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Black Widow

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  • Black Widow

    I'll just leave this here....

    From One Extreme To The Other

    Problem #1:

    Your roof is leaking. You’ve been trying to get a hold of a service guy for 2 weeks. He hasn’t gotten back to you. You are sad and your family is damp.

    A valid concern. You have passed my stringent standards and presented me with an issue I am compelled to assist you with. Bravo, my good man. Now, if you'll just called customer service li-

    Problem #2:

    You have his business card. Which includes all his contact numbers. But you do not want to call them as you feel it would be impolite to call him on one of his personal contact numbers.

    -wait what? Your roof has been leaking for 2 weeks is and thus causing slow, additional damage to household. Yet rather than open your inventory and use the Red Herb he gave you to prevent the lost of additional HP, you are willfully choosing to allow a slow, drawn out demise? In the interests of politeness?

    Dude, he put the contact numbers on his business card. On. His. Business.Card. This implies he willfully desires them to be used for business purposes such as being called by his customers such as you. Use. That. Number. You donkey.

    Problem #3:

    For some reason you won’t accept the number for customer service ( Who could resolve the problem immediately ) and just keep arguing with me about how you don’t understand why he would put this number on his card if you can’t contact him through this number.

    Hint: Because it’s this company’s main number for customer inquiries. I am attempting to answer your inquiry with information that would assist you. Information that you could quite easily use to resolve your issue if you would just TAKE IT and stop arguing over it. I want to help. I really do. I am showing you the way. But for all my pointing, shoving and outright spanking you on the ass with the clue x 4 whilst calling you “Mary” and yet you still will not move down this path towards salvation.

    I hope your house collapses under the weight of your own stupidity. And water. Water too.


    This. Call. Hurt. More than any other call I have taken on this line and that is saying something. A guy called this evening not because he wanted to place an order, not because he wanted to check on an order, but because he was trying to fill out the order form and couldn’t do the math. Yes, that’s right. He could not figure out how much his items cost total. So he was calling me to ask me to do the math for him. I’m not even an order line anymore, I am the Grade 3 math assistance hotline.

    I don’t mean he called and asked me to punch all the items in and tell him how much they cost either. I mean he called in and asked me if I knew how to add x amount of tax and y amount of shipping to his order which cost “around $50”. So he didn’t even give me a concrete number to work with even if I was so inclined to become his tutor. Which is just slightly important.

    Yet somehow this guy still hasn’t managed to get pulled through a motel window by a polar bear?


    Caller had an issue with the “Whoopi dog” his niece ordered. Unfortunately, I do not believe we produce a “Whoopi dog” nor do we provide service for this supposedly jubilant ( or perhaps flatulent ) canine. So I had to regretfully inform the caller that I could not assist him with his joyful wind hound.


    Me: “Ok, can I have your phone number please?”
    SC: “xxxx”
    Me: “Can I have the entire number please?”
    SC: “Oh, Xxx-xxxx”
    Me: “….can I have the entire number please? Including area code?”
    SC: “Oh, xxx-xxx-xxxx.”
    Me: “Thank you.”

    I suppose “entire” wasn’t encompassing enough of a term. I should be more specific. Such as “Please give me the all encompassing scope of your phone number” or “please give me every single digit of your phone number that exists within this physical reality” or “Entire phone numbers have 10 digits you half wit how did you even call me without realizing this? Why must you torment me so? I swear one day. One day I will have my VENGEANCE upon you and my coming will be hailed by the darkening of the sky, the turning of the waters and the terrified cries of puppies in the distance as my blackened claws reach forth from across the great ice flows to sink their fear laced talons into your hea-

    …….wait, scratch that last one…….....I wouldn’t want them to have any warning.

    The Fangirl ( GOD HELP US )

    ……ok……so….Little Miss Psychonaut called this morning to whine that the police want her to come into the lock up for some reason or another. She's worried that they "found the body from 71.". Yes, thats right. She's worried that they found the body.

    WARNING. WARNING. ABORT. Do not engage. I repeat! DO NOT ENGAGE.

    She than began ranting about how her grandfather or the voices or the voices she calls her grandfather told her to do it and what the quack fuck just STAY AWAY. Sweet Honey Nut Christ Chex, woman!

    The only small consolation is the police are after her now. ><


  • #2
    I'm beginning to get very worried. You're posting more than usual lately. It's either because it's a full moon and they're just nuttier than usual, or things are escalating and they're taking over...

    My sympathies, dear GK. Be brave!
    No... Just No! And I mean it this time!


