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  • #16
    I am in a hurry, and now I have to leave!

    Well, it's better than a crappy customer who STAYS and bugs the hell out of you!


    • #17
      Quoth Rantsylvania 6-5000 View Post
      Truly annoying. Would it be possible to take the bell off your desk when you go to the bathroom? If you're in the middle of bathroom activities, you can't just come out anyhow, and at least you won't have to listen to that again!
      I never thought of that. That's quite a good idea, thank you.

      The day staff that work on the desks absolutely despise the little bell. They say that the parents see it, and they just have to ring it, regardless of if someone is sat at the desk or not. They want rid of it, but the head teacher insists that it stays.


      • #18
        Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
        I never thought of that. That's quite a good idea, thank you.

        The day staff that work on the desks absolutely despise the little bell. They say that the parents see it, and they just have to ring it, regardless of if someone is sat at the desk or not. They want rid of it, but the head teacher insists that it stays.
        The bell could get "stolen" by "one of the parents" or "one of the students" Your secret is safe with us.
        I was not hired to respond to those voices.


        • #19
          Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
          It's funny. When I worked in the pubs, I did not like children at all. In fact, the horrible, badly behaved children I saw in there put me off wanting to have children of my own. Now I love kids, and hate adults.
          This is what happened to me, working 7 years at Subway. Effing customers would let their brats run wild in the store while they ordered their food, using the booths and tables as jungle gyms, playing with the soda fountain, making a mess. Pretty much permanently burned me to the idea of ever having children, because I knew I would never, never have the kind of patience that would stop me from finally losing it and giving one the back of my hand

          So now here I am about to hit 40 and 90% of the single women I meet have kids. Sigh.
          Last edited by Ree; 11-20-2010, 07:50 PM. Reason: Edited offensive reference to children


          • #20
            Quoth poofy_puff View Post
            The bell could get "stolen" by "one of the parents" or "one of the students" Your secret is safe with us.
            The bell could "accidentally" vanish in the same black hole the shoes went...
            Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

            "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


            • #21
              Quoth 42_42_42 View Post
              The kids that ARE a pain are so because they know their parents are even bigger EW assholes than they are (after all, where'd they learn it from to begin with?).
              Most of the time you are right, but there are exceptions, in both directions.

              There are great parents with lousy kids, and lousy parents with good kids. I have seen and experienced both variations too many times to count.

              So don't always assume that a kid is a little shit because their parents are. While it IS the case more often than it isn't, it isn't ALWAYS the case.

              Quoth Marmalady View Post
              What's needed is some kind of connection between the bell and a trap door in the floor, just where the EW would be standing - they're allowed 2 rings, but the moment they press the bell for the 3rd time, the trap door springs open and down they plunge to the waiting crocodiles below.
              I agree with the concept, but disagree with the number. Many decent folks, myself included, automatically would hit the bell three times. DING! DING! DING! That is just what makes sense to our natural rhythm. And I don't think 3 is excessive. What the woman in the OP did...that is excessive.

              I would say set the trap door for 8 rings. After all, even jokers who like "Shave and a Hair Cut" would only be hitting the bell 7 times.

              Quoth poofy_puff View Post
              The bell could get "stolen" by "one of the parents" or "one of the students" Your secret is safe with us.
              Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
              The bell could "accidentally" vanish in the same black hole the shoes went...
              Nice idea. Major flaw. Since the head honcho insists on the bell being there, you know it would simply be replaced if it suddenly "disappeared."

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #22
                Quoth Jester View Post
                Most of the time you are right, but there are exceptions, in both directions.

                There are great parents with lousy kids, and lousy parents with good kids. I have seen and experienced both variations too many times to count.
                I agree completely. There is actually a situation going on at the school at the moment with an awful student. He is a terrible, disruptive bully. He has been kicked out of many classes, and is banned from doing any out of class activities. He spends most lunch breaks in detention, and has at least one after school detention a week.

                Where is his mother? Well, she is a TEACHER at the school.

                It is actually pretty heartbreaking to watch. She is a very nice woman, and she tries her best with him, but he doesn't want to know, and still acts out. I have seen her on the phone to him many times, pleading with him to do his homework, or wanting to know why he has got yet another detention.

