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Wet Keyboards, Fanboys, and Edible Ethernet. (Long)

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  • Wet Keyboards, Fanboys, and Edible Ethernet. (Long)

    First time posting, some of these stories an over a year old however they stick pretty strongly in my mind. I was working for Wal-Mart at the time these happened as an electronic sales associate.

    Wet behind the Keyboard:

    Okay one day during Christmas I got called up front to do a package check, which simply means that when a electronic item or an item that has other things with it that the Service desk people may not know what's all in the package so they call one of us to do it for them.

    So one day I get called up to check a keyboard that was being returned by an older looking hispansic lady. Now normally these kinds of package checks aren’t done on Computer keyboards but I just happened to be up there when they were swamped. Seemed simple enough, so I took the time to stop and help out. I asked her what was wrong with it and she told me it didn't work. I start to take stuff out but when I took the keyboard out of the plastic it was dripping... the thing was soak and wet as was the bottom of the box.

    Me: Umm... what is this?

    Customer: My son got the Keyboard off and dunks it the bath tub. It doesn’t work, I want my money back.

    CS Associate: ...

    Me: Wait… what?

    Customer: It's not my fault that the keyboard isn't waterproof!

    So not only did she bring back a product that was destroyed by her kid but she made NO effort to dry the damn keyboard before she brought it back. Then to cover her tracks she made it the STORE'S fault that the product isn't waterproof because her son, is apparently smarter than her, to be able to unplug the keyboard and dunk it underwater when she should have been aware of her own surroundings.

    Your Kid's Future Looks Bright

    Okay this also accured over Christmas Time. I'm zoning my area of the department which that day happened to be the game case as well as the game accessories. While working there I noticed a kid trying to play our DS display we had recently installed and from I saw he was having a heck of time trying to figure it out. Now this isn’t extremely uncommon, often times I’ve instructed on basic operation due to often times the instruction panel either is broke or hard to read.

    To be nice I asked him if he was having trouble with it and wanted to know how to play, so I gave him a basic rundown on the controls for one race (This was Diddy Kong Racing). After he got the hang of it I was about to go back to work, man pull the kid from the machine, apparently his father. Without really allowing me to say anything he resorts to telling me.

    Customer: Stop trying to turn my son into a fucking nerd! You’re people are fucking waste of space.

    Then he proceeds to storm off, okay let me get this straight... I simply was trying to be nice which is part of my job to a kid who was in the Video Game section of the store with no one there to suggest that he wasn't supposed to be there but to insist that for some reason that for some reason I was trying to influence his son in some way that was negative. He treated the whole video game issue as if it was some kind of plague.

    I feel sorry for the kid really…

    Do you really think I'm that stupid?

    A teenager gangsta wannabe wanted an X-box 360 Pro. So I went ahead and got it for him, however when it rung up, the guy claimed that the labeled price was 39.94 and he wanted it for the labeled price.

    I went to check the price tag and it was 39.94 however the tag was labeled 'Wii Remote'

    Now, the misplacement of these tags was not abnormal considering the video game cases here often would change out product to try to move out our massive back stock. I explained to him that I could not sell it for that price (Wal-Mart didn’t guarantee the pricing in the electronic department to begin with); he threw a temper fit demanding to see my manager. However, in his little fit he displayed a couple of papers fell out of his coat pocket. It was a couple of our price tags.

    He froze up and ran like I had lit his pants on fire, when I picked up what he had dropped it was our price tag for the Xbox 360. The guy had actually switched the price tag with the Wii Remote display that had been sitting across it.

    What baffles me about the whole thing, did he really believe anyone was going to be stupid enough to fall for such a stunt? I mean seriously, if you had replaced it with something convincing maybe, but seriously how stupid do people think we are. No friggin Retail chain is going to give you an item for 20% of the actual price. Couldn’t he at least have picked something a little bit closer?

    I HATE Fanboys

    One afternoon I was asked by a customer to explain each of the three current game systems because they were interested in getting one. Now this was a mother and two kids who both looked under the age of 10.

    As usual I did my own thing of explaining the three consoles, but I recommended the Wii to her due to there being quite a number of games her kids could play and was appropriate for their age group. She seemed satisfied with my response...

    However it went downhill for there...

    This kid who was looking in the Xbox cases at the time, probably about 15 or so suddenly jump into the conversation. This guy was liternally a real life forum troll.

    Customer: Wii sucks man. Don't sell her that kind of crap

    I was rather baffled by his sudden intermission and the lady wasn't exactly please either. Unlike most parents it seems like this lady at least had a few standards

    Customer 2: EXCUSE me?

    Me: Excuse me sir but we're fine here.

    Customer: That's typical Wal-Mart sell stupid crap no one wants. The Wii is a stupid gimmick that won't last. You should get a 360 it's alot better.

    Me: The Xbox is a system that the control are more complex and the games are more oriented towards Teens and Adults, it's not even going to work out well for them.

    Customer: Well maybe YOU should start selling real games instead of that crap.

    That this point I was getting irritated and was the lady I was helping was also angry she didn't appreciate the language or the tone in front of her two kids. At this point my customer friendly fell below Zero.

    Me: Sir, please leave... if you do not I will call management to personally escort you out of the building, do you understand that?

    Customer: Well **** you then...

    And he walked off; of course the lady was appalled as well... I just smirked and grabbed the walkie and report the guy and one of the managers did personally escorted the idiot of the building anyway.

    As for the customer I was helping, she did buy a Wii and controllers as well and thanked me for my help.

    Me: 3
    Fanboys: 0

    This is Electronics or the Deli?

    Customer: I need some Eaternet cable...

    Me: Pardon me?

