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Adventures from my other job

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  • Adventures from my other job

    Have you ever seen those commercials for texting services that you can text for free and ask any question and they will answer? Well, I happen to moonlight for one of those services. I’m working my first night shift doing it, because I heard that business is heavier at night and we get paid per question answered. I’ve also heard that people send in really stupid things at night. This is correct.

    I’m just starting my shift now, but throughout the night I will add all the stupid questions I get and then at the end of my shift I will post this. Note: I have cleaned up the spelling, grammar, and punctuation for your viewing pleasure.

    1. HUSKERS
    That was the whole question.
    2. Don’t tell me what to do! You guys never give me an answer I want!
    That was also the whole question. We can scroll through the askers whole question history, meaning everything they have ever sent in as a question from that phone. This was this user’s first and only question. Hmm…
    3. BITCH! You will go in the bathroom and pull down your panties and send me a picture. This AINT a question!
    I don’t think I’ve ever clicked Abuse fast enough. Also, I work from a computer, not a cell phone. It’s really awkward taking pictures of my nether regions from my laptop. And why do I need to go to the bathroom for this?
    4. Hey motherfucker! I asked you a question!
    5. Ily
    The history of this user: I’m crying.
    6. Question one from user: How come some of my answers come fast and some come slow? (Oh duh, we need to look up some of your answers.) Question two: I do not like receiving slow answers, sad face. (yes, she typed out sad face)
    Now what is great about this is on my screen it gives possible answers I can give to people or I can type my own. These were two of the possible answers I was given:
    1 – Get over it. This guy is probably busy. Go find something else to do. Hang out with your friends or something.
    2 – Some girls like it slow, others like it fast. Ask your girlfriend what she likes.
    7. How do I make my penis larger without surgery or pills?
    8. Question 1 from user – How can I get my boyfriend to tie me up when he doesn’t want to? Answer – some generic answer about bondage
    Question 2 from user – Okay I got him to tie me up, what should we do now? Answer : another generic answer about bondage
    Question 3 from user – No, it’s not bondage. I just like being tied up. We’re just watching a movie. We aren’t doing anything stupid.
    Ohkayyyy – what is exactly is your question here? Also, just looked at location of user – she’s in the same town as me .

    I also want to mention that users have a limit of 20 questions a month. This may seem like a lot, but this is what these people waste their questions on.

    Ah, my shift isn’t nearly over, but I feel like if I go on this post will be never ending. I mis-underestimated the questions I would get. During the daytime I get normal questions like directions to a store or how many mpg you can get with a certain car.

  • #2
    I also work for one of these companies.. is this the one you pay for or the other one? Either way they're.. horrible lol i've worked for both and currently work for the free one


    • #3
      I work for the one that's free for the customers to use.

      Why, oh why, do people think they can text us and ask us for our full name and where we live? I've run into three of those tonight alone.


      • #4
        I used the free one back when I had a shitty cricket phone.
        I asked random questions like 'which is hotter green flame or purple flame?'
        Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
        Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


        • #5
          Oh, just got this one:
          "Give me 50 jokes. Now."
          Demanding much?


          • #6

            They lost to Michigan the weekend before last....


            • #7
              Quoth notlovinit View Post
              I work for the one that's free for the customers to use.

              Why, oh why, do people think they can text us and ask us for our full name and where we live? I've run into three of those tonight alone.

              I currently also work for the free one.. doing the position that makes 1 cent a question lol..

              it sucks!


              • #8

                They lost to Michigan the weekend before last....
                Hail! To the Victors...(proud Wolverine here )


                What are the chances that I'd get you if I texted a question? I can probably think of some stupid stuff.


                • #9
                  klhanson - me too! Please tell me that for one that people had to pay for that they asked more intelligent questions.

                  PhiSigGirl1988 - It's hard to say, probably not very likely, but if you text enough I'll probably see it at some point. Tell me your question so I know it's you lol

                  Just got this question:

                  what are some good shoes to just chill in

                  my answer?


                  • #10
                    On the 'What should I do now?'

                    Well, you're tied up, and there's a movie. Watch the movie.

                    Hm... almost sounds like playing a text-based adventure, using real people as pieces!


                    • #11
                      You should start charging a year's service for one answer.
                      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                      • #12
                        Only if they can make it past three challenges. Where's a moat monster when you need one?


                        • #13
                          Quoth notlovinit View Post
                          klhanson - me too! Please tell me that for one that people had to pay for that they asked more intelligent questions.

                          PhiSigGirl1988 - It's hard to say, probably not very likely, but if you text enough I'll probably see it at some point. Tell me your question so I know it's you lol

                          Just got this question:

                          what are some good shoes to just chill in

                          my answer?
                          Not really but it paid a little more lol


                          • #14
                            Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                            You should start charging a year's service for one answer.
                            Lol! A 'Xanth' reference!
                            I no longer fear HELL.
                            I work in RETAIL.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                              You should start charging a year's service for one answer.
                              But then they'd have to wear the SOCKS!
                              I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                              Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                              Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.

