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Can I see some ID?

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  • Can I see some ID?

    My co-worker doesn't post on this site (at least I don't think so =3) so I'm going to tell one of his stories from this last weekend. I heard it from him last night and thought it deserved a post.

    So, B was working saturday night at our store. A lady comes up to the store and is very cheery with him and ends up getting a couple of things. Now, we have some stupid corporate policy that we have to take the name and zipcode of the people purchasing with a credit card. Its basically to find out where they are buying from to see if we should open a store in that area. Anyway, so he's entered her name he goes to ask for her zip.

    B: Can I get your zipcode please?
    SC: No
    B: *explains our corporate policy*
    SC: No, you'll use it to send me stuff.
    B: No, we can't find you by just your zipcode.
    SC: No, not gonna give it to you
    B: *checks the back of the card and it isn't signed* Then I need to see some ID to finish this purchase.
    SC: Why, I'm not gonna show you my ID!
    B: The card isn't signed, I need to see some ID to verify that its yours.
    SC: Of course it's mine, my name's on there isn't it?
    B: Please, don't make it hard on me.
    SC: No, you can't see my ID!
    B: *gets frustrated with her* Fine, here's your card back *clears the sales screen*.
    SC: Why did you do that???? Run the card and give me my stuff!!
    B: Well, m'am, it's obviously a stolen card and I cannot run it on my machine.
    SC: No it's not!
    B: Well, you're acting like it is. I am afraid I can't help you or run that card without an ID. If you're not going to show it to me, I have to assume it's a stolen card and I cannot do buisness with you.
    SC: *storms off*

    I'm so proud of him! *sniffle*
    Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!

  • #2
    And if he'd taken the card from someone who's stolen it?
    Oh, she'd be all "Why didn't you ask for ID?!"
    People slay me.

    I had an older 'gentleman' years ago try and pay with a credit card. I asked for his driver's license. He refused. I explained that I couldn't take the card without an ID. He still refused.
    He decided to pay with a check instead...and gave me his driver's license as ID.

    Just think. These people are allowed to walk freely.

    "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


    • #3
      I remember, way back in my second Christmas working in Chesterfield, I had a guy buy a stack of movies, and I rang him through, he hands me a card, I flip it, and ask for his ID?
      Guy gets extremely angry. "What? Why do you need me ID?" right in front of his wife and kids.
      "Your card isn't signed, sir. I need your ID to run it."
      "Give me back my card!"
      I do so.
      Guy flips through his wallet, muttering curses at me, and hands me another card, this one signed. Now, had I been a bit faster on my feet, I would've checked to see if the names matched... or at least said something to the effects of "This isn't ID, sir." But I really just wanted him out. So I ran it.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Oh well, these SCs will pay for it royally when someone steals their checkbook/Credit cards and they don't get asked for ID and proceed to make thousands of dollars in purchases before anything is discovered.

        I always wanted to know why they were making such a fuss over being asked for ID. Hiding something, are we?
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          I have no problem giving out ID to people, (as I've mentioned in another thread). You're right. The first time you dont' ask for it and it DOES turn out to be stolen, then that person's gonna want to know why ID wasn't requested. I know I would.

          But I won't give out my zip code either. I know what it's for. I'm just not inot having to give out personal info that has nothing to do with my purchase at the register. I am polite about it (provided I get no argument), but I will not give it out.

          And lets not even start with the business of asking for my phone number. Um, no.

          I hate that.


          • #6
            Why are some people paranoid about their ZIP codes? They share the same ZIP code with about 30,000 other people. I had a paranoiac tell me that he used to track people through ZIP codes. If someone won't volunteer their ZIP, I put in the store ZIP code.


            • #7
              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid
              But I won't give out my zip code either. I know what it's for. I'm just not inot having to give out personal info that has nothing to do with my purchase at the register. I am polite about it (provided I get no argument), but I will not give it out.
              I fully agree with not giving out my phone, but its not a horrible thing to give out a zipcode. In fact, a lot of places around where I live won't let you use a credit card without a zipcode. It helps to check if the card is validly yours or not. Like, take getting gas for example. You wouldn't be able to get gas at any of the major gas stations in the east bay, it'd be rotten robbies for you
              Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!


              • #8
                You know, if I asked someone why they asked for a zip code, and they said "To check for credit card fraud", I might consider co-operating. But I've gotten a laundry list of BS answers instead. And I've gotten asked for it while standing there with a handful of cash. Maybe it's a training issue, I dunno.

                It's not that I am paranoid about giving out my zip code. My issue is with the fact that I'm not there to fill out a survey or get signed up for a mailing list or telemarketing list. I'm there to ring out. Sure, giving out a zip code is harmless. And when we get used to that, what's next? As I've said, I'm always nice about. I understand the cashier doesn't make policy. But they still ain't getting anything but money and a smile from me.

