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Scam artist complains on me when I refuse to give her free stuff

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  • Scam artist complains on me when I refuse to give her free stuff

    Yesterday I was working a double at the movie theatre behind the concession stand (I took someone's shift because I need the money). Everything was going ok and by 8 my feet were the only ones complaining. Other than that, I was not really tired or stressed out from working so long, and I still had a few hours to go on my shift.

    This teenage girl with her friend comes up to my stand and starts to really be a pain. Since I am so pissed off at her right now, I am going to refer to her as TB= Teenage Bitch.

    TB: Hi can we get some free popcorn? We know J who used to work here.

    Me: I'm sorry, I can't do that.

    TB: Its ok, they know us here at the theatre, we come in all the time.

    Rinse, lather, and repeat a few more times until I finally call my manager over. Basically no matter what I told her, she would keep bugging me, asking for discounts, and then asking to fill our tiny little courtesy cups (which we normally use for water) with popcorn.

    Well, when my manager came over, I let her handle it at first, and I was doing my best to keep my temper under control. But this stupid bitch kept on going on and on about how she knows J and that she spends alot of money at our theater.

    Let me pause here to say that this shit really pisses me off, the bitch expecting to get free stuff because she comes to our theatre all the time! I have spent thousands of dollars at Best Buy in the last few years and I never got anything for free! Why should she get anything for free, especially in this economy?!

    Anyhow, back to the story. I made my big mistake when I finally told her....

    Me: Look, you're not getting anything for free! I'm not about to get into trouble for giving it to you!

    TB: Oh, my! You're so rude! Your customer service skills suck!

    Yeah, I'm being rude because you're being so fucking persistent and won't take no for an answer! Bitch, you are a scam artist! You go from place to place and probably do the same thing to the unfortunate employee who has to deal with your fucking bullshit! This bitch is not a customer! She's just someone who goes around looking for free stuff!

    Me: Well I'm sorry, but I tried to tell you.

    At this point she asks my manager for the phone number to Corporate and gets 2 free movie passes. She asked for my name and I told her she could figure that out on her own. She must have stayed at the concession stand for about 10 minutes just to try and piss me off some more, because she would not stop complaining at all.

    Then the bitch wants to buy some food (she was actually willing to pay for it now) since my manager would not give in to her either, and she says she does not want to be rung up by me. Whatever, I don't give a dam!

    When she finally went on to her movie, I requested to speak to my manager in private. Up in the office, I was so upset that I was screaming and yelling, but my manager is a very cool person and she knew I was just venting. I expressed deep concern for my job because I was told the next customer complaint would put me on final notice, worst case scenario cost me my job. She said she would back me up and that she knew the bitch was exaggerating, but that she still had to report it.

    She did not write me up however, and there is a new HR manager taking over, who normally handles all the write-ups and things like that, and he seems like an extremely nice guy, so I might get a mulligan on this one. I'm 100% positive that if I have to deal with the old HR manager, I will be written up. Right now I am not sure what to expect, and I don't know that if I was going to be written up last night, that it would have been up to my manager last night to make that decision on her own. So now all I can do is wait and see what happens.

    I know most of you will say that I probably screwed up when i got irritated with her. But what else was I supposed to do? The stupid fucking bitch would not take no for an answer and would not stop bugging me. I'm only human, and I can only take so much.

    As for her being a scam aritist, I am convinced she is one. She probably goes around to alot of stores and pulls off this same crap!
    Last edited by Dave1982; 09-30-2010, 04:42 AM. Reason: added some much needed line breaks

  • #2
    I don't see how you were rude at all. Some people just need to be told firmly and directly what is what. Nothing but a hard and simple statement will get through their heads.


    • #3
      I dont think you screwed up. Youre not a robot, you have emotions and that bitch knew that. Thats what she counted on. I hope this one was a freebie and that horrible twit leaves you alone in the future.

      Also, Karma. She'll get hers.


      • #4
        I tolerated as much as I could, but the managers may not see it that way. No, to them, you have to kiss the customer's ass, put a smile on your face, and treat them like royalty. I felt like she was not going to go away until I finally did get irritated with her.
        The thing that really has put butterflies in my stomach is what will the manager do? True, my manager last night said she would not write me up and gave me a simple talking to (which was at my request btw). But she told me she had to report it to my GM who works in the theatre and knows me very well. I am not sure if he actually writes people up or if he simply lets the manager who dealt with the problem make that call.
        I appreciate the comments from those of you who think I did nothing wrong, and I sure as hell wish the managers will see it the same way too. I am going to go in today and talk to my GM and the manager on duty last night. Part of me feels if I was going to receive a write up for this, I would've gotten it last night. Wish me luck.