                He honestly doesn't care. Teachers have spoken to him many times, trying to reason with him. They ask him if he ever wonders how his behaviour is effecting his mother, and he simply shrugs his shoulders at them.

                Thankfully he leaves school this year, so the poor woman can at least get rid of the stress of him at her job.


                • #23
                  Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                  I agree completely. There is actually a situation going on at the school at the moment with an awful student. He is a terrible, disruptive bully. He has been kicked out of many classes, and is banned from doing any out of class activities. He spends most lunch breaks in detention, and has at least one after school detention a week.

                  Where is his mother? Well, she is a TEACHER at the school.

                  It is actually pretty heartbreaking to watch. She is a very nice woman, and she tries her best with him, but he doesn't want to know, and still acts out. I have seen her on the phone to him many times, pleading with him to do his homework, or wanting to know why he has got yet another detention.

                  He honestly doesn't care. Teachers have spoken to him many times, trying to reason with him. They ask him if he ever wonders how his behaviour is effecting his mother, and he simply shrugs his shoulders at them.

                  Thankfully he leaves school this year, so the poor woman can at least get rid of the stress of him at her job.
                  That poor woman

                  Being the daughter of a retired high school teacher, I understand that being in the same high school where a parent teaches can be a bit annoying at times, especially during the teenage years. I was a good kid, but every now and then I just wanted to call in sick for myself or what-have-you, just like most kids, but I couldn't because I would have never been able to get away with it. But for the most part, my mom had it easy...I only got 2 detentions during my 4 years there and the teachers loved me. But to act out and just not care what it's doing to your parents, especially when one has to see it both at home and at work, I just cannot comprehend. Being a teacher is stressful enough, I saw what my mom went through, and to have that added on?
                  "So, let's build a snowman! We can make him our best friend. We can name him Bob or we can name him Beowulf! We can make him tall, or we can make him not so tall!"


                  • #24
                    Quoth Jester View Post
                    Nice idea. Major flaw. Since the head honcho insists on the bell being there, you know it would simply be replaced if it suddenly "disappeared."
                    Don't make the bell disappear silly! remove the clapper inside! Get an identical bell for when you need to hear it. when you are at the desk or have to run to the facilities (especially when sick) replace the working bell with the silent one.


                    • #25
                      Quoth Jester View Post
                      Nice idea. Major flaw. Since the head honcho insists on the bell being there, you know it would simply be replaced if it suddenly "disappeared."
                      What an opportunity for a little BOFH. CRML, have you found a suitable PFY for a sidekick?
                      I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                      Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                      Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                      • #26
                        *passes crml a case of ginger ale, pedialyte and jello*

                        ergh, tis the be ill.

                        bells, gdmn bells...
                        look! it's ghengis khan!
                        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                        • #27
                          It is actually pretty heartbreaking to watch. She is a very nice woman, and she tries her best with him, but he doesn't want to know, and still acts out. I have seen her on the phone to him many times, pleading with him to do his homework, or wanting to know why he has got yet another detention.
                          There's one mistake right there. Her begging gives him power over her. Let him take the consequences of not doing it.

                          Some kids just refuse to care. I feel sorry for his mom.
                          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                          • #28
                            The last place I saw with a bell like that had a sign next to it saying something like "If no one is at the desk please press the bell ONCE and we will be with you as soon as possible".

                            I know SCs don't read but at least then you can pointedly look at the sign and it gives you an actual confirmed standard of bell ringing they haven't met.

                            I guess the sign could also say something about you always being able to hear it, and anything about it being answered as soon as you have finished dealing with whatever....

                            I assume bell = SCs, hence the sign above.

                            Victoria J.


                            • #29
                              A quick funny update. I went into work today, and discovered that the little silver bell was gone. Apparently the person who covered my shift got so annoyed with it, that he "misplaced it"


                              • #30
                                We have a bell at the front desk of our office, along with a sign that says Please ring bell for assistance. I have seen more people just come up and stand at the desk waiting than actually ring the damn bell. (since most of the people are on the phone with doors closed most of the time we don't see them for the first few minutes. We've started using it as an IQ test; anyone who doesn't ring the bell has there stuff put to the bottom of the list or ignored completely.

                                I'm thankful I've never had a repeat ringer. If the bell appears again my vote is to remove the clapper.
                                A crisis is a problem you can't control. Drama is a problem you can, but won't. - Otter

