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Just a small rant about hagglers.....

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  • #16
    I mentioned the Blazers (Babs and Cathy), but forgot about my very first car.

    It was a 1971 Dodge Colt. Two doors. Pale yellow. I mean PALE, faded yellow, so odd that at night it looked ghostly. So ugly that I put the bumper stickers of a local radio station on the rear fenders to try to make it look better. It didn't work. The only vehicle I ever got on two wheels. No, it was not intentional. This was a truly disposable car. (I bought it for $400 in 1990.) For the short time I had it before I managed to blow it up, my friends and I called it the UAV: Urban Assault Vehicle. Somehow it seemed to fit.

    My second car is the only one I ever had that never got named. Or it was already named. It was a Dodge Shadow Turbo, and calling it The Shadow just seemed to fit. Especially because, with the turbo, the car was much faster than most people would think (it looked like an econobox, but had major balls!), so it pretty much snuck up on most people.

    My little sister names her cars too, but she has had the worst luck with vehicles lately. She has been living in England, since she married an Englishman, for the last four years. And yet she is already on her FIFTH vehicle. I have only owned four in my LIFE. And the one before my current one, which I have had just over a year, lasted me seven and a half years. And was the first vehicle I owned that I actually traded in, and didn't run into the ground, like my first two vehicles. Both of which were Dodges. (Yes, they are the reason I won't buy Dodge anymore.)

    Anyway, poor Lil Sis. Her luck with cars has been so bad lately, she hasn't even bothered naming her vehicles. They don't stick around long enough to get names.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #17
      The Girlfriend named her car Faith, cause you need to have some to be sure you're going to get there, so when I got a truck, I named it Begora.
      Bears are bad. If an animal is going to be mean it should look so, like sharks and alligators. - Mark Healey


      • #18
        They do name themselves. My last vehicle, a peeling, gray Dodge Caravan was Esmerelda.

        I tried to name the current ride, a large emerald green GMC Safari, but it didn't stick. It's True Name is the The Big Green Bitch.


        • #19
          Good lord. That reminds me of the car that started it all for me. When I was a kid, my mom had a HUGE 1972 pea-green Plymouth Fury Suburban station wagon. The thing had its own freakin' zip code, had the oddest placement for the directional signals (those familiar with the model know what I'm talking about), and had a bad problem with stalling. We called it simply....The Jolly Green Giant!

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #20
            Naming cars

            I can only recall naming my last four cars. My current vehicle, a black 2001 Chrysler PT Cruiser with orange flames, is named Lucien (after the librarian in Neil Gaiman's "Sandman" books). Lucien's predecessor was Cymbaline, a dark green metallic 1997 Kia Sephia. I chose the name from an early Pink Floyd song (I named my husband's oddly mauve Ford Taurus "Julia Dream" for the same reason).

            Before Cymbaline, there was "Celeste," a 1988 4-door Ford Tempo, a medium sky blue which inspired the name, and before that there was "Griselda," my much-loathed 1984 Ford Tempo that was primer gray.

            My very first car in high school was a 1976 Chrysler New Yorker, the paint color of which was called "Inca Gold." My friends referred to it as "The Yellow Submarine" because of its hue and dimensions. But I didn't start naming cars myself until Griselda.
            He loves the world...except for all the people.
            --Men at Work


            • #21
              Quoth AFpheonix View Post
              Oh good, I'm not the only one
              Bluto: Named after the monster in Labyrinth, mostly over the line "Bluto smell baaaaaaad.", not because it was a beefy car. On the contrary, it was a gutless wonder.
              I thought the big shaggy guy was Ludo?
              He loves the world...except for all the people.
              --Men at Work


              • #22
                I've never seen his name in print, so it could be Ludo, it could be Bluto. I don't know. All I know is that Bluto the car leaked tranny fluid on the exhaust and made for some way cool James Bond smoke screens, had a few oil leaks, occasionally burped coolant all over, and had the misfortune of having a full can of No-Chew tip over onto the floor of the passenger side.

                He smelled funny in a lot of ways...


                • #23
                  I have my smashed up For Contour that I call my "Ghettomobile." Duct taped over airbags, two sized of tires on it, horn doesn't work, front grill gone, smashed in driver door, hood is bent, etc. But it runs good and gets good mileage.

                  Here is the car a year ago.

                  "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


                  • #24
                    I wonder what you could call a red 2002 Saturn, besides "red streak" or something else so creative
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #25
                      Sigh... might as well.

