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Your name is NOT Rodriguez!

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  • Your name is NOT Rodriguez!

    I have a problem when it comes to giving out my last name to customers. I'm not a manager or anything and nobody else who works here has my name. They just don't need it. So whenever some customer asks for it I have gotten into the habit of making a last name up.

    About a week ago I made a routine reservation for this lady. One room, one night, for mid March, no big deal. After I gave her her confirmation number she asked me for my name. After i gave her my first name she asked me for my last name.

    Me: Why do you need my last name? I am the only Getoutofmylobby that works here.
    Lady: This is for my confirmation purposes.
    Me: Uh, alright, my last name is Rodriguez.
    Lady: Getoutofmylobby Rodriguez?
    Me: That's me.

    So we hang up and I forget all about her, that is, until she called me tonight.

    Me: Thank you for calling the..
    Lady: (almost yelling) Is this Getoutofmylobby?
    Me: Yes
    Lady: Getoutofmylobby... Rodriguez?
    Me: yes...
    Lady: I just wanted to let you know that I KNOW your last name isn't Rodriguez... I called your manager to confirm my reservation and he told me your correct name. What do you think about that?
    Me: Uh.. I think next time i'll pick a last name that is more believable and i'm also going to have a talk with my manag...
    Lady: He's very angry that you lied to me.
    Me: Well, he never said anything to me about it.
    Lady: You do know that companies can get sued for lying to their customers and that YOU are liable for damages.
    Me: Look, my last name has nothing to do with your reservation, you only need my first name to know who made it for you.
    Lady: (snorts) We'll see what your corporate office has to say about that! (hangs up)
    Me: Bitch.

    What is up with people needing to know our last names? We're agents of a company, not owners. Am I wrong? I guess its a stupid gripe... but I can keep my last name to myself if i want to... right?

  • #2
    It's none of her business what your last name is.


    • #3
      You should have a word with your manager. The customers is clearly a bit nuts and now she has your last name. The manager has put you at risk.

      Hehehe, next time give your managers full name, phone number and address as your own if anyone asks.
      Every day at work is the new worst day of my life.


      • #4
        Defintitely none of her business to know your last name, she wants a reason just say you don't give your last name. As for explaining to your manager, use the reason you used and if you want just say you don't give your last name.

        I've had customers ask me for my last name so many times it's become instinct to say I do not give my last name. My last name is quite rare and I'm quite fond of it too and I don't want some psycho stalking me just because I told him he can't come into my lot unless he has a pass.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #5
          Did she really find out your last name, or was she just bluffing? Did she say, "I know your name is really (last name)?"

          If you didn't hear anything from the manager, I'm wondering if he really did tell her. Seems pretty irresposible to me, and I'm hoping he'd know better than that. With all the nutcases out there these days, I know I wouldn't want some bitchy customer to know my full name.
          Sometimes life is altered.
          Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
          Uneasy with confrontation.
          Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


          • #6
            You aren't wrong, and I don't think it's a stupid gripe, either. When I worked in the store it was policy not to give out last names. This day and age, I think it's not worth taking the risk. If the customer gives your first name and location to corporate, corporate can track you down. My last name is also not common in my area. Last I checked there were 3 in my county phone book and the other 2 are spelled differently. The listing is under my dad's name but if someone knows my last name and the town I live in, they can find me pretty easily. And being an average-sized and rather unintimidating female, I'd rather not make it easy for anyone.

            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              No, she never actually said it but i can see my manager giving it to her.

              Its not as if he's vindictive or anything, he just wouldn't know any better.

              Actually, its pretty funny how mad she was, and i'd love to hear that conversation with the "corporate office."


              • #8
                No, you were not wrong in declining to give your real last name.

                As evidenced in Mongo's thread, there is a risk of being harassed by by nutcase SC's when they have your last name.



                • #9
                  Quoth Getoutofmylobby View Post
                  he just wouldn't know any better.
                  Management material right there!!!!!!!!

                  **I have nothing against good managers.**
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    Getoutofmylobby - I would never give out my last name either, for security reasons. I've only been asked a few times and I just say "we're not allowed to give out our last names" and fortunately that's always been the end of it. There's really no reason a customer needs to know and sadly many reasons we need to protect ourselves.
                    "Full price for gum?! That dog won't hunt, monsignor." - Philip J. Fry


                    • #11
                      I may have told this story before...

                      When I first started this job, it didn't bother me one way or the other to give out my last name. And then, I dealt with a true nutjob who started talking to me in a Hannibal Lecter monotone...

                      Customer: T, I need to know your last name.
                      Me: Um, no.
                      Customer: T, I really need to know your last name.
                      Me: It's not important.
                      Customer: It's important to me... T, I'm going to say this again... I really need to know your last name.

                      We did this for awhile, and I finally pretty much hung up on him.

                      It was very strange... even stranger because nutjob lived two blocks away from me.
                      I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


                      • #12
                        I have used this exact excuse to get out of giving my last name, and it works:

                        "Can I please get your last name?"
                        "I'm sorry, but I don't feel you need that information."
                        "I do need it, for my records if there's ever a problem."
                        "I can't give you my last name for religious reasons."
                        "Seriously? Why?"
                        "Because, if you knew my full name, you could gain power over me and my soul, and I certainly don't want that."

                        Usually takes them aback enough for you to get away.

                        (I also believe this to be partially true, as evidenced by Mongo's situation).
               do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                        Chickens are Asexual!


                        • #13
                          I forgot to add my standard monotone reply when my last name is asked for,

                          "I want your name!"
                          "I WANT YOUR LAST NAME!!!"
                          "It's just ArenaBoy, they know who's out here tonight."
                          "I just want your last name so I can be sure."
                          "Don't worry, there's only one ArenaBoy here tonight."
                          "Why won't you give me your last name?!?!"
                          "I don't give my last name sir, personal and professional reasons."
                          Always works.
                          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                          • #14
                            I can't wait for someone to actually ask me that, and press me on it.
                            "What's your name?"
                            "No, your full name?"
                            "Oh, in that case, it's Kanna Tiberius Nahasapemapetilon. Need help spelling that? It's spelled: "F-U!"
                            "I call murder on that!"


                            • #15
                              Seriously, you are in the right, no customer should have any of our last names, unless you knew from another job or school, or something like that. Back with the job I have now, when this one gal made our name tags, she used our last names also. She just was not thinking, the owners jumped down her back earlier for something that she had no fault over, and that ruined her train of thought. After she made them, and started to give them to us, that was when she realized what she did, and remade them.

                              But now if anyone asks me for my name, then I simply say Glen, and if they ask for my last, I tell them Quagmire.

                              A pat on the back, for anyone to get that referance
                              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

