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Just a small rant about hagglers.....

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  • Just a small rant about hagglers.....

    Kusanagi's post reminded me of this. When I was living at home and bought a new car, my dad offered to sell my old car for me- he enjoyed that sort of thing (I have no idea why, the mere thought of having to invite strange people to my house to try to sell a car would make me break out in hives). So he listed it in the paper for $1,000 and waited. A couple of days later, some woman called and said she wanted to see it. She showed up, I happened to be home.

    She was a sight to behold (more sarcasm than should be legally allowed is being used). She was as wide as she was tall, TONS of makeup, sweaty, acrylic nails that were way way too long, platform sandals, short shorts, and a halter top with a heavy duty support bra underneath that was way too visible. She looked like 15 cosmetic surgeons each injected her with a Texas sized amount of collagen in her lips, they were THAT BIG.

    She wanted to haggle. My dad said nope, so she left. She called the next day to see if he had reconsidered. He said no. She called two days later, still no. Then the next day, still no. This PITA called over and over for two weeks, at which time my dad had sold it to someone else for the asking price. I begged him to be the one who could tell her, and I think he was so sick of her he agreed. So, when she made her next call, I said my dad was out, so she asked if the car was still for sale, I said "No, it's sold". There was a long silence, then she actually asked how much it sold for. "The asking price". I could tell she was ticked. I was waiting for her to pull the race card, but she didn't. During one of her little haggle-sessions, she accused my dad of not lowering the price for her because she's black. Um no- it's because it's a fair price and you're annoying me so much I won't lower it for you out of spite, you stupid wench.

    On a side note, my dad no longer enjoys selling things in the paper.....

  • #2
    I hate selling vehicles through the paper or on the front yard, that's why I'll do trade in. Which is why dealerships love me becuase I also hate haggling over the costs of cars, so if they price sounds fair, I'll pay it without checking into the actual costs. True story, bought my last vehicle 6 years ago in under 45 minutes, that includes the test drive. Figure out 3 weeks later I could have easily gotten $3,000 knocked off the price if I had just done some research.
    Next time I'm getting one of my friends to do the haggling, they love it. One of them even got a salesman fired because the price he paid for his car was too low.


    • #3
      I was all ready to sell the old Jestermobile for about $1000 privately a year ago when I was looking for the new Jestermobile. I figured that would be a fair price for both me and the buyer. But then, when I found the new Jestermobile, the dealership offered me (a) a great deal on the new Jestermobile, and (b) part of that deal was giving me $900 for the trade in of the old Jestermobile. No hassle of trying to sell it myself? $100 from what I was going to TRY to get for it? Deal. Done. Sure. Yes. Ja. Da. Si. You got it! I was sad to see the old and trusty Jestermobile go, but I was happy the whole thing was so damn easy. Especially because it's always been easier to me to haggle/bargain when I am BUYING rather than SELLING.

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #4
        I suppose I could have tried to sell Bluto in the paper, but I got $800 on trade in for him in exchange for Neo (Bluto had 200,000 miles and a busted tranny).

        I didn't have to trade in Neo as he was cruelly murdered, but I got $11,000 in insurance for him, and used that to buy Steve. Yay!


        • #5
          We are in the final stages of purchasing my new Trail Blazer, and thank the good Lord I don't have to be involved, even though it's my vehicle.

          Paul loves to haggle when it comes to auto purchases. I mean he lives for it. When he bought his new truck it took him over a week just to talk numbers with the guy (and that's one of the quicker turn arounds he's had becuase he really wanted the truck. Our buddy dealt on his wife's car for 3 months) I can't haggle, I won't haggle, even if I need to in order to get to a fair price (you really have to on a new vehicle guys, I'm sorry) that's why I leave it to him.

          It's makes me feel dirty.
          Well fiddle dee dee!!


          • #6
            Quoth AFpheonix View Post
            I suppose I could have tried to sell Bluto in the paper, but I got $800 on trade in for him in exchange for Neo (Bluto had 200,000 miles and a busted tranny).

            I didn't have to trade in Neo as he was cruelly murdered, but I got $11,000 in insurance for him, and used that to buy Steve. Yay!
            I am glad to see Lil Sis and myself are not the only people who name their vehicles.

            The previous Jestermobile was Babs. The current one is Cathy. No, I don't know why. No, I don't name them. They name themselves. I swear.

            Quoth SnapAddict218 View Post
            We are in the final stages of purchasing my new Trail Blazer, and thank the good Lord I don't have to be involved, even though it's my vehicle.
            Welcome to the Chevy family.