                I just came from Babies R Us, and you know they always go one step further and ask for a phone number. Usually, I just politely say "no." Sometimes, I ask what they need it for.

                Here's answers I've gotten, and from the same place:
                1. (today) "Oh.I dunno." suprised look. "I guess to keep track of customers."
                2. "So we can send you coupons." (wasn't aware the mail worked that way, but okay. Not there to argue.)
                3. It's for Visa.
                4. (my favorite) The machine is asking for it.

                I'm pretty sure why they want my phone number, and that's why they can't have it. And I'm not really into lying, either. So a simple "no" usually suffices.

                So I guess, in some respects, I have sucky customer traits myself. But at least I'm not nasty about it.


                • #9
                  Quoth RecoveringKinkoid
                  I just came from Babies R Us, and you know they always go one step further and ask for a phone number.
                  (local area code) 555-1212
                  Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                  • #10
                    When someone asks me why I am asking for their ZIP code, I just tell them that it determines which copies of our local paper gets our ads. That is the truth. Our corporate offices also require we enter every ZIP code on every sale.


                    • #11
                      off topic

                      i in fact often cannot use many of the online databases to search by zip codes.

                      you see my zip code is 12302

                      less than 5 miles away (often the minimum search distance) is schenectadypart of wich has as it's zip code... you guessed it


                      so anyone who wants a bs answer that the computer will take puts in 12345 and it works.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Lehk
                        so anyone who wants a bs answer that the computer will take puts in 12345 and it works.
                        That's the same code for my luggage!
                        Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!


                        • #13
                          Quoth Format C
                          Why are some people paranoid about their ZIP codes? They share the same ZIP code with about 30,000 other people. I had a paranoiac tell me that he used to track people through ZIP codes. If someone won't volunteer their ZIP, I put in the store ZIP code.
                          In my case, it's not that I'm paranoid. I just hate waiting in line any longer than I need to. Going through the checkout stand should follow four basic steps:
                          1) You scan items
                          2) I hand you paper or plastic
                          3) I taked items I have paid for
                          4) I leave

                          I shouldn't have to answer questions about where I live. I shouldn't have to refuse to register for a store credit card. I shouldn't need to find the special store discount card for your store. I really, really, REALLY shouldn't need to wait in line while some other sucker fills out a credit application.

                          I don't want to give the store any type of positive reinforcement for any of their actions, even one as innocuous as a zip code. So I lie. Hey, if they get enough wrong information, maybe they'll stop.

                          Yeah. I know how likely that is.


                          • #14
                            I'm never rude about it, but I hate the whole zipcode and phone # thing too.

                            Victoria's Secret is the only place that has asked for my phone #.

                            Any time a store asks for my zip code, I punch in/say the zip code for the city I grew up in years ago.

                            What I really hate is what they do at K-Mart. I feel really, really bad for K-Mart employees. To avoid being an SC, I grin and bear it, and just keep saying a polite "No thank you", but apparently they have to ask every customer:

                            a) "Will you be putting this on your Sears card today?"
                            b) "Do you have a Sears card?"
                            c) "Would you like to apply for a Sears card?"

                            I also avoid K-Mart like the plague.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid
                              I just came from Babies R Us, and you know they always go one step further and ask for a phone number. Usually, I just politely say "no." Sometimes, I ask what they need it for.

                              Here's answers I've gotten, and from the same place:
                              1. (today) "Oh.I dunno." suprised look. "I guess to keep track of customers."
                              2. "So we can send you coupons." (wasn't aware the mail worked that way, but okay. Not there to argue.)
                              3. It's for Visa.
                              4. (my favorite) The machine is asking for it.
                              I went thru the same thing at Toys R Us (Basically the same company.) Normally, I'd politely refuse, or I'd give out the number to my second phone line when I still had it (for the computer only, no phone hooked up to it, so they could never call me on that one), but I guess I was in a mood the one day. I asked the cashier why they needed it, and the answer I got was, "It's store policy."

                              OK... that's not what I asked, but I understood that the cashier wasn't the one who made up that idiotic policy, and I didn't want to hold up the line, so I gave her the number where I could not be called, and moved on.

                              There aren't too many places that do that any more -- the only other one I know of that still does is Best Buy. I remember Lowes used to, but they apparently stopped years ago. There were signs about that at the register that gave a half-assed non-explanation about why they needed it. Something about "to provide better services" or some BS like that. But it also said they wouldn't telemarket you or sell your number. So what do they need it for? I never did figure that one out.
                              Sometimes life is altered.
                              Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                              Uneasy with confrontation.
                              Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