        • #5
          Why did you get mad? Just let her yammer on, she wasn't going to get what she wanted so you shouldn't have reacted to her at all. She'd have figured out in time that she wasn't going to get anywhere and left. Get some thicker skin.
          If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.
          --Woodrow Willson


          • #6
            Man, I've been in that situation and it really makes you fight to control yourself. I don't think you were wrong at all, and that the more you reward this kind of suckery, the more people will do it. Crossing my fingers that things will go your way tonight....


            • #7
              It's a shame someone didn't explain to TB that movie theatres don't make money on ticket sales. The lion's share goes to the movie studios.

              That's why prices on concessions is so high.
              They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


              • #8
                i can understand completely how you were frustrated that she refused to take no for an answer, then decided to continue harrassing you. i've been in situations like that, and i can understand your pain.

                you told her no, multiple times; she refused to accept this, even from the manager; she kept harrassing you, then when told what she needed to hear (that you were standing firm) she decided to report you.

                i don't see any suck on your part, but plenty on hers; if you can, try to make an appointment with the hr guy and explain your side of the situation.

                maybe next time, call security on someone like this for loitering/tresspassing/harrassment?
                look! it's ghengis khan!
                Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                • #9
                  Love and a .45

                  Quoth BowserKoopa1 View Post
                  TB: Oh, my! You're so rude! Your customer service skills suck!
                  Yeah, uh, to be a "customer" you actually have to buy something and pay for it with actual money. Otherwise, you're just a "browser". Nothin' but love for ya.

                  Quoth Jack View Post
                  I don't see how you were rude at all. Some people just need to be told firmly and directly what is what. Nothing but a hard and simple statement will get through their heads.
                  That, and a .45.


                  • #10
                    Bowser, I think you'll be okay. Let us know.

                    Going forward, you should probably work on your thousand yard stare. That way when someone like TB keeps going on and on, you just stare slightly past her, out to the horizon, and just keep saying, "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't." Refer them to the manager. If they keep it up after the manager has told them, "No," then lather, rinse, repeat. We can use the same strategy the SCs do.

                    And if a paying customer approaches you, excuse yourself politely, "I'm sorry, but someone else needs my assistance, and I'm afraid I have no time to chat," and help that person. If TB throws a hissy fit, refer her again to the same manager.
                    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                    HR believes the first person in the door
                    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                    Document everything
                    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                    • #11
                      I would think in this sort of situation a call to request management backup might be in order.

                      Let them know that she is interfering with your ability to do your job and is demanding free things on the strength of claiming she knows someone who doesn't even work there anymore.

                      It can be hard to do, especially with some of the spineless and work-averse managers that are out there, but I made a point of making my problems turn into my boss' problems at my workplace, while being subtle enough that it seems like I was being helpful while I was in reality deflecting the crap so I could get on with my job. Which, in its own way, was being helpful.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        TB: Hi can we get some free popcorn? We know J who used to work here.

                        You: Oh is that why he doesn't work here anymore? (with a polite enquiring look.) Then everytime she asks, a bored 'No.' nothing else. like responding to a 2 year old.

                        or even better 'a small popcorn is$.$$'
                        'a small popcorn is$.$$'
                        'a small popcorn is$.$$'
                        Last edited by Teskeria; 09-29-2010, 09:39 PM. Reason: added on


                        • #13
                          Why didn't the manager get rid of her when you first called them over? I would have thought that once the manager started talking to her, you wouldn't be involved anymore. Either the manager gives her what she wants, or tells her to leave because she's holding up the line or getting in others' way.

                          Anyway, I hope you don't get in trouble either, I would have been pissed if I had to deal with her for that long too. Next time if something like this happens, can't you just say, "I'm not authorized to give away anything for free, please either purchase something or leave the line since there are other people waiting for me to help them, if you would like to take it up with a manager the customer service desk is over there." ?


                          • #14
                            I'm confused

                            She demands free stuff, complains because you wont give it to her. Manager says no, but then gives her 2 free tickets because she asked for corporates number?

                            Thats just whacked
                            "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
                            "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
                            "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

                            -Jasper Fforde


                            • #15
                              Well, she got 2 free tickets out of the deal, which around here would cost $22.00. A lot more than a small popcorn. Any wonder why she pulls these stunts? I also find it a bit amusing that she complains about your customer service skills, wouldn't she first need to be a customer?

                              At some point you should be able to refuse service to someone. "Sorry, but I can't serve you, let me call Manager". You shouldn't be forced to assist someone who offends you, is rude or otherwise pushes you over the edge. I know most businesses frown on that (also because management would then have to deal with the SC), but what a miserable situation for you to be in.

                              There is no cure for moochers and eventually you have to throw niceties to the wind and just give a firm "No". I'm also a fan of "I don't even get free popcorn/snacks/soda, there's no way I can give it away". And when they keep bringing up good 'ol J? "That's why J's no longer here" or "Then J was stealing from the theater" or "Unlike J, I have to follow the rules".
                              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

