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Cruise Ship Sucky Holidays

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  • #16
    Be sure to also wish them a happy All Hollows Day (Nov. 1), which will confuse them even more.

    As for those offended about "holidays" I look forward to an opportunity to explain to them that "holidays" are "holy days" and should treated as such. As for Christmas, or Christ's mass, I doubt many of them actually go to the mass on that day.

    Personally, I've been tempted to just wish everyone a happy Winter Solstice, since that is what most Winter holidays started out celebrating in the first place.
    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


    • #17
      That's one of the things I love about where I work now: it's an overtly religiously-affiliated institution (which actually has a large number of employees who aren't of the same religion, but there's an understanding that the institution itself has a particular religious character.) Anyway, when holidays roll around, this place doesn't beat around the bush: we have Christmas festivities, light trees, manger scenes, etc. And amazingly, the vast majority of people are fine with it. (Of course, if you have a problem with religious institutions being religious, you probably don't want to work here.)


      • #18
        Happy Holidays works no matter what your religion is, because it is a season of holidays. Religous, cultural and state. HolidayS as in the PLURAL of more than one day of celebration.

        Christmas Day
        Boxing Day
        New Years Day

        and depending on where you live a couple more
        These people need to take the stick out of their asses and learn some grammar. I am dyslexic and even I can tell the freaking difference between singular and plural.
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


        • #19
          Quoth Kiwi View Post
          Happy Holidays works no matter what your religion is, because it is a season of holidays. Religous, cultural and state. HolidayS as in the PLURAL of more than one day of celebration.
          Lewis Black said it very well.
          "Many people celebrate both Christmas and New Years, and while I could go around telling everyone 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year' but I have shit to do"
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #20
            I wonder who poops in their breakfast every morning....
            Is it a whole army of poopers? Do they poop on everything the SC owns each day? Is that why they're so upset?

            I just..*facepalm* ..There's no reason to get that worked up about it.
            1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
   (A blog about everything and nothing)

