As you may know, I work for a non-profit children's charity. It is in our charter that we cannot accept donations from organizations or groups that may be "offensive" to our wish children's families.
Well, a group near Seattle held a fund raiser with the intention of donating the proceeds to us. Unfortunately, the fund raising event was a bikini car wash.
Now, I understand that this would be fairly mild compared to other things that could have taken place but we had to have some guideline and this was it. The chapter in that area had to decline the donation.
Naturally, there being nothing else going on in the world (thank God there are no wars going on or anything like that!) the story made the local news and then got picked up by the national news.
You would not belive how many angry calls and e-mails we received just today from people telling us they will never donate to us EVER AGAIN, including my last call of the day who told me "you can take your charity and shove it up your ass!!!"
just because of this.
Agree with it; don't agree with it, that's up to you. In point of fact, I don't agree with it but I understand the reasoning.
But for God's sake, getting ANGRY at us and yelling at us over such a stupid thing just tells me that you have no life or perspective of what's really important.
We even had one caller say "I don't want to offend anyone but I'll bet the person who turned down the donation is in her late fortys and overweight." WTF!!!
Well, a group near Seattle held a fund raiser with the intention of donating the proceeds to us. Unfortunately, the fund raising event was a bikini car wash.
Now, I understand that this would be fairly mild compared to other things that could have taken place but we had to have some guideline and this was it. The chapter in that area had to decline the donation.
Naturally, there being nothing else going on in the world (thank God there are no wars going on or anything like that!) the story made the local news and then got picked up by the national news.
You would not belive how many angry calls and e-mails we received just today from people telling us they will never donate to us EVER AGAIN, including my last call of the day who told me "you can take your charity and shove it up your ass!!!"
just because of this.
Agree with it; don't agree with it, that's up to you. In point of fact, I don't agree with it but I understand the reasoning.
But for God's sake, getting ANGRY at us and yelling at us over such a stupid thing just tells me that you have no life or perspective of what's really important.
We even had one caller say "I don't want to offend anyone but I'll bet the person who turned down the donation is in her late fortys and overweight." WTF!!!