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Classic Rate Haggler

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  • #16
    Ya know, I have found that most hotels that aren't, say, in a downtown urban area are relatively nice.

    On my summer vacation road trip, I stayed in 6 different hotels in 9 nights. It WAS a road trip!) The two in Kentucky were spectacular. The two in Ohio and the one in Georiga were decent, and nice, but no big deal. And the last one (well, technically, the first one) was horrible.

    Jester's Helpful Hint: If you ever need to pull of the I-95 for a motel room in Florence, South Carolina...don't. Find a way to continue on a little further down the freeway. Because Florence sucks. Or at least the part by the freeway sucks.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #17
      I've stayed in some crappy hotel rooms in my time, and even those weren't the end of the world, because I was only there to sleep and shower. Hell, when I road-tripped with my ex's band in college as the driver/merch girl/roadie/etc, we stayed 6-7 of us in a tiny smelly room at the cheapest hotel we could find, and didn't care, because it was a place to sleep.

      If you're going to be spending ALL your time on vacation in the hotel room you probably need a life, but you also need to take that into consideration and be willing to spend more. If you're just sleeping there, what does it matter if it isn't heaven on earth?
      "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

      “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


      • #18
        I too have stayed at some crappy hotels in my time (one in particular last summer) but I also realize that higher cost == better room (at chain type of places).

        We stayed at a Holiday Inn at an indian reservation in Arizona. It was the most we paid for a room on our whole road trip but it was far from the nicest. Don't get me wrong, it was a decent room but it wasn't anything to write home about. We stayed at much nicer places for far less along the way.

        Our worst room was one of our cheapest, but we were dead tired and it was a bed. It wasn't representative of the rest of the places we stayed in the same price range.

