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That's not enough food for the money I'm paying toward your paycheck!

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  • That's not enough food for the money I'm paying toward your paycheck!

    Oh, how I hate hearing this from customers. I stated an earlier post on this, but this story was actually something I witnessed at the local Subway last night. Usually on Fridays, I pick up a couple of subs. Two footlongs for $8.99, which is less than the average fast food place costs me these days. A guy was in front of me, ordered his subs, paid for them, no big deal. When my turn came, I ordered my two subs and was right in the middle of telling the guy behind the counter what toppings I wanted when this nasty 70 some year old man came in, asking for a lady named Caroline. The guy said, "I'm sorry, but she won't be here again until tomorrow night." He was mad, saying, "She told me she would be here! What do you mean she's not working?" (Insert: What does he expect the guy behind the counter to do? Blink his eye and make Caroline appear?) Then, he demanded (not asked for) a tuna sandwich, which was also one of the sandwiches I asked for. When the guy's assistant started making it, it was, "That's not enough tuna! What a rip off for what you all charge" Now, neither one of these people behind the counter were intimidated by this guy, and they politely told him, "Sir, this is the amount we always put on the sandwich". And, it was, being my sandwich certainly had enough on it.

    Now, the one guy is just about to complete my second sandwich when this old hag guy bops in front of me to pay for his sandwich, before they have finished with it. "How much is that?" to which the girl told him it was $5.89. "What? A tuna sandwich is $3.99 according to your sign!" He, of course, missed the big, large yellow letters clearly showing this was on Mondays only. The girl told her, "No, sir, today is Friday and our special is two footlongs for $8.99" "But I'm the customer and should get the $3.99 deal that I want! I pay your salary here." Neither person behind the counter was intimidated, but this man finally decided to give up and get another sandwich. Thankfully, I did not stick around to see the outcome of the second sandwich. The girl politely told me my total, asked if everything was to my satisfaction (loud enough for this old fart to hear), to which it was, and I left.

    I guess they've dealt with this guy before, or they're just used to it there. The thing is, I decided to stop at a different Subway and have now decided to stick to the one I'm used to visiting. I never have this type of problem there. By the way, I said not one word to this guy, and I think that also made him mad. He could not hook me.
    Last edited by greensinestro; 02-03-2007, 10:02 PM.

  • #2
    I dislike pushy people as much as I dislike tuna fish salad sandwiches!

    Like tuna, hate tuna fish salad.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      These type of people really irk me. As if if being a complete arse makes any employee value you. While not the same thing, this reminds of the anal retentive people that came to my old restaurant and demanded two round tables be slid togather(Think of a table shaped like a deformed Master Card symbol) in a crowded banquet room........................on Easter Sunday! Navigation was already an issue and these people were pushy, anal, wannabe food critics(They were always commenting negatively on the food..........yet they filled their plates again and again), and last but not least price-gripers. I mean c'mon, for a very respectable Easter Sunday Buffet, they were complaining about the price being 12.99 per adult..........

      Anyhow, on the subject of tuna salad, its delicious. Add some dill, chopped onion, and a pinch of garlic and you have one amazing sandwich.


      • #4
        Mmm tuna fish salad. It can smell a bit on the plane though.

        Love Subway.
        No longer a flight atttendant!


        • #5
          Sounds like that man slipped his leash. I wonder if it's back on now.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
            I dislike pushy people as much as I dislike tuna fish salad sandwiches!

            Like tuna, hate tuna fish salad.
            hehe-tuna salad is the only fish i eat but only if I or my mom makes it. I like to be able to control the mayo, and my mom doesn't use too much. Lots of celery and onion, just enough mayo to keep it from falling apart, lots of lettuce on whole wheat bread! or sometimes I just take big lettuce leaves and make tuna-lettuce wraps. A few potato chips on the side and a coke. mmmm.
            Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 02-04-2007, 01:57 AM.
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              How is that SC's assume that they pay US??? Are you the only individual that comes here every single day and order hundreds of dollars worth of food? No, you say that's what I thought!


              • #8
                Last I checked my paycheck was the same regardless of if we lose an SC's business or not.


                • #9
                  we get that too; all the greedy bastards insist on extra everything, which means tons of whatever their selfish, shriveled little hearts desire.

                  for some reason, these morons think that $0.35 will buy them a bottle's worth of caramel (8 oz.); what makes this absurd is that amount would sell for almost $5.00, so apparently economic reality is another thing they can't quite understand.

                  for your lousy 35 cents, i will NOT give you a bottle, nor a half or quarter of that bottle-period. don't like it? try appealing to my boss; i doubt he'd agree with you.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    mmmm my aunt puts curry powder in her tuna salad - you wouldn't think that would be good, but it's AMAZING.

                    ok, OT over.

                    hmmm unless the old guy's signature is the one that appears on their paycheques, how can he say he pays their salaries? Ugh. Imagine if he *was* the owner?
                    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                    • #11
                      Quoth tollbaby View Post
                      mmmm my aunt puts curry powder in her tuna salad - you wouldn't think that would be good, but it's AMAZING.

                      ok, OT over.

                      hmmm unless the old guy's signature is the one that appears on their paycheques, how can he say he pays their salaries? Ugh. Imagine if he *was* the owner?
                      If this guy was the actual owner, I probably would have told him, "I'm the one who's paying for your social security, medicare, and retirement fund!"


                      • #12
                        OMG Subway has 2 foot long subs for $8.99 on Fridays?! Bonus!
                        Bears are bad. If an animal is going to be mean it should look so, like sharks and alligators. - Mark Healey


                        • #13
                          So he thinks the prices are too high and the portions are too small? So why does he go there? To have something to complain about. Must be in Wisconsin. Bunch of whining old farts here.
                          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                          • #14
                            Quoth Food Lady View Post
                            So he thinks the prices are too high and the portions are too small? So why does he go there? To have something to complain about. Must be in Wisconsin. Bunch of whining old farts here.
                            Nope. South Florida, but "close" enough I suppose. The lady behind the counter acted as if she has dealt with this old fart before and she did not let him get the best of her. Kind of reminds me of the days when I worked for Publix, way back in high school. People would actually say loud enough for all to hear, "The prices are so damn high here. I hate this place!" And you always wanted to ask why the hell they were shopping there if that's how they felt about the place. It was because it gives people like this solace and satisfaction having something to yell about.


                            • #15
                              That too, is one of my pet peeves, especially if management gives us that whole "it's the customers that make your paycheck" lecture. While that is true to a point, the whole truth is that the customer's money really goes to the big corporate offices and then after they and management take their huge pieces of that pie, we happen to get whatever leftover bread crumbs there are. Folks, we don't earn commission or tips (at a grocery store at least); only the big wigs really benefit from "record profits/sales"; we generally don't get a damn thing other than the standard super low hourly part time wage (my store is VERY stingy about full-time status; we have people who've been here 5-10 years and are still on part-time. And we're supposed to be a UNION place! Go figure. :P

