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New Job, Same SC's (long)

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  • New Job, Same SC's (long)

    Hi everyone. I haven't been on in a while since I was on maternity leave, but I am back, and with a new job. I work for the president of an outdoor supply company. We sell clothes for hiking/climbing/rafting etc. (expensive stuff) and lots of different equipment (from camping to climbing a glacier). Everything in our store is pretty pricey, but most people know this when they come in (I personally won't pay $70 for a T-shirt, but to each his own). Now, I work up in the office, but occasionally have to go out to the floor to update schedules, hand out pay stubs or a variety of other things. This gem happened today while I was down there.

    We post an ad in the local newspaper's "Holiday Gift Guide". It comes out every week and we have different items featured in each one. I actually picked out the items that were to go in, and I made sure to put in items that we had a lot of. One of the items featured in the first Gift Guide (out over 2 weeks ago) was a Hat/Mitt combo set with a Maple Leaf on it. It came in Red/Gray Leaf or Gray/Red Leaf and it was $50.00. The Red/Gray Leaf one was the one pictured in the guide. We had 26 of those ones in stock, and 32 of the others at the time the Gift Guide came out.

    10 minutes ago, this lady comes in with the gift guide in her hand. She came up to the counter (I was behind it with 2 CW's) and pointed to the picture.

    SC: I need 2 of these!

    They happen to be right beside the counter, so CW grabs 1 of each.

    CW: We only have one of the Red ones left, but we also have it availble in Gray.

    SC: I need 2, and I want them in Red (selective SC hearing)

    CW: I'm sorry ma'am, but we seem to have sold most of the Red ones. There is only 1 pair left, but we have 5 of the grays. (items in this gift guide always sell fast)

    SC: Why would you put something in the gift guide that you don't carry?!?! This is fraud (***WTF?)

    CW: We had many of these sets, ma'am, but people have been buying them as Christmas presents.

    SC: But if you only had a few, why would you advertise them?

    CW looked to me for help (even though she's been there longer, I am considered senior staff), then goes to help the line behind this woman

    Me: Ma'am, when that item went into the guide, we had almost 60 in stock. They ended up being more popular than we antisapated and we only have these 6 left.

    SC: My daughters had their hearts set on these! I find it (wait for it...) ridiculous that you don't carry what you advertise.

    Me: Ma'am, these items were advertised over 2 weeks ago, and we do still carry them.

    SC: But I need 2 identical red ones, and you DON'T carry those!!!!

    Me: (looks in the computer. Sees we are due to get another shipment of them in by the end of the week) Ma'am, if you really want the red ones you can try on the weekend. We have already ordered more and they are scheduled to be delivered by Friday.

    SC: No! This is a huge inconvenience for me! I drove 40 minutes to get here (possibily true, people come from all over the province) and I will NOT come back. You will either ship red ones to me and pay for the shipping for me, or you will give me the gray ones at a discount! I am a good customer, damn it, and I think that is the least you can do.

    I try to look her up in our computer (we have a system that tells us who has brought what and when) and see that she has never brought anything from us, althougth she has special ordered in 2 pieces that she never came to pick up (cost to us since we payed to have them shipped to our store, then back to the company when she didn't pick them up).

    Me: Ma'am, the most I can do is a 5% discount as this is a brand new item.

    SC: I want at least 25% off! Anything less is an insult.

    Because I'm new (less than 2 months) and don't deal with customers, I called for someone who has been there longer and filled him in. I shall call him J

    J: Ma'am, there is no way we can give you 25% off of these. They are a highly popular, brand new item.

    SC: You WILL give them to me! Let me speak to whoever is above you or you will lose a customer!

    The Big Boss Man is out of town with meetings all week, so J is the highest. He's also been there 7 years, and knows that BBM would not put up with this.

    J: Ma'am, you are not a customer. You have never brought anything here, and you now want these at cost. It is not going to happen. You can either pay full price or you can leave.

    I've heard the BBM use the same line. He is awesome and doesn't want to deal with any sucky people. J walked away as the lady did this

    She left without another word. I love my new job. I'm sure I'll have more stories soon.

  • #2
    How awesome is J! *respekt* I also liked that you offered her a 5% discount. I can't imagine that would have came to anything significant but she should have just took it and STFU. Sucks for her, now she can't have any discount at all
    "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


    • #3
      Quoth Mnemjian View Post
      How awesome is J! *respekt* I also liked that you offered her a 5% discount. I can't imagine that would have came to anything significant but she should have just took it and STFU. Sucks for her, now she can't have any discount at all
      Hehe... when I was working CS for a cell phone provider, I'd invariably get someone who felt it ridiculous that they had to pay for minutes used. So I'd look at the bill and instruct the rep to tell the customer that they could take the reps offer, or they'd start over when they got me. Customers would often get me. And they got NOTHING. Because it was a courtesy credit. You had one last month. NO, you're not getting another one. Allow me to be unambiguous.


      *sigh* Some people need a little "negative reinforcement" in their lives to understand anything. That's why you keep a clue-by-four handy.


      • #4
        My boss has said that if "the customer is bitching", we can offer 5% off the purchase if it's over $100. If they don't take it right away, or they try to get more, they lose that 5%. "If bitching continues, ask them to leave". I love this boss.