    • #3
      Quoth TOLady View Post
      I'm beginning to get very worried. You're posting more than usual lately. It's either because it's a full moon and they're just nuttier than usual, or things are escalating and they're taking over...

      My sympathies, dear GK. Be brave!
      Yes, this is just last night's worth. -.-


      • #4
        I just have no words for the leaking roof guy. too many brain cells are now in the grave after they bolted from my head and threw themselves on my lamp's light bulb.

        and I guess that basic math skills are not being taught in a meanful manner in schools these days

        they are taking over ready the tin foil hats
        Last edited by Racket_Man; 05-08-2009, 04:50 PM.
        I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
        -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

        "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


        • #5

          Oh god.

          It's a full moon.


          Umm....Can I *NOT* work tonight? Full moon + wine tasting = EVIL.


          • #6
            I wonder how much a full moon can actually affect GKs customers. I mean, how much more mental can they get?
            "I'll probably come round and steal the food out of your fridge later too, then run a key down the side of your car as I walk away from your house, which I've idly set ablaze" - Mil Millington


            • #7
              Sweet Honey Nut Christ Chex indeed. She doesn't know where you are, right? O.O
              "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Yet somehow this guy still hasn’t managed to get pulled through a motel window by a polar bear?
                Polar bears have standards, I guess.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  ……ok……so….Little Miss Psychonaut called this morning to whine that the police want her to come into the lock up for some reason or another. She's worried that they "found the body from 71.". Yes, thats right. She's worried that they found the body.
                  She's even crazier than we thought!!!!!! She doesn't know the physical location where you work, right?!?!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    So I had to regretfully inform the caller that I could not assist him with his joyful wind hound.
                    Best phrase I have heard all month. I totally am going to call someone a joyful wind hound now. I don't know who, or why, but I will. *wanders off in search of an argument to get into*
                    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

                    My pony dolls:


                    • #11
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                      I really do. I am showing you the way. But for all my pointing, shoving and outright spanking you on the ass with the clue x 4 whilst calling you “Mary” and yet you still will not move down this path towards salvation.
                      Oh, well, there's your problem, Gk, you're being far too nice, what with only calling him Mary and all.
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                      I suppose “entire” wasn’t encompassing enough of a term. I should be more specific. Such as “Please give me the all encompassing scope of your phone number” or “please give me every single digit of your phone number that exists within this physical reality” or “Entire phone numbers have 10 digits you half wit how did you even call me without realizing this?
                      Ah. Because I have learned how "creative" people can get and just how stupid they can be, when I want a phone number, I ask for "your 10-digit phone number, area code first" because I know that if I don't, some doucheball will give me something nearly useless string of 5-8 numerals that don't resemble any sort of usable contact number to be found in Canada, the US, or local territories.
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                      The Fangirl ( GOD HELP US )

                      ……ok……so….Little Miss Psychonaut called this morning to whine that the police want her to come into the lock up for some reason or another. She's worried that they "found the body from 71.". Yes, thats right. She's worried that they found the body.
                      Wow. I'm going to have to go back and read some of the stuff you posted while I wasn't hanging out here. This one sounds like a real live wire.
                      Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                      and I guess that basic math skills are not being taught in a meanful manner in schools these days
                      Well, that's assuming that the guy in question actually went to school. With some of the areas that order through Gk's work, that's not a given.

                      Oh, who am I kidding. Even in the middle of the city, you can't be certain someone's gotten schooling.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        Dear lord, and here I thought my math skills were crappy.
                        Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

                          Me: “Ok, can I have your phone number please?”
                          SC: “xxxx”
                          Me: “Can I have the entire number please?”
                          SC: “Oh, Xxx-xxxx”
                          Me: “….can I have the entire number please? Including area code?”
                          SC: “Oh, xxx-xxx-xxxx.”
                          Me: “Thank you.”
                          I get this far too often. Often when I ask guests for a phone number, they give me 7 digits. I then ask for an area code and it's an entirely different state. Anyone who deals mostly with long distance numbers has probably seen this level of fail.
                          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                            Your roof is leaking. You have his business card.
                            The obvious thing to do is roll up his business card and stuff it in the hole to stop the leak. Problem solved.
                            "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                            • #15
                              Quoth JoitheArtist View Post
                              Best phrase I have heard all month. I totally am going to call someone a joyful wind hound now.
                              Honestly, I thought it sounded like something someone would tattoo on their arm in Chinese without knowing the full meaning of. Which amused me. -.-

