit card.
CW: Thank you; may I see your ID?
Girl 1: I forgot it.
CW: I'm sorry, I can't authorize this sale unless you can prove this is your credit card.
Girl 1: Well, I was born in 1996 if that helps.
Me: That only makes you 13 years old. You're not old enough to have a credit card.
Girl 1: Look, I'll get my dad on the phone and he'll tell you it's my card.
Me: I'm sorry, you have to prove with a valid ID that this is your card. If this isn't your card, and we actually swipe this, then you are committing identify theft and that's very illegal. So can you prove that this is your card?
Girl 1: No.
CW: Then you need to leave. Have a nice day.
Should we have called the police?
So today in the gift shop, I was working the ticket register when two teenage girls ask me if they can use a credit card in the gift shop. I say yes, and the two walk away giggling. Then I actually overheard them say this:
Girl 2: So are you really going to use it?
Girl 1: Yea, momma don't know I took it. She'll just sue for fraudulent card use or something anyway. It ain't no thing.
Girl 2: Cool, let's go stock up!

CW: Thank you; may I see your ID?
Girl 1: I forgot it.
CW: I'm sorry, I can't authorize this sale unless you can prove this is your credit card.
Girl 1: Well, I was born in 1996 if that helps.
Me: That only makes you 13 years old. You're not old enough to have a credit card.
Girl 1: Look, I'll get my dad on the phone and he'll tell you it's my card.
Me: I'm sorry, you have to prove with a valid ID that this is your card. If this isn't your card, and we actually swipe this, then you are committing identify theft and that's very illegal. So can you prove that this is your card?
Girl 1: No.
CW: Then you need to leave. Have a nice day.
Should we have called the police?