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  • #16
    Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
    We even had one caller say "I don't want to offend anyone but I'll bet the person who turned down the donation is in her late fortys and overweight." WTF!!!
    Yes they did want to offend.


    • #17
      I can understand where Sheldon and the foundation are coming from.

      Does the converse apply? If a lap dancer has a sick child, does the child get a wish?

      If the girls did a bikini car wash 'in aid of children with terminal illnesses', and donated the money, would it be accepted?

      That said, the whiole thing is something of a moral quandry, with no easy answers that will please all parties.

      And the part that is not a quandry: those who refuse to donate because of this are douchebags.
      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


      • #18
        Quoth cinema guy View Post
        I can understand where Sheldon and the foundation are coming from.

        Does the converse apply? If a lap dancer has a sick child, does the child get a wish?

        If the girls did a bikini car wash 'in aid of children with terminal illnesses', and donated the money, would it be accepted?

        That said, the whiole thing is something of a moral quandry, with no easy answers that will please all parties.

        And the part that is not a quandry: those who refuse to donate because of this are douchebags.
        The wish child is the first priority. We don't care if he or she was sired by Satan.
        If Satan's child has a life-threatening illness and wants to go to Disneyland then he or she is going to Disneyland.

        And it wasn't the method of how the funds were being raised. We get donations from sorority bikini car washes sometimes. It was who was running it and how they were going to advertise it that we had to decline the offer.
        "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


        • #19
          Interesting thought occurs.

          What is that place going to do with that money now? I get the feeling that they're stuck. They can't keep it. They're going to find it hard to find someone else willing to take it off their hands.

          Interesting dilemma!

          Rapscallion, tangential


          • #20
            Quoth Rapscallion View Post
            Interesting thought occurs.

            What is that place going to do with that money now? I get the feeling that they're stuck. They can't keep it. They're going to find it hard to find someone else willing to take it off their hands.

            Interesting dilemma!

            Rapscallion, tangential
            According to the article, he plans on donating to MAW annonamously.

            And keep in mind, the event hasn't even taken place yet. The video clip was from another car wash event they staged.
            "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


            • #21
              The fact that they're staging an event to raise money for charity is not an issue.

              The fact that they are donating the money to the charity after the event is not an issue.

              The only problem is that the event cannot be advertised as being staged to raise money for that charity.

              Sounds fine to me.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #22
                Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
                And keep in mind, the event hasn't even taken place yet. The video clip was from another car wash event they staged.
                My bad - back from holiday and skim-reading to catch up.



                • #23
                  As a slight tangent... something I find interesting is when you mention where you are donating, people will always try to find a reason why you aren't donating somewhere else.
                  Case and point when I cleaned out my closet I donated all my old clothes that I wasn't keeping to a local homeless shelter... when I mentioned that to my mother her first response was "are you not donating to Deseret Industries because of your bad experience in the church?"
                  ... umm, why the hell does every decision I make have to do with a negative experience in the past... to be honest, I didn't even think of the Deseret Industries connection to the church until she mentioned it... I was just thinking that no one ever thinks to donate to the homeless shelter during the summer and the shelter needs clothes year round, not just during the winter after the snow starts falling.
                  So, I wonder how many people who normally donate to MAW but for whatever reason decide for their next donation to be to, oh let's say an African AIDS relief foundation, they will have people start asking if they didn't donate to MAW because they wouldn't allow the fundraiser to be done, when in reality (using that example) maybe they had just seen a news report about how rapidly the disease is spreading in Africa and felt a need to do something to help without even thinking about the politics around MAW.
                  If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                  • #24
                    Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
                    According to the article, he plans on donating to MAW annonamously.

                    And keep in mind, the event hasn't even taken place yet. The video clip was from another car wash event they staged.
                    That would've been the mature thing to do, when the charity made it clear they didn't want to be associated with the group doing the fundraising, they could have just asked if they'd take an annonymous donation instead, if they wouldn't do that, then find another charity to donate to, again, annonymously. Siccing the media on them won't bring happiness to anyone.

                    And whoever said they'd change thier mind if the money was high enough, uh, no, believe it or not there are people in the world who stand by thier convictions and thier duties no matter how big a check someone tries to pass them, it's insulting to assume everyone has a price tag
                    - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                    • #25
                      Quoth Argabarga View Post
                      it's insulting to assume everyone has a price tag
                      oh, everyone has a price... just for some people the price isn't money.
                      You could not pay me enough to betray one of my friends or colleagues... but if you came to me and said you had discovered the key to time travel, you were going to let me go back in time, with the knowledge of how much my life would fall apart by accepting the scholarship at Utah State, how much spending the extra 4 years in the closet damaged me, as well as a promise that I'd be guaranteed to be accepted into the calstate system, a scholarship, and the promise that I'd meet someone as amazing as my friend in san fran (if not him) and that I'd be exactly his type, the catch being I had to kill my best friends from high school... well, sorry to say this Kyle and Trever, but given that choice, you will lose.
                      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

