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Toys for tots twerp

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  • Toys for tots twerp

    After reading about the doll lady on PFB I was reminded of a woman that just infuriated me. At WM we have collection boxes for Toys for Tots, where people can give new unopened toys to the charity. Of course people will through all sorts of trash there enen though there is a trash can 2 feet away, but that's not what made me maddder then hell. THIS is what made me seethingly mad:
    GW=Greedy woman
    RM=retired marine
    CW=cool woman

    I am standing chatting with the cashier on self-check, on my 15, GW goes past us and leaves her cart blocking a checkout lane, I go to put it back and I see her rooting through the Toys for Tots box She pulls out a Bratz doll and puts it in a bag. The alarm goes off.

    ME: Ma'am can i see your reciept?
    GW: Oh, fer god's sake , your f-cking casiers are too stupid to bag properly.
    ME:<scanning reciept> You went through self-checkout. This Bratz doll <points to it> isn't on the reciept .
    GW: So what? You can't do anything about it. I'll have you fired if you try to you k-ke.
    ME: Ma'am did you take this from the Toys for Tots donation box.
    GW: Are you accusin' me of stealing you dumb f-ggot??? God hates you.
    CW: It is from the box I saw her take it.
    GW: Shut up b-tch.
    CW: What?????
    < I get AM from coutesy desk>
    CSM: Put the doll back ma'am.
    GW: NO!!!! This box isn't your property, so you can't make me put it back !!<goes to leave, I block her.>
    GW: Outta my way.
    RM: <He had come into the store after another customer told him of the woman's thieving> It's the Marine Corps' property and I can tell you to put it back, now put it back.
    GW: Make me. <dashes out in door.>
    CSM follows her and jots down tag #, then informs the cops.

    15 minutes later we get a phone call from the police she was pulled over and freely admitted taking the doll, she was arrested. The cops found 10 DVDs in her son's diaper bag and return all the stolen items to us. The value off all the stolen property is $250 +, she might have gotten away with the DVDs if she hadn't tried to take the Bratz doll, oh well, loser.

  • #2
    You know, if idiots like her would put in as much effort WORKING for a living as they do stealing for a living they'd probably live even better, and not have to worry about going to jail to boot.


    • #3
      Ditch, but that makes sense, and as we all know, it's not allowed.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        Okay, on a very old incarnation of the board, I remember a story about a collection bin of some sort (Canned goods, I think...) at a store.
        Some customer came up to the checkout, asked for a plastic bag, got one, looked around, and squatted right in the lane to poop in the bag. Tied the bag, tried to hand it to the cashier. What a surprise, no go. So, the customer headed out, passing right by the collection box, and left. Cashier walks over and checks out the collection box. Sure enough, the customer tossed their bag of poop into the food, so it all had to be thrown away.
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #5
          Wow, and she trotted out all the classic insults…one can only imagine what a tolerant guy her kid will turn out to be.
          Knowledge is power, and power corrupts. SO: Study hard. Be evil.


          • #6
            What a hag! That takes a special kind of evil to steal from a donation box! How old was she? I'm only sorry the retired marine didn't flatten her....


            • #7
              If the RM is like most Marines I know, it was only his natural gentlemanly urges that kept him from laying that woman out with one blow.

              Geez, stealing from Toys For Tots -- that's a new low.
              Everything I do goes through...

              Think About It Central


              • #8
                Quoth ditchdj View Post
                You know, if idiots like her would put in as much effort WORKING for a living as they do stealing for a living they'd probably live even better, and not have to worry about going to jail to boot.
                I can not tell you how many times I've said this exact thing. It's so true- their 'laziness' seems like an awful lot of extra work and trouble to me. I find it much easier to just work, get paid, go shopping.
                "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                ~TechSmith 314
                HellGate: London


                • #9
                  That is the lowest form of low! If I saw that old hag stealing from the box, I just might have flattened her for real.

                  I do always find it amusing that people's greed gets them caught, too. Imagine, she was feet from the door with over 250 bucks worth of merchandise that she would have gotten away with if she hadn't been so greedy as to grab out of that bin...

                  semi- Off topic-
                  On the history channel they had a case where a woman literally would have gotten away with murdering her husband had she not gotten greedy over the life insurance money. (she killed him by tampering with his tylenol and poisoning him, but when he died they didn't test and waived it off as natural causes). THEN, she went and put cyanide in some tylenol and stuck it back on the shelf- killing another innocent woman. They managed to trace this all back to her when she tried to claim her husband was killed by the same bad batch of tylenol...more money from insurance for an accidental death than a natural one. (long story short)

                  Moral of the story(s)
                  If you're gonna steal, if you're gonna do something illegal: If you've gotten away with it, don't get greedy, or you'll get caught!!! (or FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS THAT DON"T SUCK... just be honest like the rest of us)
                  I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                  • #10
                    That's disgusting! I mean, stealing from the store is bad enough, but to steal from needy children who, otherwise, would have nothing for Christmas. Wow, and all that after informing you God hates you. Did she miss that commandment that said stealing is bad? Not to mention that whole "Love thy Neighbor" bit. What a whore.


                    • #11
                      I'll bet taking the Bratz doll was to trip the sensors on purpose, to hide the dvds being stolen. She wasn't counting on the police being called after she left "just because a donation was stolen". She thought they would only call the police if store merchandise was stolen.


                      • #12
                        hopefully the kid will be taken away from her and has a chance to grow up with decent parents


                        • #13
                          Quoth DesignFox View Post
                          Moral of the story(s)
                          If you're gonna steal, if you're gonna do something illegal: If you've gotten away with it, don't get greedy, or you'll get caught!!! (or FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS THAT DON"T SUCK... just be honest like the rest of us)
                          That reminds me of an incident that happened here several years ago. Some twit stole a brand-new Cadillac off one of the dealer's lots. Turns out, that the guy died, and the car was found...still sitting in his garage. Apparently, he'd never taken it out. Ever.

                          Found out later that he was afraid of getting busted for driving it, and just left it in the garage. Now *that's* just stupid--why not sell it for parts, or as a used car?

                          Thieves ain't too bright, folks.
                          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                          • #14
                            IIRC, some if not most of the people who steal just do it for the thrill, and the stolen stuff ends up sitting there.
                            "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                            "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                            • #15
                              Stealing something just for the "thrill" of it?

                              Well, if that is the case, then I daresay that protege's statement, "Thieves ain't too bright," is actually even MORE appropriate.
                              “Excuse me. Is this bracelet real jade?”
                              “Ma’am, this is a thrift shop. The tag on the bracelet says $1.50. It comes with a matching mood ring. What do you think?”
                              “I don’t know.”
                              “Yes, it’s real.”