            Babs was a blue 2-door 1989 Chevy Blazer. While mechanically one of the soundest vehicles I have ever been around--in 7.5 years, I only had to replace four major parts (actually three, but the water pump twice) plus maintenance--she was starting to show her age in nonmechanical ways very badly. So I went about finding something like her, only newer. A midsize, truck-based SUV. Not a station wagon that called itself an SUV. And not a behemoth of a vehicle that required its own zip code. A simple, mid-sized SUV.

            So when the call came from the dealer about Cathy, I was excited. His exact words: "You're not gonna believe this, but I have here a blue 2-door 2000 Chevy Blazer." I said very simply, "I'll be right there." After a year plus, Cathy still rocks. And yes, she is the one that I famously got stuck in that ditch in rural Ohio on my summer vacation road trip. I think she has forgiven me for that.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              Quoth Jester View Post
              Welcome to the Chevy family.
              I had to laugh at that because the last family get together I went to with my mother's family out of 12 vehicles there, only 2 were something other than a GM product. There was one Isuzu and one Ford. Everything else was Chevy or GMC.


              • #8
                Can anyone think of a good name for a 2000 Mazda Protege in dark blue?

                The only named vehicles in my household...are a pair of Radio-Flyer wagons once used to deliver newspapers. 'Morris' is a light-blue 1978 model, while Alana is a 1988 yellow one...and is currently in bits.
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  Quoth protege View Post
                  Can anyone think of a good name for a 2000 Mazda Protege in dark blue?


                  Elvis or Lucy. Being the owner, you would know which gender is more appropriate.


                  • #10
                    Oh good, I'm not the only one
                    Bluto: Named after the monster in Labyrinth, mostly over the line "Bluto smell baaaaaaad.", not because it was a beefy car. On the contrary, it was a gutless wonder.

                    Neo: Well, what ELSE do you name a Toyota Matrix? If I'd gotten the white one, I would have called it Switch.

                    Steve: Steve is a Forester. He's a station wagon, nothing too exciting about him, but he's always dependable, just like guys named Steve

                    Ernie: The elderly ford pickup, named after Ernie Ford

                    Smeagol: My sister's Legacy wagon, mostly because it has those round headlights that look like Gollum eyes...

                    Lurch: Ernie's predecessor, a VERY old Dodge pickup that was ghetto enough to have holes in the floorboards. We sold him to some kid, who I think then proceeded to finish him off and left him out with the keys in it so some migrants stole it. Probably parted out at this point.


                    • #11
                      My family has always named cars. I think I may have the only one that was transgendered, though (Grey Buick Skyhawk station wagon with rather elegant chrome trime; immediately nicknamed Babar the Elephant Car. Babar suffered an engine seizure and had to have an engine replacement. Immediately after the replacement Baber was renamed Celeste, because it just didn't feel right any more!).


                      • #12
                        I've got an Opel Corsa Lite, called "The Empress of Blandings"

                        Yes, she's very regal
                        The report button - not just for decoration


                        • #13
                          Quoth protege View Post
                          Can anyone think of a good name for a 2000 Mazda Protege in dark blue?
                          Rupert. Its a nice name, and i have a friend called Rupert who drives a dark blue Mazda. Mind you, its a MX-5, not a Protege, but who's counting (and besides, I don't know what a Protege looks like)?

                          My best friend has a Land Rover Defender known as the Vehicle of Doom, because its black and looks like the Devil's own 4x4. My new little black Ford Focus doesn't have a name.
                          A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                          - Dave Barry


                          • #14
                            Buddha: Silver 2002 Ford Explorer SportTrac (basically chop off the back of the Explorer into a miniature pickup bed). Named for the buddha statue on my dashboard. I'm not Buddhist.
                            "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


                            • #15
                              Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
                              Rupert. Its a nice name, and i have a friend called Rupert who drives a dark blue Mazda. Mind you, its a MX-5, not a Protege, but who's counting (and besides, I don't know what a Protege looks like)?
                              I think Mazda sold it as the 323 (sedan) on your side of the pond for awhile. Since I had the Pina Colada Song on this morning, Rupert it is :P And no, that's not my car in the pic

                              Come to think of it, several family cars were named "POS," simply because they *were* pieces of shit. The Tempo was the exception--it was usually referred to as "the red shitbox." By the time I got it, it was in sad shape--rusty, and with some engine/transmission problems. Oh, and the door flew open if you hit the brakes
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by protege; 01-09-2007, 12:48 PM. Reason: I can't type :p
                              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

