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Customer would rather drink his coffee than watch the movie!

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  • Customer would rather drink his coffee than watch the movie!

    Before I post this story, I want to very politely and nicely ask that any who post a comment on this story please refrain from giving me a hard time about our no outside food and drink policy like what happened the last time I posted a simliar story. The rules are the rules, employees have gotten in trouble by not enforcing the rule, and I don't feel like getting into trouble. I know the stupid concession prices are high and I really don't care. Ask any movie theatre employee and they'll tell you how sick and tired they are about people bitching about the prices. I come on this website expecting people to understand about my problem, as I am sure all of you who do post a story want the same thing, not to hear complaining about the prices.
    Sorry, I had to get that out. Now that we got that out of the way, on to the story.
    A customer came in with an outside drink, and we have a no outside food and drink policy. He had coffee.
    Me: I'm sorry, sir. We don't allow outside food and drink.
    SC: Well you guys serve coffee, so can't I bring it in?
    Me: No, sir, I am sorry. We can't allow it in.
    He gives me the look and I call over the manager, expecting him to let it slide.
    Me: I was just letting him know about our no outside food and drink policy.
    M: Yes, sir. I apologize, but we can't allow you to bring your drink in.
    SC: Well then give me my ticket back. I don't want to see a movie at a place like this.
    M: We can't make an exception, I'm sorry.
    SC: I'll tell you something.... I'd rather enjoy my cup of coffee rather than watch this stupid movie.
    Ok, if the movie is stupid, then why are you buying at ticket to see it dumbass?! And if this guy is trying to tell us that a cup of coffee is more entertaining than a movie, then I think this guy must have a pretty sad and deprived life.
    My manager tells him he can get a refund if that's what he prefers to do, and the customer leaves. I applaud my manager for standing up to the guy and not kissing his ass.
    Last edited by BowserKoopa1; 08-02-2010, 05:30 PM.

  • #2
    Policy aside, I'm glad your manager didn't simply cave in.

    As for his coffee being more entertaining than the movie... Well, I've seen a few where that fit. But then again, I didn't actually spend money on a ticket for them, either.
    "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


    • #3
      Quoth BowserKoopa1 View Post
      Before I post this story, I want to very politely and nicely ask that any who post a comment on this story please refrain from giving me a hard time about our no outside food and drink policy like what happened the last time I posted a simliar story. The rules are the rules, employees have gotten in trouble by not enforcing the rule, and I don't feel like getting into trouble. I know the stupid concession prices are high and I really don't care. Ask any movie theatre employee and they'll tell you how sick and tired they are about people bitching about the prices. I come on this website expecting people to understand about my problem, as I am sure all of you who do post a story want the same thing, not to hear complaining about the prices.
      This is backed by the moderating team. Please keep it to the suckiness of the customer.



      • #4
        Quoth BowserKoopa1 View Post
        SC: I'll tell you something.... I'd rather enjoy my cup of coffee rather than watch this stupid movie.

        My manager tells him he can get a refund if that's what he prefers to do, and the customer leaves.
        Oh, good. A happy ending.

        <Roll credits>
        "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
        .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


        • #5
          I won't weigh in on the economics of concessions, but an enforced 'no outside food' policy would prevent things like getting 2 chipotle™ burritos, a personal pan pizza, an open, uncapped bottle of vitamin water, and a bag of already popped microwave popcorn( I don't get this one either) dumped into your lap as the guy sneaking them in trips when ducking from an usher. Aside from that "Inception" was a fun little ride.


          • #6
            That guy was pretty crazy. What kind of logic is "well you serve it here"? Does that mean he could bring his own projector and projector screen and watch a movie in the lobby because they show movies there? And he seriously was willing to go all the way there and pay the even more outrageous than the food movie ticket price... just to say no thank you because he couldn't bring his coffee in? And yes, why bother if you think the movie won't be good? Guess there was a reason he was alone!


            • #7
              On an amusing note, I remember a poster here once making mention of catching a young chap sneaking a drink in. When I say a drink, it was a two-litre bottle of cola, and by sneaking I mean he was pretending to have a hunchback. As in pretending really badly.

              Didn't get very far



              • #8
                Bowser, I don't mind the price cause the snacks are worth it! Keep up the good work and don't let the snippy snots wear you down!

                I love movies wish I could go out and see more though

                Munkie's NaNo WC: 9648


                • #9
                  Quoth TeaHouseLackey View Post
                  I won't weigh in on the economics of concessions, but an enforced 'no outside food' policy would prevent things like getting 2 chipotle™ burritos, a personal pan pizza, an open, uncapped bottle of vitamin water, and a bag of already popped microwave popcorn( I don't get this one either) dumped into your lap as the guy sneaking them in trips when ducking from an usher. Aside from that "Inception" was a fun little ride.
                  Um...Wow? Who the hell eats that much during ONE movie?! Inception was pretty long though... lol.


                  • #10
                    I've seen (and heard!) people bring a six pack of Bud into the theater. Something about hearing psssfffffssshhhhtttt midway through a dramatic scene is so endearing.
                    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                    • #11
                      That must'a been a damn good cuppa joe if it's more entertaining than a movie. o.O
                      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                      • #12
                        People keep acting like the whole no outside food and drinks thing is something new. It's been that way at my local theaters since I can remember. I was willing to fight for my water bottle after a particular crazy dental surgery, where I was sipping on water every waking hour, but that's the only time I would have had any issue with the policy. And I didn't need to, because no one objected to me bringing in a water bottle (I'm pretty sure you can get water for free anyway).

                        Is it really that hard to sit through 2 hours--maybe 3--without a snack if you don't want to pay for anything?


                        • #13
                          I have people all the time complain about not being able to bring food in. The ones I hate most are those who have plenty of time before their movie starts to take their leftovers to their car, but instead they get pissy and throw it away. Its possible I am wrong, but I doubt the food will spoil if left in the car for olnly 2 hours, right?
                          Oh and what really makes this story even more funny is the fact that the guy never actually got a refund and came back later I got a real kick out of that, like we really showed him.
                          Last edited by BowserKoopa1; 08-03-2010, 05:53 AM.


                          • #14
                            I got thrown out for bringing food to a movie theater once. I tried to argue that the prices were outrageous. That and I hadn't had a Barbecue in a long time.

                            Thank you Steven Wright <grin>

                            But in all seriousness. The no food policy has been in effect for at least as long as I have been alive (damn near 40 years now) and likely longer than that. So why does it shock and surprise people when theaters enforce it? What rock at the bottom of a deep hole in the ground have the been living under that they do not rutting know this?

                            Serious Kudos to your manager for backing you up. I've seen some spineless ones allow people to bring in food because they threw a temper tantrum.

                            And that's no exaggeration. The only way to describe the actions of the people I have seen doing this are "A full out tantrum that would impress the living hell of a 4-year old and make them go 'damn! and I thought *I* was good' from the sheer extent of it."
                            I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                            • #15
                              Wow. Now, I admit that I have taken food from outside into a theatre, and I probably will continue to do so, but I wouldn't even consider carrying it openly, and if I were caught I'd fucking own up and either toss it or put it in the car, yeash.
                              The High Priest is an Illusion!

