First, some ways on how to do it right:
How to do it wrong:
Unless you are a regular, I'm not obligated to discount you anything. If I'm busy and you don't want to pay full price, I'm sure the next person will be more than happy to. And believe me, there will be a next person on nights like last night. (Regulars I will cut some slack if they are nice about it...their repeat business is worth it.)
Bonus: Yeah, I don't think I can refund this late
Had a guest try and cancel their reservation tonight. Except...they didn't have a reservation, they checked in yesterday and paid for two nights. So they're already checked in, the room was cleaned as a stayover (read: beds made but sheets not changed, used soap not thrown out, hung towels left to be reused, etc), housekeeping left, and at 6pm they call to tell me they're 30 miles away and don't want the room tonight? Yeah...checkout was at noon, you've been "occupying" that room for six hours (at least, your sheets and soap and hanging towels have)...I don't think I can refund that since I have no one to reclean it (though if I did, I could certainly resell it tonight!)
I mean, when you checked in, I verified with you it was for a two-night stay! Not one night plus a reservation just-in-case for a second night. You checked in for two nights!
On the bright side...
Baseball team in-house is being very nice and quiet. I did not hear a peep from them last night, and haven't heard anything from them tonight. Some of them are right above the office, too, and it's silent! They are my favorite kind of sports team to have checked in.
- Check in during the slow season when we are stuggling to fill rooms.
- Be a regular customer and charm a discount out of me (I am susceptible to bribes of pizza and chocolate).
- Come up with a really convincing sob story, preferably one I've never heard before.
How to do it wrong:
- Demand a discount just because. Don't give any reason other than you're a super speshul snowflake.
- Check in on a night when I am very close to selling out, and have other hotels in town sending their overflow my way.
- When you are denied once, scream "WELL THEN YOU JUST LOST A CUSTOMER!" and storm out the door. What, you aren't even going to TRY and haggle? 'Cause I might still be willing to throw in free WiFi or something before you screamed at me.
Unless you are a regular, I'm not obligated to discount you anything. If I'm busy and you don't want to pay full price, I'm sure the next person will be more than happy to. And believe me, there will be a next person on nights like last night. (Regulars I will cut some slack if they are nice about it...their repeat business is worth it.)
Bonus: Yeah, I don't think I can refund this late
Had a guest try and cancel their reservation tonight. Except...they didn't have a reservation, they checked in yesterday and paid for two nights. So they're already checked in, the room was cleaned as a stayover (read: beds made but sheets not changed, used soap not thrown out, hung towels left to be reused, etc), housekeeping left, and at 6pm they call to tell me they're 30 miles away and don't want the room tonight? Yeah...checkout was at noon, you've been "occupying" that room for six hours (at least, your sheets and soap and hanging towels have)...I don't think I can refund that since I have no one to reclean it (though if I did, I could certainly resell it tonight!)
I mean, when you checked in, I verified with you it was for a two-night stay! Not one night plus a reservation just-in-case for a second night. You checked in for two nights!

On the bright side...
Baseball team in-house is being very nice and quiet. I did not hear a peep from them last night, and haven't heard anything from them tonight. Some of them are right above the office, too, and it's silent! They are my favorite kind of sports team to have checked in.