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Your know YOUR RIGHT

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  • #16
    I have trouble relations to directions, myself, as well. It's part of my inability to interpret and relate to space and depth. When a school teacher taught me the 'which hand do I write with' trick, I found it to be a lifesaver. I just hold up my hands in front of me, and after a few seconds, I get it.
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


    • #17
      I've had one of my roomies brainfart of me (More than once) while giving directions while I'm driving, telling me to turn right while frantically pointing left.

      "No, no, right! RIGHT!" As I start to move into the right lane, all the while she's frantically gesturing left.

      One time I actually stopped dead and had to turn and glare at her, and ask her which wrist she puts her watch on.

      "My left."

      "And which direction are you telling me to turn?"

      "Ri... oooh, no, left! Sorry..."

      But as for stupid callers... I believe it. When I worked in a call center I got this sort of stuff all the time.

      You haven't reached the zenith of stupidity until you've got someone who spends the entire call typing the letter 'O' in their password instead of zero, because they think you mean alphabetical zeroes instead of numerical zeroes.
      Check out my webcomic!


      • #18
        Quoth trunks2k View Post
        If it makes you feel any better, my girlfriend has trouble telling her left from her right. She usually has to hold her hands up to see which hand makes an "L" to figure it out. It's a pain in the butt when it comes to getting/receiving directions from her.

        Me: "Ok, take a left at this intersection"
        Her: "Ummm..... ok" *starts turning right*
        Me: "No, take a left!"
        Her: "Oh sorry"

        I've now taken to saying "see that *insert car going the same direction as us* up ahead? Follow him"

        When I first learned to drive, I had trouble differentiating left from right without holding up my palms...then a friend told me that "Lights are on the Left side; Radio on the Right". Never had a problem after that.
        Standing on the moon With nothing else to do A lovely view of heaven But I'd rather be with you


        • #19
          I'm dyslexic. Right and left are the same half the time.

          The DataJager says I should get R and L tattooed on my back of my wrists.
          Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

          Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

          Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


          • #20
            Quoth aj_prettiful View Post
            I had a professor who had trouble telling left and right apart. She used her class ring or wedding ring to tell.
            I used to tell my husband "ring side!" when we were doing sevens at the ceilis so that I wouldn't run into him or have to drag him. (Yes, we dance together most dances. No one there has good etiquette, so we can get away with it). Then we got married... fortunately he's gotten better about keeping track of which way to dance.

            Quoth Polenicus View Post
            I've had one of my roomies brainfart of me (More than once) while giving directions while I'm driving, telling me to turn right while frantically pointing left.
            My grandparents are an excellent example of a telepathic couple. My grandmother will tell my grandfather to turn right, he'll turn left which is how she wanted him to turn. But it's not as if she always does it. He just knows...


            • #21
              Sadly, I get those exact same calls on an hourly basis.

              To submit a warranty claim you must create a support ticket on our website. The phone is only for tech support. No warranty can be done over the phone. You MUST create a ticket.

              Yes you do need internet access. Its just right on our homepage. No, our homepage. Are you on our homepage? Go back to the homepage. No, thats not the homepage. Go to the homepage.

              Its on the lower center of the homepage. Lower center. Its towards the middle. Do you see the middle of the homepage? Look towards the middle. Then look a little bit lower. It says create support ticket. Do you see that?

              No, thats not the middle. Thats the right edge of the webpage. You want the middle., thats the bottom. The link you want says create support ticket. You want the lower center of our homepage. No, thats the left side of the webpage. You want to look at the center.

              Good. Now just look down a little bit from the center. It says create support ticket.

              Good! Now just fill out the information requested and submit the ticket.

              The ticket is self explanatory. You just put in the information it asks for each box. Like where it says name, you put your name. Do you see the text above each box? That tells you what you need to type into each box.

              Fill out each box with the information requested. Yes, you need to put your name there. Where it says phone number you need to put your phone number. We need this information to process your warranty claim. We need all of it.

              You have to explain what problem you're having. The box says problem description. Describe your problem? No you don't need to tell me, type it in the box. Describe what problem you are having with the product in the box.

              Yes you need to explain whats going on. I can't help you, you need to write it in the box. The person who processes the claim sees that. (A lie, odds are I'll eventually get the warranty claim myself, but I am NOT doing it over the phone.) Yes put down everything.


              Just put down everything you just told me. Write it down in the box.

              When you're done click the submit button. Its at the end of the form. No, not at the bottom of the webpage. Its just below the last box you filled in. Its below where you typed your problem description. Do you see the submit button? Okay? Click it.

              It will say submitted.

              Just like what the instructions on the page now say you will receive an email contact. Sir, you have to check your email. Sir, please just read the webpage. All of the instructions will be sent to you. Sir, can you please stop interrupting. Just read what the web page says.

              Just like it says, you will get the instructions in your email. Yes you need to check your email. No I can't process it right now. I can't do that.

              We have to process each claim in the order in which they're received. I cannot process your claim right now. I'm sorry but I cannot do that.

              Sir our policy is that you must submit the claim online and wait for an email response. Just wait. You don't need to do anything, just wait a bit longer.

