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The single dumbest question of all's Upstairs Man!

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  • #16
    Quoth WHShit View Post
    3) In Books, we can search for a book if you have the title, author, ISBN or if you have an idea of what it is about, sometimes we may know what you are looking for.

    I have had 5 people now come in and ask me the same question "I am looking for a book, I heard about if from (television/radio/newspaper). I forgot who the author was, or what it was called. I am not sure what it looks like but it is about (insert something like "birds") or it has the word (insert something like "Tide") in the title. Can you help me find it"? Or they have no idea what it is even about....which is double fun!

    Hahahahahaha! Thing is.....they are either angry or shocked that I actually can't help them find this mystery book!

    Peopleare idiots!
    I had one like that a few weeks ago. It was just myself and the overnight pharmacist working, and 2 guys come up to the counter.
    Guy:"Hey, we're looking for that pill that makes women orgasm, do you know where it is?"
    Me:"I've never heard of it. Do you recall the name?"
    Guy:", I think it starts with a Z...The website said Walgreens has it!"

    *well whoop-de-fricken'-doo*
    Me:"I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that product, if we did carry it, I would expect to find it either with the vitamins or with the prophylactics."

    After they left, the pharmacist looked at me and said," hey, let's play charades! I'm looking for a product...sounds like..."
    Me: "Oh! OH! OOH! YES! YES! YES!"