                      I cut my driving teeth in a car that was as old as I was, and she was a 1980 orange Ford Escort named Agnes. Once, before I got her, my mother drove her to the cemetery and after she got out and was heading over to put the flowers on her parents' grave, Agnes took off on her own. She sped down a steep hill, swerving between every tree in the apple orchard planted upon it, losing only a side mirror and a hubcap on the trip. At the bottom, Agnes carefully selected a tree and slammed into it, crumpling all the way up to the windshield. My dad, a mechanic, was called in to pull her up the hill with his towtruck, but Agnes had apparently formed a strong, loving bond with the tree, and could not bear to be parted with it, because as he was pulling her up the hill the chain snapped and down she went again. He snagged her on the second try, put her back together and a year or so later Agnes was feeling cheeky and ran over my mother in the driveway, sped downhill, and fetched up in a dogwood tree, bending it way out over the road. People passing by just saw this orange car hanging in a tree, butt to the world passing by.

                      Dad fixed her again and I got her. Later, we sold her, and I got Thelma, a 1986 white Pontiac. Thelma helped me discover my inner phobia of driving long distances. One night in January, while driving the 20 miles to Asheville, she sputtered and died two miles from any exit. This was in the middle of a bitterly cold night, pitch black, and sleeting. I had to stand in front and flag down a truck eventually.

                      Next came a 1987 Ford Ranger named Bertha. She treated me well but we reached the point where she and I could not be reconciled due to the 300,000 miles or so on her odometer. Dad, ever helpful, found a suitable replacement, a 1995 red Ford Ranger that I proudly christened the USS Maude.

                      Although, dad's hinting now that it's time to look for another vehicle. I promise I won't haggle.
                      Drive it like it's a county car.


                      • #26
                        My first car was a 1962 Dodge Dart that I got from my grandmother when she decided she didn't want to deal with Phoenix traffic anymore. I named it Tod, for "That Old Dodge", which is how everyone referred to it. ("Hey, aren't you the one who drives That Old Dodge?")

                        Few of our cars have had names. Hubby's old Nissan pickup was called Nyssa, after the Doctor Who character. Our current cars are known simply as The Red Car and The Blue Car (real imaginative, right? )
                        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                        My LiveJournal
                        A page we can all agree with!


                        • #27
                          Quoth Crosshair View Post
                          I have my smashed up For Contour that I call my "Ghettomobile." Duct taped over airbags, two sized of tires on it, horn doesn't work, front grill gone, smashed in driver door, hood is bent, etc. But it runs good and gets good mileage.
                          That car would not be allowed on the road in the UK! You have to have a check called a MOT check every year to prove that the car is roadworthy (need your MOT certificate to tax the car), and those airbags alone would be enough to fail that car ! I am glad she runs well for you though

                          *is impressed at the absymalness of Crosshair's car*
                          A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                          - Dave Barry


                          • #28
                            We give pet names to some of our cars, mostly the ones that have character, the ones that we buy and drive normaly, they're nondescript

                            There was the 89' F-250 XLT that we called "The Bat" as in "Big Ass Truck"


                            Then there was the 93' Spirit we had, got secondhand after the owner was convinced it was junk, we called it "The Mighty Mighty Spirit" (Imagine a team pep chant -- "we have spirit!' "mighty mighty spirit!") Anyway, it lasted 6 more years untill it burst into flames in a parking lot from a battery short.


                            Then there's "Aeropar" , this one takes a little explaining, it's a 92' Ford Aerostar with a Chrysler V8 that we stuck in it after it's Ford 6 cyl bit the dust (Mopar = Chrysler parts division) Aerostar + Mopar = Aeropar Get it? Looks like a minivan, sounds like a race car

                            We also had an Eddie Bauer edition Ford Explorer back in 90' that got the unimaginitive name "Eddie"
                            - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                            • #29
                              What is unsafe about my car? Yea the one tire is a little different width, but the same overall diameter, besides, it is on the back anyway. Why would the lack of airbags disqualify it, what does that have to do with safety on the road? Any time I would need the horn I am too busy avoiding the accident.

                              Besides, the problem of safety has very little to do with the car on the road, it has more to do with the driver behind the wheel. Programs like Vehicle inspections are just an excuse to charge you higher vehicle taxes and needlessly make car ownership more expensive. People can do their own general maintanance without help from the government. That is why I love ND, less government is better government.
                              Last edited by Crosshair; 01-13-2007, 06:53 AM.
                              "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


                              • #30
                                Okay, my turn.......

                                My very first car was a 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 (no....not brand new - I'm not that old), but it was in GREAT shape....white over turqoise and had the FAT whitewall tires on it.

                                She named herself Gloria - it just popped into my head while I was looking at her, as if to introduce herself to me.

                                I haven't thought of a good name for my minivan other than Dustbuster or "The Lost Starfleet Runabout" (you can guess the shape here) - it just.......looks like 'em.
                                Who is this rectal-cranial inverted twit....and where is my sledgehammer??