        • #5
          At cost is $37.50? Hell, I could sell some to you at a discount! The just fell off the truck. *wink wink*
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            Quoth bainsidhe View Post
            At cost is $37.50? Hell, I could sell some to you at a discount! The just fell off the truck. *wink wink*
            I know, it's very insane some of the stuff we carry. This set is made from 100% Merino Wool from New Zealand and is the warmest natural material blah blah blah. The people that come into our store like to buy expensive stuff just for the sake of being expensive. This man comes in every year and buys a $550 snow suit set for his son - who is now only around 6 years old. My CW mentioned that it would be great to hand it down (they had another son around 3). The father's reply:

            "We don't 'hand things down' (uppity tone). This will go into the attic until a relative can use it. I'm buying one for him too"

            And then he proceed to spend just over $300 on a set for the 3 year old. Some people have more money than should be allowed.
            Last edited by CruiseShipGirl; 12-02-2009, 11:22 AM.


            • #7
              Quoth CruiseShipGirl View Post
              This set is made from 100% Merino Wool from New Zealand and is the warmest natural material blah blah blah.

              Dammit, now I'm going to have to spend this weekend in my grandma's attic looking for the drop spindles!
              Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


              • #8
                Quoth CruiseShipGirl View Post
                "We don't 'hand things down' (uppity tone). This will go into the attic until a relative can use it. I'm buying one for him too"
                is it bad I'm wondering how a penis so small could impregnate anyone... let alone twice.


                • #9
                  Quoth CruiseShipGirl View Post
                  This set is made from 100% Merino Wool from New Zealand and is the warmest natural material blah blah blah.
                  I've got a hand knit hat I made from Merino Wool (probably not from New Zealand) that cost me $7. It is very warm, though.

                  I'm not knocking you for selling luxury products (which probably perform awesomely). I'm just amazed at what people will buy.

                  Serious for your boss and your company, though. I love that your boss (and J) is focused on things like making a profit, supporting their workers, and not going out of business. And good for you for standing up to the lady too.


                  • #10
                    Quoth CruiseShipGirl View Post
                    SC: Why would you put something in the gift guide that you don't carry?!?! This is fraud (***WTF?)
                    It is not fraud. It is supply and demand. The store supplied X amount, and people demanded almost that exact amount, just about cleaning the store out.

                    Welcome to capitalism.

                    Quoth CruiseShipGirl View Post
                    SC: My daughters had their hearts set on these! I find it (wait for it...) ridiculous that you don't carry what you advertise.
                    Supply and demand has nothing to do with your daughter's hearts. It has to do with what people want. And apparently people other than your daughters wanted, and BOUGHT, those items.

                    They carry what they advertise. And--surprise! surprise!--people have been buying them.

                    Quoth CruiseShipGirl View Post
                    SC: But I need 2 identical red ones, and you DON'T carry those!!!!
                    You NEED food, water, air, and shelter. You need warm clothing, and probably heat. You need to occasionally take a shit. But you do not NEED these items. You WANT them. There is a huge difference. Allow me to give you an example. I WANT to punch you in the face. But I NEED to stay out of jail. Understand?

                    Quoth CruiseShipGirl View Post
                    You will either ship red ones to me and pay for the shipping for me, or you will give me the gray ones at a discount! I am a good customer, damn it, and I think that is the least you can do.
                    Actually, the LEAST they can do is sell you what they have in stock, if you are willing to buy it. What you are asking is not the least they can do, it is more than they are willing to do, which by definition is not the least.

                    Quoth CruiseShipGirl View Post
                    SC: I want at least 25% off! Anything less is an insult.
                    Now she's insulting capitalism. This is unpatriotic. Guards! Remove this traitor from our domain!

                    Quoth CruiseShipGirl View Post
                    SC: You WILL give them to me!
                    Your Jedi mind tricks don't work on me, young Skywalker.

                    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                    Still A Customer."


                    • #11
                      Quoth bunnyboy View Post
                      is it bad I'm wondering how a penis so small could impregnate anyone... let alone twice.
                      Well, the kids didn't look anything like him, so the mailman is a very strong possibility.

                      Quoth trailerparkmedic View Post
                      I'm not knocking you for selling luxury products (which probably perform awesomely). I'm just amazed at what people will buy.
                      I am always amazed at what people buy. We get 20% off and I still can't afford anything, but luckily the reps from the clothing lines want the employees to wear their clothes, so we get great deals (30% off wholesale) or free items occasionally. I will say that while I would never in my life pay $25 for a single pair of socks, they are the most comfortable thing in the world. The clothes really are outstanding, but the people who shop for them are pretty entitled.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jester View Post
                        Your Jedi mind tricks don't work on me, young Skywalker.
                        Actually shouldn't that be, "I'm a Retailian, Jedi tricks don't work on me, only money." ?


                        • #13
                          Quoth CruiseShipGirl View Post
                          I will say that while I would never in my life pay $25 for a single pair of socks, they are the most comfortable thing in the world.
                          I wold! And have! Then again, it was for the yarn and I knit them myself so they were exactly what I wanted.

                          Which reminds me, I need to get something on the needles before I go bugnuts again.
                          Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


                          • #14
                            Awesome manager for standing up to that woman!!

                            Yeah, a great deal of outdoor supplies are mind boggingly expensive, I do gasp when I see stuff at my beloved 3-letter outfitter.....but I actually use the stuff when I'm on a mountain...and then I want quality. And, most of that stuff does last a lifetime (unless you fall down said mountain) so I'll have my goodies for years. (though the mountain cares not if I have foliage on my hat)

                            I love the employees at my outfitters, I will never be snarky to them or demand what is not mind. They are friendly, they now their stuff, and they provide my with goodies I really want (not "need")

                            Again, kudos to the boss!!!!
                            "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
                            "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


                            • #15
                              Quoth Cat View Post
                              And, most of that stuff does last a lifetime (unless you fall down said mountain)
                    , I think it's still lasting a lifetime. A slightly -abbreviated- lifetime, maybe, but still a lifetime.
                              It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.

