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"But I Didn't Steal Them! I Didn't!"

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  • #16
    I'm really not sure why any big companies are accepting checks anymore anyway.. Even the most Podunk credit unions have debit cards now. I remember working at a sub shop in the mid 90s.. so many checks bounced we just stopped taking them. I might understand if you're like 90 years old and don't want to carry cash around and are frightened by the new fangled circa 1960s plastic craze that all the kids are doing.. but otherwise what's the excuse.
    I will never go to school!


    • #17
      A lot of people find that if they have credit they will use it, even if they can't pay it off. I know that my sister-in-law has had some people come through her till and they comment that they don't have credit cards because they couldn't stay out of debt. (This comment was probably made to avoid the inevitable "would you like to sign up for the store card, which only works because my SIL is a better human being than cashier). Kudos to them for noticing a problem and removing it.


      • #18
        While my credit union does offer a debit card you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get it. Besides I like getting a paper bill in the mail and sending out a check for said bill. Sure I may not get the "paperless discount" but I also see that as having someone there to open the bill as well as putting money back into the postal service.

        I also like having the register, and since I keep up with it I ALWAYS know how much money I have.

        So were the cops called on the lady?


        • #19
          Just this past weekend, my parents and I were at the nature and science museum in Denver. They had a lot of really cool exhibits going on, including Body Worlds (which I recommend, unless you're extremely squeamish. Those who are faint of stomach need not apply)

          Now, I don't have very much strength in my legs because of my spina bifida (Which, at the Body Worlds exhibit, there was a display of the central nervous system. My parents took a few minutes to show me which nerves were affected by my scoliosis. It was kinda cool). Because of this, my feet don't like to stay on my wheelchair's foot plate. In stores, especially when things are close quarters, this means I sometimes end up brushing my foot against a display and drag something with me. At the gift shop in the museum, there was this display of mood jewelry that I had been looking at. Didn't get any of them, though, or so I thought.

          We'd left the shop and were on our way out to start the 4-hour drive across the mountains and back home, when my dad stops me, saying I had something on my foot. Sure enough, one of the mood necklaces was draped over my foot. It hadn't triggered any alarms or anything. My mom and I took it back to the shop and, even though the woman working there wasn't at all upset or anything, I still felt kinda embarrassed over the whole thing. If my dad hadn't said anything, I would've never noticed until we got to the car.
          "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)


          • #20
            Reminds me of Cops (the tv show):

            Perp: Those are not my drugs!
            Cop: Are these your pants?
            Perp: Uh...yeah...
            Cop: They were in your pocket of your pants. How are they not your drugs?
            Perp: I don't know how they got in there!
            Last edited by MoonCat; 07-22-2010, 07:44 PM. Reason: left out a word there
            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


            • #21
              Quoth MoonCat View Post
              Reminds me of Cops (the tv show):

              Perp: Those are not my drugs!
              Cop: Are these your pants?
              Perp: Uh...yeah...
              Cop: They were in your pocket of your pants. How are they not your drugs?
              Perp: I don't know how they got in there!
              I LOVE that show! And sometimes the perps claim that the pants aren't even theirs.

              Seriously, why did the lady call back? Did she just run across them in her purse when she got home? Did she come back in later to pay for them?
              Dull women have immaculate homes.


              • #22
                Quoth ralerin
                "I didn't steal them! I didn't!"

                "Well yes you did ma'am, you didn't return the cigarettes. You either return them or we will call the police."

                "BUT I DIDN'T STEAL THEM *CLICK*"

                If I remember, I think A kept the check stapled to the declined I might hear about this later.
                "I did not steal them, it's not true. It's bullshit, I did not steal them, I DID NAHT. Oh hi A!"

                +1 internet for guessing the reference.


                • #23
                  Quoth BaristaTrav View Post
                  I'm really not sure why any big companies are accepting checks anymore anyway.. Even the most Podunk credit unions have debit cards now. I remember working at a sub shop in the mid 90s.. so many checks bounced we just stopped taking them. I might understand if you're like 90 years old and don't want to carry cash around and are frightened by the new fangled circa 1960s plastic craze that all the kids are doing.. but otherwise what's the excuse.
                  I stopped by the courthouse yesterday to pay my car taxes (we have to pay property tax on cars here in North Carolina). At first I was going to pay with my debit card, but the lady at the counter told me there would be a 3% charge to do so. It was only a $1.35, but still I didn't want to pay it. But getting cash from the ATM would be even more expensive: fees both from my bank, and to use the ATM itself.

                  Luckily, I actually had a check in my wallet (I'd been meaning to take it to HR to change the bank I use for direct deposit, and hadn't gotten around to it).

                  I filled out the check, and the lady took it, and started processing the payment. A thought occurred to me:

                  Me: Do you need to see ID?

                  Nice Lady: No. Anyone who bounces a check with the tax office deserves what they get.

                  They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                  • #24
                    Quoth ThanosIsKing View Post
                    "I did not steal them, it's not true. It's bullshit, I did not steal them, I DID NAHT. Oh hi A!"

                    +1 internet for guessing the reference.
                    .....I hate you for making me remember "The Room."
                    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

