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What She Told Me is Too Hard! (Long)

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  • #16
    I remember using HyperCard for Apple IIgs....HyperCard was the premier hypertext application before the World Wide Web went online in 1989.
    DJ Particle


    • #17
      the poor Mac was locked up so badly even Command-Control-Reset (Mac's soft-reset procedure at the time) wasn't rebooting it
      "At the time"? The reset button on the keyboard was renamed "power" long ago, but that combination should still work. (I have too much running at the moment to test this, but I'm sure I've used it within the last few months, on MacOS 10.4)

      I miss that bomb icon. Well, I don't miss *seeing* it regularly...
      Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


      • #18
        Quoth Pagan View Post
        Whaddya mean "remember"? I'm using WordPerfect 12 right now!

        I've got a better one: Anyone remember Lotus 1-2-3?
        Honey, you wanna talk old? I remember punch cards. Started out my career as a "keypunch operator", in fact.


        • #19
          Quoth IT Grunt View Post
          Guess I fall into the old category too. 95-96 was my Junior year as well. Our lab was split into two parts, one side Windows PC's the other side Macs. I had about the same amount of problems with both sides.
          Hell, had I graduated (I am still seven classes shy, but with no plans of going back), it would have been in about '93. So if you are old, I am ancient. And I won't even discuss our friend above who was using punch cards....they might hit me with their cane!

          Quoth IT Grunt View Post
          Biggest SC problems I had with our lab was with ID cards. The rule was, no ID, no lab. The idea was to prevent someone from walking in off the street and using the lab...
          Most college computer labs do enforce this. However, most college LIBRARIES don't. Which is how I got so much free internet access when I was doing my road trip in 98/99. I would just stroll in to the college library, sit down at one of their computers, and start accessing the internet and my email and such. Since I looked and dressed like a college student (still do, actually!), almost never had a problem blending right in and flying under the radar, as it were. Only ever got denied twice. Once when they required school ID that of course I didn't have, and once when they wanted $5 for non-students to even ENTER the library. (No, I am not a fan of the University of Miami. Greedy bastards.)

          Quoth mintjam View Post
          Last semester I earned a memorable title not fit for repeating because I wouldn't let the poor babies eat in the computer lab... despite ALL the signs that say "No food or drink in the lab".
          Not fit for repeating? With all the things said on this forum? C'mon, you know you have to tell us this!

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #20
            Quoth morgana View Post
            Honey, you wanna talk old? I remember punch cards. Started out my career as a "keypunch operator", in fact.
            I remember those, mainly because my dad worked with them while he worked for Burroughs (and later Unisys). His shop at home was filled with all kinds of computer history (and for a while, neat playthings for his youngsters. ). A bucket of lead type used in MICR systems, punch cards, hard-sectored floppy disks, 10" floppy disks, worn out disk packs. For a high school project, he managed to find me a board from an old mainframe that still had core memory on it. That was neat to see. Brings back a lot of memories, and makes me miss him even more.
            A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


            • #21
              Quoth Jester View Post
              Most college computer labs do enforce this. However, most college LIBRARIES don't.
              We do, sort of. We have a log on system that requires a username and password. You can get around it, however, if you have a resident borrowers card. Those are the worst people to deal with.

              Quoth Jester View Post
              Not fit for repeating? With all the things said on this forum? C'mon, you know you have to tell us this!
              You've been warned. It does require a bit of backstory... I worked a different lab last semester called the "Games Room". It had computers and pool tables. I was in charge of the computers and there would be a separate attendant for the pool tables. However, they thought that since they worked there, they were above the rules and would constantly hassle me.

              I told one girl not to eat in the lab area (she could eat by the pool tables if she wanted, just not near the computers). She snapped back that she could do what she wanted as she worked here. I pointed out the signs and said that the rules applied to everyone. To shorten this up, she bitched me out got a group of her friends there that night to harass me, which is when I got my lovely title... "Racist Fat Assed Cocksucking Whore Bitch" ... I'm sure it took all of their combined mental processes to come up with this. My boyfriend (large guy) came down to the lab after that and they all backed off.

              I called her boss after that, threatening that if this happened again, I would be calling university police to have her and her nutjob friends escorted out.

              She got fired. After that, NO ONE messed with me.


              • #22
                Quoth mintjam View Post
                I called her boss after that, threatening that if this happened again, I would be calling university police to have her and her nutjob friends escorted out.

                She got fired. After that, NO ONE messed with me.
                How I wish I could have had that happen to some of the slackers that handled the other shifts in the lab. It would have made my life a LOT easier, and proves how two-faced my boss could be. When I stuck to the rules and enforced said rules, my boss backed me up. When the others just said heck with it, and didn't enforce, he never said anything to them.
                A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....