    Customer: Eaternet Cable, you know that one cable you use to get internet.

    Me: Are you talking about Ethernet cable?

    Customer: No, I'm sure it's Eaternet, you know because it eats your e-mails and all that.

    Me: ...

    Do I even NEED to make fun of this?

    My personal favorite

    Lady: Excuse me, where are your USB flash drives?

    *I show her to them*

    Lady: Now do you need a computer to use these?

    Me: ...

  • #2
    Ow. Brain is officially broken.
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...


    • #3
      Quoth fireheart17 View Post
      Ow. Brain is officially broken.
      as well as I have a mental image of a pacman runnign around in the internet eating all e-mails to dumbasdirt AT
      Last edited by Cyphr; 08-31-2009, 11:07 PM. Reason: stupid autotags


      • #4
        Quoth Draginhikari View Post
        I HATE Fanboys

        Customer: The Wii is a stupid gimmick that won't last.
        Alrighty then...
        This is Electronics or the Deli?
        Customer: No, I'm sure it's Eaternet, you know because it eats your e-mails and all that.
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


        • #5
          Oh come on, I can't be the only one who thought Eaternet was cute and the explanation cuter. I'm also kind of reading it from a five year old's 'whole new world' perspective too.

          My uncle is the hardest working man ever. 10 hour days, four days a week, then eight hours on friday. Working in a steel mill. EVERY DAY. Needless to say, he's too poopoo busy working his butt off to worry about computers. I was living at his place out of the kindness of his heart (didn't want me living in my car in winter) and he got a new computer. He had problem A and I couldnt fix it. Apparently this invalidates ANY knowledge I might have with computers. He calls me a dumbass and says to never touch his computer or i'll break it. For DAYS, he couldn't get on the internet he was paying for. He had the modem, he installed it, everythings plugged in! WHAT THE HELL CASTCOM YOUR SHIT DOESNT WORK.

          I want to tell him so badly...

          They schedule a tech to come out but his friend who "knows computers" will fix it before then. His friend comes over, looks at the computer, i'm making rapid eye movements to the back of the CPU like I'm having a seizure and he tells him what I've been wanting to tell him since I watched him hook it up.

          A phone line and an ethernet line are not the same thing. Especially not because its what you used when you had AOL.

          If I would have told him, he'd have told me to shut my fucking mouth and that I was a lazy ass (suicidal depression) who didn't know anything.
          Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


          • #6
            Poor kid. His dad's probably a former frat boy who was constantly intimidated by the "nerds" who were so much smarter than him. Besides, like it says in the Bible, "The Geeks shall inherit the Earth"
            All Hail Blortash, King of the Time Traveling Space Bears, who comes to us from Future Year 3032, known to us Earth Mortals as Regular 3032.


            • #7
              I've known kids like friend's only exposure to video games was when she was over at my house.
              "I am quite confident that I do exist."
              "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


              • #8
                Uhm, it's Wal-Mart...



                • #9
                  Quoth Draginhikari View Post
                  So not only did she bring back a product that was destroyed by her kid but she made NO effort to dry the damn keyboard before she brought it back. Then to cover her tracks she made it the STORE'S fault that the product isn't waterproof because her son, is apparently smarter than her, to be able to unplug the keyboard and dunk it underwater when she should have been aware of her own surroundings.
                  Did she have the receipt and was it within the 14-day window? You still had to take it back, didn't you.
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                  • #10
                    Quoth sanchopanza65 View Post
                    Poor kid. His dad's probably a former frat boy who was constantly intimidated by the "nerds" who were so much smarter than him. Besides, like it says in the Bible, "The Geeks shall inherit the Earth"
                    Actually that's exactly what the guy looked like, he was pretty damn young for having a six year old.

                    Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                    Did she have the receipt and was it within the 14-day window? You still had to take it back, didn't you.
                    Actually I never did find out, I was so blown away from the sheer stupidity of what I heard I shove the keyboard to nearest customer service rep and liternally told her to talk to management because this was too much for me XD


                    • #11
                      Did the nerd guy look like "Animal" from REvenge of the Nerds?


                      • #12
                        Quoth Draginhikari View Post
                        Customer: Stop trying to turn my son into a fucking nerd! You’re people are fucking waste of space.

                        I prefer the term 'geek' instead of nerd, but oh well. A waste of space? I'll remember that when you call me because your crackberry isn't working..or I'll personally pull your connection to the internet at the data center
                        Out of retail!


                        • #13
                          Quoth Keiara View Post
                          I prefer the term 'geek' instead of nerd, but oh well. A waste of space? I'll remember that when you call me because your crackberry isn't working..or I'll personally pull your connection to the internet at the data center
                          Well this wasn't nearly as uncommon where I lived then you'd you think, little town people seem to be very worried about how they're kids are viewed by others like it has to reflect off of them


                          • #14
                            Quoth Whiskey View Post
                            Oh come on, I can't be the only one who thought Eaternet was cute and the explanation cuter. I'm also kind of reading it from a five year old's 'whole new world' perspective too.
                            I love it and want to adopt it

                            When we first got online, whenever a website wouldn't load or is just slow we'd say "the internet ate it".
                            "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                            "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                            • #15
                              Quoth Draginhikari View Post
                              Customer: Stop trying to turn my son into a fucking nerd! You’re people are fucking waste of space.
                              <sarcasm>Hey, he was being a responsible parent! No one wants his kid to grow up to be a nerd. I was a bad parent and my son grew up to be a nerd. Now he doesn't even have a real job, with a boss and everything. He's just a self-employed consultant. And he only makes around $1000/day.</sarcasm>
                              Women can do anything men can.
                              But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.

