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Well , it finally happened.....

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  • #16
    Glad to hear you're okay! *passes Stickcoins more beer*

    If they're from around here, it might be quite easy to track them down... I hope those hooligans get caught!


    • #17
      Glad you are okay! I hope the robbers go to adult prison for a looong time.


      • #18
        I"m glad you are allright. How absoluately scary for you. I hope they catch the bastards.

        I hope you enjoyed your 6 pack, you deserved it!


        • #19
          Sticky, I know the feeling. Believe me. If/when the cops offer you counselling, take it. I wish I had.

          I'm glad you're OK.
          I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

          Oh, and your tool box got out again.


          • #20
            StickyCoins, so glad you're okay. Hope those brats get exactly what they deserve.

            *sends over a cyber-sixpack of Sticky's favorite beverage*


            • #21
              glad you're ok, nothing scarrier than having someone come in with any type of weapon and steal from you. I'm lucky I haven't personally experienced it, but the Watch store (Torneau) has been robbed 3 times in the last 2 months. I would never work in a store that carries anything worth $50k that has an easy out to the street.
              Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!


              • #22
                Quoth stickycoins
                You can bet your bottom dollar that I won't get paid for the extra time.
                Are you at least lucky enough to work for a place that won't dock your pay for the amount stolen? I wasn't. This was 25 years ago, but I'm still pissed at that particular oil company, and refuse to purchase any of their products.
                Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                • #23
                  They made you pay for the money that was stolen just because you where the person who was in charge of the money at the time. That just HAS to be illegal.
                  "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


                  • #24
                    That must have been so frightening.

                    Glad you're all right, stickycoins.


                    • #25
                      No word from the cops yet. They even found the bat that was used. They haven't even called. But, the word is out on the street that if the rest of the 'hood' finds out who did it there will be hell to pay. It won't get the money back but they will be taught a lesson. You make your whole community look bad, they will get you for it. They are not happy right now.

                      Everything was pretty normal tonight. Of course I had to tell the story a bajillion times. And the rumor mill had it that somebody got shot. And I AM going to bring my weapon from now on. My coworker told me that the boss remembered telling me I couldn't but if he didn't know about it, oh well. Just so he could say he told me no to cover his @ss if I used it. Had lots of guys volunteer to play security guard too. Nice of them, but I turned them down. No punks are going to intimidate me.

                      Also looks like I won't be seeing many $50s/100s any more. When boss comes to pick up money, he takes most of what I have. He WAS just taking day shifts cash. Tonight he left me with pretty much nothing. I told my regs that come in for change sometimes that I'm not going to be able to do it for them any more. They're the only ones I do it for anyway.

                      Thanks for all the support and good thoughts, and the cyber-beers!
                      USN Retired


                      • #26
                        My god. I don't even know what to say. I think you need to find a new job. No job is worth that.


                        • #27
                          Quoth stickycoins
                          But get this, people were STILL trying to come in!
                          My theory is that there could be Nuclear disaster and some SC would still be at the store complaining that it's not open, that the food has too much radiation in it, or that they can't find anyone to help them find a strainer.

                          I'm happy that you are okay, I hope I'm never robbed.
                          Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


                          • #28
                            The birdies are chirping. My instincts were right. I am going to call the detectives and tell them what I know/heard. Yes, they ARE kids. Already in trouble because they go to an alternative school here. This should be interesting.
                            USN Retired


                            • #29
                              Thank GOD that you are okay, stickycoins!

                              Why people choose to rob stores is beyond me. It doesn't make anyone look tough, or "gangster", and there are more honest (not to mention LEGAL) ways of making money. Stupid kids.

                              You keep yourself safe, stickycoins. I hope those punks get what's coming to them.
                              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                              • #30
                                Do you mind if I ask who is assigned to the case? A friend's dad is a cop in Norfolk, and if he's got it you are in good hands. Feel free to PM me if you want.

