I have great sympathy for you, I have been working hotels for too long and even though I burnt out like a piece of overdone toast, I can relate to that. I have heard the whole song and dance for a discount so many times my ears bleed. I can honestly say that although it is not indicative of all hotel customers, there are a few factors I can count on in every conversation with them.
When booking a room:
Customers will call with every discount under the sun (AAA, AARP, Costco, Sams, Military, Government, Corporate)
Customers will try to “relate” to me and get an in to make me “sympathetic to their plight” (tragedy is I lost any sympathy years ago for any customers to be honest...a little cynical I think)
Customers will try to bully me (this never works) into to something lower
Of all the these on this list, My favorite is when a customer calls me and claims to see a random rate online that is so much cheaper than my current quote to them. This is amusing for two reasons, because I am actually the one that sets the rates online and know how all of that works; it never goes over well when they get rebuffed by that.
When canceling a room:
Guests get mad when they try to cancel inside a given cancellation policy (i.e. 30 days, 72 Hours, 24 hours, etc...) and I will refuse them a cancellation except for medical reasons or a death. I also require obituaries and doctor’s notes as proof.
I have seen more people suffer an acute attack of…whatever, right before a big weekend.
I have seen more people lose family members right before a special event, than any other time in my life.
Customers seem to think that some change in their plans makes them special unlike every other person that wants to cancel their room and we should make an exception for them.
I have been arguing with customers for years when it comes to refunds and cancellations and I have reached a point where I just have no fear. I also have no sympathy, as bad as that sounds, because of the many times I have been berated by a customer who just a few moments ago was screaming for sympathy. I can tell real pain with just a conversation after all these years, and the majority of people I speak with have none.
I have a routine I follow when a customer offers the “Litany of threats” as I call it. I will actually have a huge smirk on my face, and I will count on one hand from 1-5 the threats to see how many I can get to form this one person.
Here is a common list of threats I hear on an almost weekly basis:
Calling the Better Business Bureau (BBB / American)
Contacting a lawyer and suing us
Writing a letter to the corporate structure
Getting me terminated because they are so special
Coming to the hotel to attack me
Claiming they will spread word of the horror that is our hotel and it will undermine our business and we will shut down
There are more….trust me
When booking a room:
Customers will call with every discount under the sun (AAA, AARP, Costco, Sams, Military, Government, Corporate)
Customers will try to “relate” to me and get an in to make me “sympathetic to their plight” (tragedy is I lost any sympathy years ago for any customers to be honest...a little cynical I think)
Customers will try to bully me (this never works) into to something lower
Of all the these on this list, My favorite is when a customer calls me and claims to see a random rate online that is so much cheaper than my current quote to them. This is amusing for two reasons, because I am actually the one that sets the rates online and know how all of that works; it never goes over well when they get rebuffed by that.
When canceling a room:
Guests get mad when they try to cancel inside a given cancellation policy (i.e. 30 days, 72 Hours, 24 hours, etc...) and I will refuse them a cancellation except for medical reasons or a death. I also require obituaries and doctor’s notes as proof.
I have seen more people suffer an acute attack of…whatever, right before a big weekend.
I have seen more people lose family members right before a special event, than any other time in my life.
Customers seem to think that some change in their plans makes them special unlike every other person that wants to cancel their room and we should make an exception for them.
I have been arguing with customers for years when it comes to refunds and cancellations and I have reached a point where I just have no fear. I also have no sympathy, as bad as that sounds, because of the many times I have been berated by a customer who just a few moments ago was screaming for sympathy. I can tell real pain with just a conversation after all these years, and the majority of people I speak with have none.
I have a routine I follow when a customer offers the “Litany of threats” as I call it. I will actually have a huge smirk on my face, and I will count on one hand from 1-5 the threats to see how many I can get to form this one person.
Here is a common list of threats I hear on an almost weekly basis:
Calling the Better Business Bureau (BBB / American)
Contacting a lawyer and suing us
Writing a letter to the corporate structure
Getting me terminated because they are so special
Coming to the hotel to attack me
Claiming they will spread word of the horror that is our hotel and it will undermine our business and we will shut down
There are more….trust me