Bravo for not giving into their pressure!!!
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"I'm a regular and, therefore, am Perfect"
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Quoth Kisa View PostI refused to let anyine touch my drawer and kept asking her if she wanted me to count my drawer.
One time a manager was too lazy and spineless to count or confront a loud SC scammer and told me to just give the woman ten bucks. I told him the only way that was happening was if he put a signed note in the drawer stating that HE took $10 out of it. He decided to count the drawer and the SC, seeing her ruse wasn't going to fly, ran out of the store before he even started counting (drawer was dead even).
Another time a guy insisted, loudly, that he had given me a $50. Problem is I had just started my shift. I didn't even have $50 total in cash in my drawer much less a $50 bill!
Quoth bainsidhe View PostI once took a hundred and thought they gave me a twenty.
A few years back I was at a sub shop near my work and frequented by me and my co-workers. The owner was on register and thought I gave him a $20 when I actually gave him a $10 so I pointed out the mistake and gave him the extra $10 back. Not a week later a delivery guy dropped off a $25 order. We paid with (2) $20's and told him to give us $10 back. He said he had to go to his car for change and instead he drove away.
My CW called and was basically told that the driver had returned, the driver said he gave us back all our change AND we didn't tip him and that we were lying. I was f-ing furious so I drove right down there, walked in and demanded to talk to the owner. He walks out from the back and stops dead in his tracks when he sees me...
Owner: That was you about the driver not giving you change?
Me: Yes
Owner: How much was it?
Me: $15 in change, we were going to give him a five dollar tip but I don't exactly think he deserves it now.
He handed me $15 from the drawer without another word. Never saw that delivery driver again.You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious.
This is how this usually occurs at my store:
SC: I gave you a twenty!
Me: That's weird, 'cause the last time I dropped my 20s was an hour ago.
SC: What is that supposed to mean?
Me: It means if you gave me a twenty, it should still be in my drawer and I don't have any. Not even any in the wrong slots.
They kinda just get a little embarrassed and wander away. I don't know if they've ever encountered a place that doesn't keep 20s in the drawer very long. I keep them in until the customer has left usually and if there aren't that many and there's a line I'll keep them until the end of the line just in case someone wants to break a large bill and I don't have the will to argue with them.
Quoth Caractacus_Potts View PostA few years back I was at a sub shop near my work and frequented by me and my co-workers. The owner was on register and thought I gave him a $20 when I actually gave him a $10 so I pointed out the mistake and gave him the extra $10 back. Not a week later a delivery guy dropped off a $25 order. We paid with (2) $20's and told him to give us $10 back. He said he had to go to his car for change and instead he drove away.
My CW called and was basically told that the driver had returned, the driver said he gave us back all our change AND we didn't tip him and that we were lying. I was f-ing furious so I drove right down there, walked in and demanded to talk to the owner. He walks out from the back and stops dead in his tracks when he sees me...
Owner: That was you about the driver not giving you change?
Me: Yes
Owner: How much was it?
Me: $15 in change, we were going to give him a five dollar tip but I don't exactly think he deserves it now.
He handed me $15 from the drawer without another word. Never saw that delivery driver again.
Madness takes it's toll....
Please have exact change ready.
Quoth bainsidhe View PostI once took a hundred and thought they gave me a twenty. I even put the bill under the drawer like a good little cashier and I'll admit I doubted the customer when he told me it was a hundred. He was surprisingly patient and I was quite embarrassed. In all my cashiering years, that happened ONCE. Know how many times I was accused of giving the wrong change? Yeah.
The fact that Kisa's SC kept insisting she gave a $20, and also kept insisting that Kisa not count down the till, not to mention the lunging across the counter bit, that's when it's obviously a scam.I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
My LiveJournal
A page we can all agree with!
what makes it worse about the failed scam is that kisa's coworkers were stupid enough to support the scammer.
they all need a touch ofto knock loose that clogging stupid in their heads.
smart move on the till count; if in doubt, always request a till count, it's better safe then sorry.look! it's ghengis khan!
Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)
Quoth chainedbarista View Postsmart move on the till count; if in doubt, always request a till count, it's better safe then sorry.
^-.-^Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden
Iyou, Kisa. Boooo to your coworkers for taking her side over yours in public and embarrassing you, especially when they were WRONG. That SC had no right to tell you not to count your till, either, IMO...if your manager says you can't count it till later that's one thing, but what right does a customer have to say you can't count it??
"I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"
This is exactly why I count change back to the customer, i.e. if the total comes to 84.75 and the customer hands me a hundred dollar bill I give them the quarter and say "85" and then the 5 and say "90" and the 10 and say "and 100". That way, it's been established how much money was given to me and how much is being returned.
It's sad that's not common practice everywhere. I've gotten a lot of surprised looks from customers, not because they were angry, but because I had given them their change in the appropriate manner. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who does this where I work.
And fuck your co-irkers, Kisa. You did the right thing. They just didn't want to risk her being angry and not coming back, therefore forfeiting the "gifts" that she gives them. I would investigate if it's appropriate to accept gifts from customers. I wouldn't think that it is.Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer
Quoth BrightEyedKitty View PostThis makes me really glad we just had cameras put in.
And if I ever work with money (ever can work that sort of customer-intensive job again) I'll want a camera pointing at the cash area. Even if I have to put one in myself.Seshat's self-help guide:
1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.
"All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.
I remember I had a guest one time pay with cash and told me I forgot to give him change. Thanks to the stories I read here on CS, I told the guest I would need a few minutes to count the drawer. He took a seat in the lobby while I did my thing. Turns out he was correct and I was over by his change.To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...
Yeah, scammer if I ever saw one. Isn't it strange that she constantly insisted on not counting your till (even going out of her way to stop you from doing so)? Yet that wasn't enough to even phase your co-workers? A little strange, if I do say so myself.
You did the right thing, good job for not backing down with all the pressure!