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The scheming, freeloading couples
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Quoth karma_gypsy View PostDon't forget the old "hair on the pizza" scam (we got a few of those), there would be two slices left and the offending "hair" would not match any of the employees working. Unfortunately, though, there's no arguing with the customer over that and we usually had to make them a new one.
Sounds like it's time for a DNA test. Do any of those hairs match the bitching complaining customer, or any of the family members? Or how about those at a party?
Lucky for me, I had a boss who never took any crap from customers. If they complained about a pizza, then it had to be intact when brought back or else they got nothing. It's funny how many people complained about bad pizza, then went quiet when asked to bring it back. "But we already ate it!" :lol Oh, I thought it was burnt/too cold/had a hair in it/was mutated!
Quoth karma_gypsy View PostDon't forget the old "hair on the pizza" scam (we got a few of those), there would be two slices left and the offending "hair" would not match any of the employees working. Unfortunately, though, there's no arguing with the customer over that and we usually had to make them a new one.
And if the extra slices don't sell quickly enough, they give them out for free to any nice, non-scamming customers who show up in the next few minutes.
The way the store sees it they can reward whoever they want with free pizza and they'd rather reward good customers than scammers.
I haven't actually witnessed someone receiving the news that they aren't getting a whole pizza in exchange for a "defective" slice, but I have received the occasional free slice or two of nice fresh pizza.
Mmmmmm....bonus pizza.Last edited by Dips; 11-17-2006, 02:17 PM.The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.
The stupid is strong with this one.
Quoth Auto View PostManager told him he didn't know what kind of scam they were trying to pull, but if they didn't pay the entire bill and leave, he'd call the cops. They paid and left. No tip, of course, but my manager reduced the bill a bit so that I still earned a (small) tip.
Probably with a barrage of outraged, "Well, we're CERTAINLY never coming HERE again!" or "WELL, I can see you don't care about losing our business!"
To which the only real reply is either "Good," or "No, we certainly don't care about losing the 'business' of people who want everything free."
Amazing the number of people I've shut down over the years with those two phrases. Good times.I have a map of the world. It's actual size.
-- Steven Wright
Quoth TonyDonuts View Post(Bolding mine)
Probably with a barrage of outraged, "Well, we're CERTAINLY never coming HERE again!" or "WELL, I can see you don't care about losing our business!"
To which the only real reply is either "Good," or "No, we certainly don't care about losing the 'business' of people who want everything free."
Amazing the number of people I've shut down over the years with those two phrases. Good times.
It's amazing that businesses placate/accommodate/kiss asses of customers who cost them money, not earn them money.
My feeling is, I want disgruntled SC and/or scammers telling family and friends how they were treated in my business, that they didn't get satisfaction.
If their friends and familiies are also SC/scammer types, then maybe they'll know not to patronize my business because their schemes won't succeed.
Or their friends and family recognize these people for what they are and like that they failed to get something they didn't deserve.
In restaurants, when management refuses to knuckle under to some SC, the other diners who witnessed what happened will often tell the server how glad the SC were rebuffed. I've seen an entire restaurant full of diners start cheering when some drunk jerk got thrown out.
The idea that SC have to be catered to, no matter that everyone knows their complaints are finally just a ruse to get out of paying the bill, is one of life's great mysteries.
Quoth Auto View Postmanagement got away with it because the employees let them."I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead
That really is illegal? Wow. I'll have to tell a girl I work with. Last Sunday two customers left the u-scans without paying and management made her (who was on self-scan duty at the time) pay for them.Last edited by starglitter; 11-17-2006, 08:31 PM.
People tried to get free food all the time when I worked at McHell. For example:
SC: I want a soda.
Me: One soda?
SC: Yes.
Me: That's $1.07
SC, later: Excuse me ma'am. I ordered two sodas.
Me: Well you only paid for one, so if you want another one, you'll have to pay.
SC: FINE!!!!
SC, later: Where's my other three other sodas?
Me: What?
SC: I ordered three more sodas.
Me: You'll have to pay for them again.
SC: But you're ripping me off! *goes to black co-worker* Hey brotha, that white bitch over there is rippin' me off. Will you hook a brotha up?
Co-worker: Sure!
Me: WHY did you do that?
Quoth Auto View PostThe idea that SC have to be catered to, no matter that everyone knows their complaints are finally just a ruse to get out of paying the bill, is one of life's great mysteries.
I'm waiting for the time I see a manager about to cave in to an SC/scammer. I'll tell him that if he caves that they'll never get my (paying) business again. I'd love to see what happens.
Once I was in the bulk candy aisle of Ralphs (a supermarket chain). The manager was walking through with what looked like a crew of regional type bosses. Some street-junky kid drops some items from the hopper and eats them. The manager looks at one of the poeple in the group and says somethig to the effect of "see what I have to deal with".
Later, as I'm leaving the self checkout I see him and tell him that I wished he did something and that I don't like having to subsidize thieves. He made some "thankyou for your input type statement" and walked off. Damn mollusk.Proud to be a Walmart virgin.
Back in the day when I waitressed at Pizza Hut I had a dine and dasher
Unfortunately for them I was quicker than they were and before they got out of the parking lot there was little ol me on the hood of their car.
I guess they also failed to see the cop car in the lot and the officer came out soon after my hood jumping.
He then escorted them back into the restuarant.. made them pay and leave me like a huge tip (well over 50%) of the bill and then told them if they ever came on the property again he would have them arrested.
I was also like 17 at the time and did not want to have to pay for their meal, or let them get away without paying (or more importantly tipping me)
You would think that someone would check for that sort of thing BEFORE deciding to skip on a check.. what kind of moron does it with a cop car sitting in the parking lot.
Any citations on the laws governing this?
Many establishments I have worked in have made servers pay for walk-outs, but usually only if that server has had a history of such.
That being said, some people in here have said that the establishment making the server pay for walk-outs is illegal. I was wondering if anyone could find the actual laws/statutes/whatever for this, to determine if this is, in fact, illegal.
I am especially interested in the laws governing this in Florida (where I currently work) and Arizona (where I will be returning soon enough).
Thank you.
And yes, you have just read a totally serious post with no smart ass comments or jokes by Jester. Don't worry...it is unlikely to occur again any time soon.
"The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is Still A Customer."