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Fresh coffee or DEATH! (Long-ish)

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  • #31
    I can tell the difference between burnt or really stale coffee and fresh, but other than that, doesn't matter much to me.

    I work on indie films in my spare time, with a NFP film company, and when we're on set til LATE, even reheated in the microwave, day old coffee tastes good to me.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


    • #32
      Quoth Banrion View Post
      I will drink any sort of coffee as long as there is nothing floating in it. But I have to say right now I am totally addicted to Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Lattes they are heaven.
      Amen to that! The frappuccino (sp?) version is awesome too.
      Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


      • #33
        Honestly.... I hate coffee... I can't drink the stuff.

        I perfer my caffiene fix from any one of these: JOLT!, Bawls (seriously that's what it's called. Great stuff), Mt. Dew, Surge (when it was arround. and don't tell me you can buy it on eBay. I know you can, I just have no interest in drinking 10 year old flat soda)

        BTW head over to They have stuff like Caffinated Soap, Caffinated Water, Caffinated Lip Balm, and other things.


        • #34
          I own the caffienated lip balm, in Vanilla Toffee. It's super.

          I'm a caffiene fiend, and I get my fix however I can-energy drinks, diet Coke/Dr Pepper/Mountain Dew, coffee, etc. When you work two jobs, one that doesn't pay, and some long/late/odd hours, it's hard to do without.
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


          • #35
            OK, old coffee I understand. People here complain about it all the time. So much so that I usually make a new pot around 8pm. Yes, people drink caffiene before they go to sleep.

            I had one long-term guest call up one night and ask me to "re-brew the hot water" before she got to the lobby. Apparently the hot water she used the night before to make her nightly tea fix was "stale."

            Does water go stale? I mean the hot water container usually sits out for 12 hours. Really, it could sit out for a day or two and not lose much heat. But get stale? As a test, i didn't do a damn thing to it and she had no problem.

            "How refreshing!" she said as she went up to her room.

            (Perhaps the day before, one of our maintenance men "teabagged" the hot water pot. That would account for a funny taste.)


            • #36
              Quoth BeckySunshine View Post

              Either he has an evil twin, or he likes complaining for the sake of it.
              Well as we know(GGRRRRRRRRRRRR) If you complain, you get it free
              ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
              Quoth Gravekeeper


              • #37
                Quoth Crazyredhead View Post
                My oldest daughter states that the Starbucks are drug houses in disguise. I tell her that is why the people that go there act the way that they do.
                Everyone knows Starbucks is just a front for the Pentex corporation......

                Points if you get the reference


                • #38
                  Quoth Getoutofmylobby View Post

                  Does water go stale? I mean the hot water container usually sits out for 12 hours. Really, it could sit out for a day or two and not lose much heat. But get stale? As a test, i didn't do a damn thing to it and she had no problem.
                  Actually, I can taste if water has been sitting out for awhile. There seems to be a stale, mineral taste to it. I can't stand to drink it. But it has to have been sitting for 10 or more hours and uncovered. Bottled water, as long as the lid is put back on doesn't seem to be affected. I've never noticed a difference in taste if the water has been kept hot, though unless it absorbs something from the container it's being warmed in.
                  My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


                  • #39
                    Quoth Getoutofmylobby View Post
                    I had one long-term guest call up one night and ask me to "re-brew the hot water" before she got to the lobby. Apparently the hot water she used the night before to make her nightly tea fix was "stale."
                    okay, lady was nuts if you didn't do anything to it but she noticed a difference.

                    That being said, you should never leave your kettle sitting with water in it if you have a metal element. If you have a silicone-coated one, then it's fine, but if you have a bare metal element in your kettle, your water will develop a metallic taste to it (usually just means you need to clean it out with vinegar).

                    room-temp and cold water go stale though. If bottled water has been sitting around for a while and tastes kind of plasticy, just put the cap back on and shake the bottle up It'll taste fine after that.

                    Coffee is gross, but Tim's Iced Cappucino is FABULOUS!!!!!!!!! (it's the ONLY place I can drink it, just like the only Chai I like is from Timothy's coffee houses).
                    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                    • #40
                      Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                      And you don't have to order it, "calf, half calf, mocha, java, carmel, cocoa, half decaf, moons, no whip cream, double shot, cats, venti, minty, skim" while you are tapping your head and rubbing your belly while standing on one foot AND whistling Dixie.
                      Barq's through the nasal passages is NOT fun.
                      I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                      Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                      • #41
                        I really don't drink a lot of caffeine myself. It was quite an experience when I had one of those frozen coffee slush thingies from starbucks. (They were giving them out for free at this all night dance-a-thon for charity that I was at.)

                        "Wow, this stuff isn't bad"
                        "See? I told you."
                        "...should it feel like I have something warm swimming around behind my eyeballs?"
                        "Jester, I have an opportunity for you." Uh oh. What does he want me to clean? "It 's a chance for you to make some extra money." Crap, it must be really gross!



                        • #42
                          I will never knock Starbucks again. I enjoy the coffee, sure. But when they opened at 3 am just for us poor schmucks forced to work on Black Friday, they became gods. The barista actually said they opened for us working at the Big Box, rather than for the slavering, greedy paragons of consumerism assembled outside of our store.
                          A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


                          • #43
                            Quoth Decker View Post
                            "Wow, this stuff isn't bad"
                            "See? I told you."
                            "...should it feel like I have something warm swimming around behind my eyeballs?"
                            If I drink anything even remotely stronger than a Tim Horton's Iced Cap (doesn't even have a full ounce of coffee in it), my heart pounds like it wants to escape from my chest, and I get nauseated and massive headaches. Not fun. That's the main reason I don't drink tea or coffee. For some reason, my body can process the caffeine in diet coke, but not coffee or tea.
                            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                            • #44
                              Quoth Getoutofmylobby View Post
                              OK, old coffee I understand. People here complain about it all the time. So much so that I usually make a new pot around 8pm. Yes, people drink caffiene before they go to sleep.
                              Bonus points if they are there filling a script for Ambien at 11 pm and go down to Starbucks while they wait for me to fill it. >_<

                              Extra bonus points if they're so agitated that they can't even stand still long enough for me to get their birthday down and they're filling for some tranquilizers at 11pm, and ask if they can go down to starbucks while they wait.
                              You go do that Ma'am, before you wear a hole in my tile floor.


                              • #45
                                When Fazoli's stopped serving coffee, people were pissed. Bus driver with a bus full of annoying teenage girls gets a free dinner. What does he want? Just a simple cup of coffee. "Sorry, Corporate decided that they hate you. We have no coffee anymore"
                                I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
                                less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.