              No, just wait. You will get a response soon.

              Sir you only submitted the claim a few minutes ago. They haven't gotton to it yet. No I cannot process it now. You will be contacted as soon as possible.

              Sir, I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do. You submitted the claim and just wait for a response now. Okay? ISHTEREANYTHINGELSEICANDOFORYOU?NO?ALRIGHTHAVEAGOO DDAYBYEBYE/click.

              I get that call on a nearly hourly basis.


              • #22
                Quoth ano View Post
                When I first learned to drive, I had trouble differentiating left from right without holding up my palms...then a friend told me that "Lights are on the Left side; Radio on the Right". Never had a problem after that.
                OMG that's brilliant!

                Spatial recognition is one of those things that you either can or can't. There's not much grey area. It's like doing the Vulcan salute. Did you know that only about 50% of people can do that? It's not a special skill or anything. It's just something you have a fifty-fifty chance of being able to do

                Granted, I can sit here pretty confident in saying that, since I *do* have spatial recognition, but only VISUALLY (plop me down inside a building, and I couldn't tell you if my life depended on it which way the street is! I've only just figured out now, after they've lived there for 30 years, which room is above me when I'm in my parents' basement!).
                GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                • #23
                  Quoth tollbaby View Post
                  OMG that's brilliant!

                  Spatial recognition is one of those things that you either can or can't. There's not much grey area. It's like doing the Vulcan salute. Did you know that only about 50% of people can do that? It's not a special skill or anything. It's just something you have a fifty-fifty chance of being able to do

                  Granted, I can sit here pretty confident in saying that, since I *do* have spatial recognition, but only VISUALLY (plop me down inside a building, and I couldn't tell you if my life depended on it which way the street is! I've only just figured out now, after they've lived there for 30 years, which room is above me when I'm in my parents' basement!).
                  I too, am geographically challenged. Got one of the first GPSs when they came out , saved me lots of hours of a tour when I moved here.

                  But I can only do the Vulcan salute with my left hand.
                  Dull women have immaculate homes.


                  • #24
                    Quoth KellyHabersham View Post
                    I have to admit that I'm one of those who are "directionally challenged", which is one of the reason why I don't drive, and makes it frustrating for me when I get asked questions such as "Is Macy's at the east or west end of the mall?", or "Is your church on the north or south side of "X street"?
                    When people ask me or try to give directions to me in "North" "South" "East" "West" I just look at them (or the phone) and tell them "I'm a girl, try that again - I need Landmarks" and its true, women's brains don't think in cardinal directions naturally, men's do, we have to be taught,

                    I can tell you North/South bound on the highway/freeway/interstate, but I usually can't tell you East/West on those roads... I suppose that it doesn't help much that where I live we have 3 N/S hwy's that all intersect... how I can i be going NORTH on 183, make a RIGHT TURN and be going NORTH on I-35??

                    and when giving directions, even over the phone, i will gesture with my hands towards the direction of the turn, and i'll make the gesture several times before i actually commit to "right" or "left" - i even turn around, so that i'm facing the direction i'm telling them to come from...*usually only for on the phone*
                    Last edited by Treasure; 06-18-2010, 03:41 PM. Reason: ooh shiney! *** i forgot something***
                    I am well versed in the "gentle" art of verbal self-defense

                    Once is an accident; Twice is coincidence; Thrice is a pattern.



                    • #25
                      Quoth Treasure View Post
                      When people ask me or try to give directions to me in "North" "South" "East" "West" I just look at them (or the phone) and tell them "I'm a girl, try that again - I need Landmarks" and its true, women's brains don't think in cardinal directions naturally, men's do, we have to be taught,
                      Whoops, I'd better get to the doctor's .


                      • #26
                        Quoth Magpie View Post
                        But aside from that, left and right are EVIL. After all, every time you turn around they change!
                        That's why I usually say "north, south, east, west" when giving directions. They are always the same. Yet so many people Just Don't Get It.
                        Quoth Treasure View Post
                        When people ask me or try to give directions to me in "North" "South" "East" "West" I just look at them (or the phone) and tell them "I'm a girl, try that again - I need Landmarks" and its true, women's brains don't think in cardinal directions naturally, men's do, we have to be taught,
                        Um, I'm female too, and I've never had a problem with NSEW. I think it's an individual thing, not a gender thing.
                        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                        My LiveJournal
                        A page we can all agree with!


                        • #27
                          Quoth Treasure View Post

                          I can tell you North/South bound on the highway/freeway/interstate, but I usually can't tell you East/West on those roads... I suppose that it doesn't help much that where I live we have 3 N/S hwy's that all intersect... how I can i be going NORTH on 183, make a RIGHT TURN and be going NORTH on I-35??
                          Hey Treasure? If it makes you feel any better I live near the intersection of 45North and I-35 North. And yes, it's a right angle intersection.


                          • #28
                            Yar matey! Do ye be seein the bar with "Login" on the top o' the screen on the starboard side?
                            Bark like a chicken!


                            • #29
                              back when i was in the navy ... if someone was going to the left instead of the right we'd say "no, your other right". heh


                              • #30
                                Military Right!
                                Dull women have immaculate homes.

