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Angry Italian women are scary!

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  • #16
    I will put angry little old Jewish women up there with the best/worst of them. Some of my relatives have been known to scare the white off of rice if you catch them at the wrong moment.

    Side note: I am a very laid back, funloving guy. I may get upset at times, but very VERY few people have ever seen me truly angry. (Those who have tend to run for the hills of another country when they see me blow again.) So, a little while back, my niece tells me about an incident at school, where a boy slapped her twice and then smacked her hard upside the back of her skull. What should she do, she asked?

    I told her without question she should go to the school authorities and tell them what happened. If they did nothing, they she should come back and tell me, and I would wake up early in the morning (remember, I am NOT a morning person, ever, and she knows that), go down to that school, march into the administration office, and teach them the new meaning of the phrase "pissed off beyond all reason." (I even would have dressed in a shirt and tie rather than my usual beach bum attire, so that they would take me seriously.) As I am telling her this, her eyes are going wide as saucers, as she has never seen me this worked up, this angry, this fire-in-they-eyes furious. And she said so. And I looked at her and said, "Darlin', this is not pissed off. If I have to go down to that school, you WILL see pissed off!"

    She has often said she is glad I have never gotten truly angry with her. Bright kid. (Woe to any of her boyfriends that piss me off.)

    Note: There is no emoticon that would accurately depict my feelings during this encounter, so I have left them out. Don't Piss Off The Jester!

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #17
      Large angry black women are the worst for me.

      I deal with all types of pissed off customers and I truly do find the majority of them funny if not slightly irritated. Besides the occasional one like Prince Ali most of the customers are either black or white as Wonderbread.

      We get the valley girls in here. When they get pissed I look at it and go "Awww, how cute, her face is changing colors!"

      But when one of those others come in and they have issues, oh boy. You know that scene in Fellowship of the Ring in Bilbo's house where Gandalf gets pissed and the shadow spreads out through the entire room?

      It's kindof like that.
      "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."

